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Keener window-cleaner

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Everything posted by Keener window-cleaner

  1. Be careful, or you're next up for a compulsary meeting.
  2. Just so you know, from here on you will go by the name Rob the twitter troll.
  3. Wow, amazing if true. I thought snooping into peoples private life and registration of opinion was something totalitarian States, intelligence services and Facebook did, not football clubs.
  4. I sense this becoming the new Ashley Westwood thread :-D (The difference for me is that I so far fully support Whelan and want him in the team, which I didn't with Westwood).
  5. Ok, brilliant was perhaps an exaggeration and more reflects how positively surprised I am of him. I just think it is so refreshing to see a proper midfielder puting in complete midfield performances. In comparison to the last years midfielders who haven't done the basics in tracking back, anxious sideways passing or tapping the ball to the nearest player and going hiding for large parts of the game. Glenny seems to make the right desisions all the time, there we can speak of someone who makes it ticking over and who does the quiet unnoticed work. But yeah, to be fair he's been more solid than brilliant.
  6. At least, for the first time in years we have good options at right wing.
  7. In line with my post above, perhaps it would be a clean slate and an opportunity to build up the club from scratch? Even if it would mean a couple of more seasons in the Championship, perhaps something good could come out of it?
  8. I hope he plays even worse for Ireland so that he isn't picked anymore and can concentrate 100% on Villa. He has been brilliant for us so far and that's what matters to me.
  9. I think it could be a sign of sanity and actually quite good if there were restrictions to crazy spending. I buy the image of Dr Tony as a smart professional businessman who owns the club as a part of a marketing strategy for his multinational company. If the restrictions (that I obviously don't know anything about) would hamper more unserious people who fund their investments with questionable loans or even money laundering then it should be something positive for the serious people like Tony and for clubs like ours. For example, the rumors surrounding Wolves gives the image of more shady owners and owning structures, and it would be good if such owning and spending was prevented. In any case, I guess that Recon has quite much assets and business outside China, so even with restrictions in Chine, the outside-China part of the company would still be able to throw money over the club if that was desired. In the long run a club should be self sustainable and not dependent on a owner who pumps in his own money. I think state owning like in the case of Man C and PSG is crazy and detrimental for football. So I wouldn't have any big problems if new chinese regulations would restrict the amount of money Tony or Recon can pump into the club. That would make it even more important to run the club with a long term thinking, for example not throw out excessive contracts to has-been players, but to invest more in the academy and let the younger players play a bigger part. It would probably also be good if the amount of money circulating in football would be reduced, lower wages and lower ticet prices and preventing random teenagers from becoming economically independent when signing their first contract. So, all in all, trying to see the positives, I don't think we will be doomed by this :-)
  10. I love posts like this, wish I had experience of that time as well, and good to hear that our attendence hold up well in comparison!
  11. Hats off for a very good post, and for writing it at 4 am on your way to work, respect!
  12. He is one of our own, always tried his best and had a good attitude. Hampered by injuries and didn't kick on from being a promising player. I wish him all the best and thanks for the goal in the derby!
  13. I'm still waiting for some of these fun deadline day stories, like the one when Odemwingie drove down to QPR on his own intitiative to push through a deal, but then had to drive back. Micah and Gabby - get in your cars!!
  14. I'd be all for playing 551! Just hope the ref doesn't notice.
  15. If he is the one responsible for concluding the transfer deals, he should get a lot of credit. It seems as if he manages to bring in all the players the manager wants. To get players like Snodgrass, Whelan and Terry (although I didn't want him) to the club is really good work. I don't really get the criticism of him.
  16. Same here. Though I hope that he has a positive influence in the dressing room and can play a role in educating our younger players. From what I have seen so far he contributes in our attacking play as he is a good passer and often picks a good measured pass instead of just hoofing or wacking it away. Defensively though he is just as I feared. I think the goal exposes his weaknesses. First he was clumsy and slow and unnecessarily gave the free kick away. Then when the ball went ping pong in the area you could see on the replay how Chester managed to throw his body in front of the ball at two occations in this short time frame, whereas Terry during the same time mostly stood still. Terry's performance in this sequence reminded me of Lescott. I am surprised that Terry has lasted this long without getting injured considering the amount of games he has played over the last years. It's a bit worrying that we only have Samba and Elphick as a cover.
  17. I'm very happy with this signing! Didn't think we would have a chance of signing him. I agree that right wing is not a position we need to strengthen really, but if we have the opportunity to sign a player of his calibre we shouldn't hesitate. If he is fit and in form he must be one of, if not the, best player in the Championship in this position.
  18. I said that this was a very uninspiring signing, but I'm glad I was wrong, very wrong. It is just wonderful to finally have a proper midfielder in the middle of the pitch. He seems to make the right desicions all the time, good passer, reliable in defence, covers for others etc. Stay injury free please and keep it up Glenny!
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