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Everything posted by andyjsg

  1. andyjsg


    Specific plan, although unsure of its exact origin as one that has come from people at my club, I did a lower mile version last time although started it at about 12 weeks as came into the group late. Its kind of a case of do one long run, one medium run, at least one speed session of sorts and make the rest of the miles up with recovery runs etc. So this week it has 65 miles with a 17 and a 12 and then 16mins + 4 rec + 12mins at Lactate threshold pace - tough session 2 days into marathon training and especially if you are like me and did your long run the day before. Im especially looking forward to week beginning 27th Feb, 87 miles with 24 and 15 and 7 miles at lactate threshold pace.
  2. andyjsg


    Same as this year before I got sick and it went all vomit rainbows, 2:45. I'm going to try and get into NYC marathon on GFA too as my half from Reading this year is quick enough to get me into the first come first serve GFA places.
  3. andyjsg


    Yup, 16 week plan has started and this is after a couple of months of 50 mile weeks to try and get my body ready for 64-87 mile weeks. At least Im beginning to shift some weight, you would of thought Ironman would lose you weight, but a summer of long distance triathlon and I was up 20 pounds from my marathon weight
  4. I remember seeing Baruto at one of the New years sumo tournaments in Tokyo, a unit for sure - be interested to see him fight against someone like Carwin or Crocop.
  5. andyjsg


    Milton Keynes (full and half) is quite fast and is on the May bank holiday, still my fastest marathon time....
  6. andyjsg


    The plan I'm looking at starts at 65miles a week so trying to go from my current 30-35 straight into that would be disastrous so a slow build from now to mid 50s would be ideal.
  7. andyjsg


    Im in GFA again, hopefully this time 4 months of training won't end up with me throwing up over a wall and 10 miles of misery to get another GFA place. Seems early but starting the prep now, by getting myself into pre-marathon shape for when training starts mid-Dec.
  8. andyjsg


    Not dropped in for a little bit but despite being on the "off-season" I still seem to be doing some form of exercise most days. Anyway was the first round of the southern cross country league yesterday and I took the first 1 1/2 easy before going full gas for the remaining 3 1/2 and I can honestly say I feel like I have been beaten up today, it actually in someways feels similar to when I did the Ironman in July, seems crazy to me that with all the mileage I do that such a short race can hurt so much. Scored for the club (team was 2nd out of 23) so pretty pleased despite being a bit overweight (cough stone and a half cough) at the moment. Going to have another go next weekend at a higher level, I think this is one of those races that if you are in the top half of the field you are a very decent club runner. Anyway main aim of the winter is to get the weight down again and get ready for another go at hitting goal time at London.
  9. andyjsg


    Ahh sh*t blocks, nothing like a couple of these bad boys to fire up your guts during a half marathon :-) :-) Not that I can say much about nutrition as had another disaster race at the weekend as got it badly wrong again.
  10. I went to a Nationals game last year and quite enjoyed it, but I was in the CNN box and quite enjoyed eating Nachos but cant tell you much about the game. I have the same feelings over Cricket and probably Golf too (although enjoy PGA on the playstation). Im looking forward to the running/cycling events, especially Traithlon and the Road Race/TT, but not always the best spectator sports.....
  11. andyjsg


    It's same theory as an ultra to be honest, just drop everything down a bit. I cruised the run as really wasn't up for burying myself to knock another 10-15 mins off and previous races have gone awry that I was just happy to be doing just enough to get a sub 10:30.
  12. andyjsg


    Yep certainly a warm one today, glad I'm having a few days off. nice work on the ultra, very tough in this heat, undecided if I want to go that route, but the same as you I want to get quicker. I know we don't talk about triathlon here :-) but i did run (plus lots of walking while taking drink down or over my head) a 3:36 marathon at the end of an ironman on a hot day in Bavaria on Sunday giving me a 10:25 for the full distance. Seriously impressive world record from Jan Frodeno at the same race.
  13. The winter comment from the show runners wasnt to do with showing it in the winter, it was to do with filming it in the winter and the show will probably start a month or so later than this year.
  14. andyjsg


    Nice work fella. I seem to be slowing down since throwing all the multi-sport stuff into the mix. Another sunday, another race for me - this time a trail half marathon, tried the course out a few weeks ago and it is tough so should be a fun morning out, lets see where my legs are after last weeks Half Ironman and another weeks worth of Ironman training....
  15. andyjsg


    I always struggle on the swim, it has improved a little but not tons to be honest. I've pretty much given up on it now and it's just the bit I get through before jumping on the bike. Saying that I'm actually just off out to do a 3.5k river swim. Next week is my return to Ironman after a two year break (as the last one got cancelled) although this one is only a half. If I can manage the nutrition it should be good as I'm not the same bike/runner as last time I did one of these events.
  16. andyjsg


    Did you enjoy Blenheim Darren? I did the sprint a couple of years ago and enjoyed it although found it quite congested. My first tri of the season is next weekend up near(ish) most of you chaps at Cannock.
  17. andyjsg


    Get those Achilles exercises going mate, I can go from not being able to walk one day to fine the next. Decided to ramp up the mileage yesterday, legs hurt big time today!!
  18. andyjsg


    Need to get the roller out after this weekend. Did a relay race across the South Downs yesterday which although knowing we were going to win early on I still felt the need to try and smash the stages I was doing. We ended up winning by 25 mins anyway. Also got my first ever prize this morning by being chumped by 2 meters for 2nd place at a local 5k. Happy to run under 18mins after yesterday though!!
  19. So Mike has his shot, let's hope he doesn't get strangled again....
  20. Niiiiccceeee Bike!! I love the cannondales. I love my Cervelo R3, but if I was buying now, I would look at super six or that canyon aerobike.
  21. andyjsg


    Yup, I've run a 30sec 5k faster than my PB during a 10k. I must try and sort that soon, especially after failing to do my marathon and half marathon time. I did manage to do a 10 mile PB on Sunday, but have run 10 miles faster during a half marathon last year. I would have a go at my 5k time on Sunday at a race i am doing, but I'm already doing a cross country team race across the South Downs on Saturday, so my legs will be screwed.
  22. I know 520 was mentioned above and noticed its 168.95 from canyon.com at the mo.
  23. Yeah the specialised warranty is great, had a mate drop about 5-6 foot on a stumpjumper and cracked the frame and they replaced it. Didn't know my Cervelo had such a good warranty - pleased to hear that.
  24. I have a 520 and love it and much prefer having separate bike/watch combo as you can be in TT position and just pop the 520 on the bars using something like a barfly. I actually looked at the 1000, but it is huge and couldn't get it behind the bottle on the bars.
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