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Keener window-cleaner

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Everything posted by Keener window-cleaner

  1. I'm still waiting for some of these fun deadline day stories, like the one when Odemwingie drove down to QPR on his own intitiative to push through a deal, but then had to drive back. Micah and Gabby - get in your cars!!
  2. I'd be all for playing 551! Just hope the ref doesn't notice.
  3. If he is the one responsible for concluding the transfer deals, he should get a lot of credit. It seems as if he manages to bring in all the players the manager wants. To get players like Snodgrass, Whelan and Terry (although I didn't want him) to the club is really good work. I don't really get the criticism of him.
  4. Same here. Though I hope that he has a positive influence in the dressing room and can play a role in educating our younger players. From what I have seen so far he contributes in our attacking play as he is a good passer and often picks a good measured pass instead of just hoofing or wacking it away. Defensively though he is just as I feared. I think the goal exposes his weaknesses. First he was clumsy and slow and unnecessarily gave the free kick away. Then when the ball went ping pong in the area you could see on the replay how Chester managed to throw his body in front of the ball at two occations in this short time frame, whereas Terry during the same time mostly stood still. Terry's performance in this sequence reminded me of Lescott. I am surprised that Terry has lasted this long without getting injured considering the amount of games he has played over the last years. It's a bit worrying that we only have Samba and Elphick as a cover.
  5. I'm very happy with this signing! Didn't think we would have a chance of signing him. I agree that right wing is not a position we need to strengthen really, but if we have the opportunity to sign a player of his calibre we shouldn't hesitate. If he is fit and in form he must be one of, if not the, best player in the Championship in this position.
  6. I said that this was a very uninspiring signing, but I'm glad I was wrong, very wrong. It is just wonderful to finally have a proper midfielder in the middle of the pitch. He seems to make the right desicions all the time, good passer, reliable in defence, covers for others etc. Stay injury free please and keep it up Glenny!
  7. Well not really, just thanks to Johnstone that it's till 0-0.
  8. De Laet looks good though. I'm feeling sorry for Onomah, it took just two games for Bruce to squeeze all energy and creativity out of him.
  9. THis is perhaps the worst I have ever seen us play. We can't even put two passes together before we give it away. No movement, no ideas, no creativity, nothing. We just sit back waiting for them to attack. It's more entertaining to look at my white wall above the TV.
  10. could we at least try to pass the ball once before we hoof it up to Hogan (who is alone among 4 Reading players and never will have a chance)
  11. So our tactics are to sit back and wait for them to score?
  12. feels like beeing at the stadium! I think I prefer this to the over produced SKY-stuff!
  13. just signed up, when will the broadcast for todays match begin?
  14. I wonder how long it will take them until they realize that he can't pass the ball.
  15. About a year ago I was very much against sacking Di Matteo, mainly because we have changed managers so many times the last years that it's becoming silly, we need continuity. I am inclined to think the same way now, we can't change manager again. But if we could find a good long term replacement (Southgate?) I wouldn't mind Bruce going. Mostly it's because we play so darn boring football. It's like Bruce puts shackles on the players with full focus on grit, giving 100% and not making any mistakes. I can't see any improvement at all since he took over. It is so much McLeish over it that it's scary. McLeish tried to defend himself by saying things like that he doesn't tell the players to pass it backwards or sideways, and defended his line ups by saying he fielded 3 forwards etc. Well, it's not about what you don't say to the players, it's about what you tell them to do. And it doesn't matter if you field 3 forwards if you play them on the wing (Like Gabby/Heskey) and first and foremost demand that they shall stick to the formation and defend. In the games last season where Bruce played Hutton as a right winger it was such a deja vu to Spurs away under McLeish. Under Houllier we got critisized for passing to much, conceding because we took risks in defence, and one of the first things McLeish said was that you should "whack it away", and in interviews with former players they explained that his tactics was to hoof it fast to the forwards. This is exactly what we have been doing the last 10 months. I really hope that we will see some improvement, the first half against Hull was promising, so if we can continue like that I would love to give Bruce more time, but my hope is fading.
  16. I'm failing to see how this will be good for Reading :-)
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