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Keener window-cleaner

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Everything posted by Keener window-cleaner

  1. Quite interesting that Bruce said that his preferred formation in the Championship is 4-4-2, but that he will stick with 4-3-3 as it has given us the best results. I thought he wanted to play, or at least have the opportunity to play 3-5-2, he tried it for a couple of games recently and I remember him saying that he quite liked that formation. But apparently 4-4-2 is what he likes the most. It was interesting to hear that he calls the formation we play now as a 4-3-3, I was wondering what formation we were playing...
  2. I hope that the ban will be for the rest of the season, or rather the rest of his Villa-career. I don't agree with him being MOM on Saturday, yes he ran a lot, but as always his end product came to nothing and he doesn't contribute to any good build up play or keeping possession. He doesn't seem to understand what his team mates are doing on the pitch, his passes are often under- or over hit, too far behind or too far ahead of the player, it's like he doesn't pass the ball - he kicks it towards a team mate. I also didn't understand his position, in the beginning it looked like he played as a striker, then in a free position behind Kodjia, and then mostly left central midfield. He is fit (built like an MMA wrestler) has a good engine and strikes the ball hard, but he is not a good football player. Then comes his stupidity of regularly doing inexplainable stupid things, so far it has been more of crazy back-passes, throw-ins, arm pulling in his own penalty area etc., but this time he took it to another level of chest bumping an official. The fact that Bruce rates him and thinks he was MOM makes me disilllusioned. Please get a long ban and please don't play for us again.
  3. Ok, Samba may perhaps not qualify for this list as it can be questioned if he was a quality player...but nevertheless he made me think of how many really good quality players we have signed towards the end of their careers, 5-7 years too late. The first player I can remember was Luc Nilis. We have then had so many really good players who we have signed too late, like David Ginola, Robert Pires, Chris Sutton, Robbie Keane, Joe Cole, didn't we even have Peter Schmeichel at some time? Would be fun to try to list how many of these really good quality players we have had who has signed for us too late...
  4. I was quite amused when I heard this! When he played for Blackburn he was one of the defenders I most of all wanted us to sign. Then a couple of years later when he went on loan to QPR from some Russian club in January I was irritated that we weren't in for him. Although the first games he was horrible, and himself admitted he had lost his fitness and wasn't up to the tempo of the PL after having played in Russia, he made several faults that contributed to QPR being relegated, though he did play quite well towards the end of the season if I remember correctly. I have no idea what shape he is in now, but if he has been released it must be bad :-) at 32 he should be able to still contribute though if he gets himself fit. Even if he is slow, he is still a decent defender and wins everything in the air. The last years the problem hasn't been that our defenders have been too slow (except Lescot), it's been that they have simply not been good enough. Doesn't matter if they are quick if the positioning and decision making is bad. Not counting in Chester here who I rate as a good defender. I would like him to sign up - mostly because it would be fun :-D after all these defeats I need something that's fun! He would be good addition to our tradition of signing players 5-7 years after they have peaked.
  5. Agree, the last time I can remember us playing consistantly well was the last months of the Houllier era...
  6. Taylor was the bright spark of the game for me. I was quite underwhelmed by this signing and his debut didn't change that. Before the game there was talk about what a threat Yedlin and Ritchie was and with Kodjia in front of Taylor it was quite worrying. But I must say I was very impressed by Taylor, he hardly put a foot wrong, was solid in defence and his passing was good (compare with Hutton - who I thought had a good game, but still either hoofs the ball or goes on a run by himself every time he has the ball). Taylor looked like a player who has played left back all his life. Could it be that we finally have a solid left back? Keep it up! Question is where this leaves Amavi though...
  7. Though I must say I thought Bruce got the line-up spot on (bar Bjarnason perhaps) and until they scored we were clearly the better team.
  8. Have we spent around £80M? And this is where we are now?
  9. He plays like a £2M player from a small leauge team. I'm ok with him being a squad player, he can replace Bacuna att doing that job, but he shouldn't start ahead of e.g. Adomah.
  10. Getting rid of Gestede, McCormack and Ayew and replace them only with Hogan was not very wise...
  11. Very undeserved. They scored on their only chance. We have been the better team, and I'm quite pleased with the performance so far. Wonder if it is because of Jedinak that we look so much better? I think Bruce got the line up spot on (perhaps bar Bjarnason) and I have been impressed by Taylor, he seems to be a very accomplished left back. Hourihane and Lansbury haven't done anything wrong and have shown flashes of quality, but they need to create more, especially now when Jedinak sits behind them.
  12. I like Bruce a lot, but he seems to rate Gabby, Bacuna and Micah Richards. I don't.
  13. Ah Fernando Nelson! I was always underwhelmed by that signing. Signing players from smaller countries that aren't regulars in their national team has always been a no-no for me. Or at least it was when we were a PL club
  14. I don't know much about him, but he is a midfielder so I'm glad we have signed him. He didn't cost too much so it's worth a gamble, even if he ends up being Aleksandar Tonev v 2.0 we can just loan him out to some club. Also, he is Nordic and has a funny name .
  15. James will be a fresh breeze in our defence.
  16. Up until about two years ago I thought of Gabby as a club hero, from the area, one club player, our leading PL goalscorer etc. Limited player, but still a hero. But then because of his gradual decline and then his unacceptable behaviour last year I changed my mind, thought he was a disgrace and wanted him out of the club, and still do btw. However, reflecting on it I actually think that Bruce has handled the situation in a really good and responsible way. He has apparently managed to motivate him (which the previous four mangers couldn't) got him into shape and I guess he is one of the hardest workers in training as he starts the games (can't be of ability in any case). I think that the alternative to ban him from the first team is worse, having an Nzogbia situation with one of the highest payed players being paria, placed among the kids, not caring at all but still hanging around the team. That just creates such bad tension and is demoralizing for the whole club. From an employer perspective, the way Bruce has handled the situation is very responsible. Who knows, perhaps he might even score a goal, or attracts interest from another club, against Cardiff his cameo was actually not that bad and almost even scored. Now what I don't agree with Bruce on is that he is starting, and for example that he didn't take Gabby of earlier against Leeds or what team it now was. But all in all I really respect Bruce for the way he has handled this.
  17. Robbie Keane before he signed for...Coventry?
  18. Anonymous, no impact at all so far. Big disappointment.
  19. £10M for Rhodes, about the same for Brady or Schlupp, that now slipped away. I didn't think I would say this but right now I feel like I prefer us to buy the £1M Hourihane or £3M Landsbury. Players that regard a move to Villa as a step up, players on our level, in order to bulid a sustainable team step by step, rather than just throw away silly money. And rather give our younger players a chance. I'd prefer to risk staying in the Championship a seasong longer and build a sustainable team with players who want to be here because it's villa and not because they earn silly money.
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