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Keener window-cleaner

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Everything posted by Keener window-cleaner

  1. (To the tune of go west) "Terrytini, he will **** your wife... etc"
  2. It would probably depend on how attractive she was, how good mates we were and how drunk I was No but seriously, I agree that it wasn't a good thing to do if it happened, it was unnecessary and disruptive. But it doesn't matter to me regarding the question if I want him to join. I'm still against signing him though, but because I believe he is past it and seems too expensive.
  3. I would also have slept with Wayne Bridge's wife if she wanted to.
  4. To be fair to Bacuna and his free kicks, the last couple of years he hasn't had many opportunities to take free kicks as he hasn't played that much or has not been the preferred free kick taker. I have no idea about the stats, but I would guess that his goals per taken free kick is not that bad in comparision to our other players over the last couple of years, simply because he has scored two or three. Regardless of that, he is still the player I most want to leave the club in the summer.
  5. How about Bacuna playing the energetic midfielder role?
  6. So far this must be the worst transfer window thread since...I don't know when. (and no, I haven't contributed to lift it either )
  7. To this comes that I thought he was passed it several years ago when Benteke runned him ragged at Villa park.
  8. This that he is a leader and that it will be positive for us is a bit simplified. Yes he was the captain and a leader at Chelsea. It goes back to the fact that he was brought up and came through at Chelsea, he earned his respect there over the years. It's not so easy as that "he is a leader" and will come in to a completely new surrounding and directly command respect. A respected leader is something a person becomes over time, after gaining the respect of those in your surroundings. Like he did at Chelsea. In the same way as he divides the opinion here (because of his personality, previous scandals etc) he will divide the opinion in the new dressing room. Players who are used to play against him, who know how he acts against referees and opponents, will not necessarily obay just by the sight of him. The players in the dressing room who has now gained respect and are considered as the leaders will probably not just accept a new "natural leader" coming in. As well as being something good, it may as well be disruptive for the squad. I hope he proves me wrong and gets us promoted, but I just don't think it's a good decision to sign him.
  9. I am very much against signing JT. He will be 37 in december and he made 6 starts in the PL last season, 6! It's a simple reason to why players retire when 35+, they can't keep up with the speed and they get more injury prone. I want someone we can build the team around, someone who is reliable and will play most of the games and give us stability and continuity. I want another Chester, not another Lescott. And I would avoid someone who has been involved in so many scandals as JT has. (The only positive thing I can come to think of is that I like singing the JT song with the Pet Shop Boys go west tune)
  10. Oh no are we discussing Bacuna here as well, now I feel an urge to slag him off also in this thread :-)
  11. I agree with almost everything, but I think that Bruce in fact has implemented the basics and has a clear style of play: highest priority on defence, no risk taking, chosing grit over creativity - knock it long and hope to nick a goal on a corner or individual mistake in the second half. Then continue to defend.
  12. As he has been a villa fan for several years, it wouldn't have been a tough choice would it. Not between Villa or West Brom neither.
  13. Never have I longed so much for Trent saying "not going to happen".
  14. Better than Chester? In my view Chester is the CB with the best technique and passing ability that we've had since...I can't even remember when, Cahill coming close.
  15. Very good post! Although I'm not sure about dismissing Bruce just yet, partly for reasons of stability, partly for the fact that he at least seems to see the problems. If he is the man to solve them and take us forward is still up in the air in my opinion. Based on today's game, I wouldn't say that the set up was particularly negative or defensive. It's in no way free flowing attacking football, and probably never will be under Bruce and we seem to be lost in the final third, but it wasn't by any means catastrophic. I think I would risk another year in the Championship to gain stability, build up the club and change the recent indicipline among the players to a more hard working loyal team culture.
  16. I was about to come on here and write in this thread just to hold my hands up and say that Bacuna actually had a decent game, mostly careful passing, no headless decisions and good behaviour. Then I saw him at the free kick towards the end of the game where he argued with Hourihane, refused to give him the ball, and then when Bruce apparently told him to step away, he walked away in protest and kept making gestures with his hands towards the bench and Hourihane. Rightfully booed the following times he touched the ball. Be part of the clear out please.
  17. Great thread! Don't know how I missed it before. 1. Sweden, Västerås (pronounced like Westeros in Game of Thrones), allthough currently living in Stockholm. 2. Västerås SK. 3. Initially because of season review videos bought on a language course in Isle of Wight in 1993, where Dean Saunders scored a lot of great goals! A few years later a class mate in my football academy school got a youth team contract with Villa - guess if I envied him!
  18. If it's not a prank, this is one of the best pieces of news I've heard in a long time!!! Fans living overseas can see all games live for 110£ per season. No more watching page 377 on teletext (allthough it was good nostalgia). http://www.efl.com/news/article/2016/efl-live-streaming-platform-ifollow-unveiled-for-global-fans-3703898.aspx#b34a5F2UVm6WAMMJ.99
  19. I wish we would have sang Roy's keen when Roy Keane was the nr 2 but that's probably for another thread...
  20. I'd love to have a Hector in the team! Then we could sing one of my favourite Morrissey songs about Hector in the first of the gang to die. Should probably change the ending of the text though...
  21. So Gabby is thinking of going into coaching when he retires. Having heard him in interviews, I'm not really sure how that would end up...
  22. I don't know how he played today, but he didn't get a red card, didn't give away a penalty and didn't give away a goal, so thumbs up.
  23. How about giving Gabby a new pay-as-you-play deal, and then only play him in the derbies?
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