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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. One of the top 6 buy this bloke and Sky and the pundit universe are creaming their corn over it. We come in: oh, no, there must be something wrong with him. Such is the media love-in with Newcastle, that they’d see the signing as a sign of intent. For us: meh.
  2. If his brother making these comments is the same person running Axel’s career prospects with United, I think it’s fair to say the man has no f-ing clue. It’s a pretty desperate attempt to dress up Axel’s lack of first team football - with Dean and Gerrard - as due to something other than Axel not being good enough for us. He’d be well advised to remember that people pay attention to how you leave a place.
  3. I see James Bree in that shot. I liked posts about him because someone would invariably post a gif of someone who shares the same surname: {waiting} {waiting} {waiting}
  4. If we sign him, I wonder if we can set a record for the lowest number of pages in a thread for a serving Villa player.
  5. The world of the reserve goalkeeper fascinates me. You help out in training, celebrate when the team wins things, and plan your career as a coach. Mark Bunn: 172 career appearances. Stuart Taylor: 75 career appearances. It's an odd existence.
  6. Rock up in the Digne thread and I end up reading about Bertie.
  7. Because Kaine is classed as homegrown talent, does he get a ‘free’ place in the squad? Whereas, would Fred take a regular squad place? I’ve not expressed that v well at all…shows you I don’t truly understand what I’m on about
  8. ‘Everton backed to milk Aston Villa for huge fee as they finalise transfer negotiations’ https://www.teamtalk.com/everton/lucas-digne-aston-villa-huge-transfer-fee-finalise-negotiations ‘Hi Danny. So there’s this story can you comment on it? Don’t know anything about it? Oh no problem, mate. I just need a story to tweet about or my editor kills me. I’ll send you your fiver in the mail. Cheers, mate’.
  9. Headline: ‘Jack Grealish invited me to a party night thriller at villa and we had a great time, says Towie star Chloe Brockett’ Party night thriller at villa? She’s surely talking about the Corner Flag Restaurant?!!
  10. Didn’t Grabban learn all he knows from Big K when he was here on loan, anyway?
  11. I wish the press would have guessed that we’d be out buying players like Digne and Coutinho when SG arrived. Mainly because such stories would have involved the word ‘warchest’, which I always enjoy.
  12. This is weird: Simon Dobson (journalist) appears in a story as a source of a source. He then tweets this story in evidence of his theory that Digne is moving. Circular. I’m not questioning the point he’s making, but this sort of ‘journalism’ is a bit odd.
  13. I initially misread ‘Coutmagician’ as something far more inappropriate
  14. While I love the buy-em-hungry approach, this needs to be blended with experience and a winning mentality. Players like Digne, Ings, even Coutinho, buy results in the now, sure, but they also buy us examples and aspirational figures for our group of hot prospects.
  15. Totally agree in Burnley. But don’t underestimate that Newcastle are in a proper sh=t mess. They will need a serious clear out and they’ll need to give a manager time, which I’m not sure their owners will do.
  16. They’re a shambles. The players they will attract this month will be utter mercenaries and they will turn into QPR from 2012-13 (too many egos, chasing too many dollar signs). Even with their inflated budget when (not if) they go down to the championship, they’re unlikely to ‘do a Wolves’. They are so poorly managed that they will continue to attract players who are looking for a payday and who will struggle to gel as a team. In their position, their money is a poisoned chalice: for expectations on managers, the players they will likely attract, and for fans’ expectations.
  17. Their training top looks awful. Dean looks like he’s going paintballing
  18. *insert ‘so you’re telling me there’s a chance’ gif*
  19. This all day long. We are in a position, for once, where we can (to quote another poster) ‘do it properly’. We are in no rush for him to come back and can progress his development in a structured manner. We don’t need to drop this guy into the first team, smash his confidence and then sell him for peanuts. We can nurture him. This approach ensures that he either becomes a first teamer for us or we make a decent amount of money on him when he moves on. It’s amazing how the perspective changes when the club is being run properly.
  20. Hope Cash is watching and this pushes his performance level, too.
  21. Get it out the way before he moves to us. Always thinking
  22. Good luck, Wes. Get your confidence up, look after your family, and be well.
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