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Everything posted by MellbergsBeard

  1. Training with the kids by the looks of things, really ruined his career by coming here, feel bad for him.
  2. This was my midfield for the season. It’s a shame we won’t see it now.
  3. Just because there are 5 subs doesn’t mean they will be used, Gerrard subs so far have normally started later than Smiths. If any of the players have got a bit about them, which I’m not doubting, they won’t be ok with some game time, especially if the favourites keep getting picked every game regardless of personal or team performance.
  4. There’s not enough games in our season too keep this squad happy then, let alone any new signings?
  5. So that’s no new midfielder coming in then with the captain decision.
  6. He shouldn’t even be starting games let alone being made captain
  7. He shouldn’t even be a starter let alone our captain, first nail in the Gerrard coffin.
  8. Anything that Mings does wrong in a game Mcginn does worse, this is a poor decision.
  9. I think what people and I are seeing is whenever Buendia is on the pitch, he puts 100% effort in and always has a positive impact on the game therefor we would like to see him start more games.
  10. Would any player who isn’t starting games get bought for £38 million?
  11. How much would you sell him for then? Genuinely intrigued.
  12. Surely you appreciate playing games is important, when a player has been injured for example, they need to be match fit. Playing real important games is going let him make mistake and learn from them
  13. How did you find the begging of the film?
  14. And when he doesn’t score in pre season we will call him over rated, get on his back in his first home game and sell him for a fiver in January?
  15. If we signed oxlade chamberlain, this would have me questioning the signings and worrying that aloT of our scouting knowledge comes from Liverpool.
  16. The man plays football games to not loose them, this means we will never win anything with him.
  17. No offence to you Dem at all here but why do people keep comparing Gerrard to Smith? I’m not sure a previous manager has ever been spoken about like Smith after a sacking. Dean is a wonderful part of our history and it’s the last sentence, I believe that fuels the tribalism between Pro and Anti Gerrard and doesn’t let anyone properly move on and get behind the hear and now.
  18. I’d take Foster on a free over signing Olson
  19. Well the season is now over, he has his title, I can now happily say I am over him leaving us have no I’ll feelings towards him. he definitely is not a villa legend though.
  20. The season has ended and I’m now confident next year will be great, I hope he has learnt a lot in these first 5/6 months. can’t wait for the new season
  21. I think it’s better if Leeds go down, everyone knows where they stand with Burnley, no great ambition in the club.
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