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Everything posted by tinker

  1. Just had a quick Google on this and although nothing is in the vaccine it was tested using 'fetal cell lines' which are produced using aborted foetuses. ( Think most vaccines are) I chose to have mine, felt like shit after the booster mind. .....There is a report from a consultant who has raised questions relating to issues around the heart. Not sure how reliable this video is so watch with caution. Heart risk after vaccines, Dr John Campbell
  2. If the players don't go then they shouldn't be able to play any games for their clubs while AFCON is on, right until the finals played.
  3. I think it's certain relegions that don't allow medical procedures , even in.life or death cases. There's also the question on what the vaccines contain and if it fits with the persons relegion/believe.
  4. Starmer must have read my post.....apart from backing Boris.
  5. As I have stated 3 times before.........Labour should say "Change the leader and we will back it, he has lost the public"
  6. No, read my post, they would back the same policy with a leader with some integrity.
  7. Please re read my post , I state clearly I don't understand the finer points. It's not about the policies it's about destabilising his leadership and showing the public he has lost his party, nothing to do with the logistics of actually getting rid of him, his party decide that when they are losing the public. Labour are losing the battle because they aren't fighting at all and even if they are it's hidden from the public eye because Boris plays to crowds very well. They need to offer the country some opposition to these selfish , self serving idiots. Bring on Tactical voting.
  8. The Tory rebels had made their position clear before the vote, even if Labour forced them to back Boris the damage has been done to him , he's a dead duck it just needs the opposition to push him further into the public's attention on his misdemeanors. The public ( me included) don't understand the fine points of parliament, we would just see Boris floundering and his MPs turning with labour pointing out why. Labour going further is irrelevant as they have no say at all and more importantly no voice , they are hopeless in opposition.
  9. Why tell them, just drop it on them. Labour are so irrelevant at the moment whatever they do to get relevant is better than nothing. Their a pathetic bunch.
  10. If only labour had joined them they could have forced Boris out within days. "They have no confidence in the PMs ability to convince the population of the new measures with his track record of breaking them himself. Bring it back to parliament with a different leader and we will back it"
  11. We have finally started to use the dark arts of killing a game. Second half Norwich started to build pressure and we met that with staying down after drawing fouls, subs and general Tom Toolery. I like it. The youngsters were a relevation , Ramsey is going to be one hell of a player, he has a bit of everything in his game, Sansom is fckued. Chuck, his cross was absolutely unstoppable but the composure before the cross was the show of the quality we have on ours hands, sign a new contract. UTV
  12. Jesus what potential this guy has , the sky really is the limit. After his goal you could see the confidence in him grow, expect a couple more second half
  13. We look weak in the middle without Nakamba and Sansom, I would accept a draw but fear the worst, Norwich look like they are going for it.
  14. I'm not sure there loads of work to do, it's the same two teams that played last year and we stuck 7 past them (minus Jack). We lost narrowly and showed some real intent once we went behind , maybe if we had showed that intent from the off it would have been different, as we showed last season when they go behind they push forward and leave huge spaces at the back. However losing heavily in your first few games as a new manager is always a big risk, we did the right thing, I think, but who knows.
  15. The championship wasnt won it was awarded . Thread title should now be "The formula 1 awards ceremony"
  16. Let's see if Purslow was right.
  17. tinker

    Tom Fox

    Must have missed the bit when Lambert relegated us, thought it was Remi, anyway you win by the law of repittion and presenting new evidence of Lambert's incompetence, the mystery relegation.
  18. tinker

    Tom Fox

    Benteke had an injury that season and was coming back into form as Sherwood became manager, Benteke always needed games before he hit form and Lambert was unlucky with the timing , Sherwood was lucky. Sherwood was a chancer who, at first, dropped lucky with form and injury. As soon as we hit any problems the wheels fell off. For me the Leicester game when we was 2 up to lose 3-2 was the moment he lost it. There are certainly parallels with Smith's loss to Wolves.
  19. tinker

    Tom Fox

    Benteke kept us up Sherwood was a passenger who benefitted from him coming back from injury just has he took over .
  20. Ming's was rash, he should have kept his distance but blocked the run into the centre of the goal, Salah was going down a dead end. Hopefully Gerrard will try and calm certain players down when they are tracking opposition players in our box, we seem to be very niave .
  21. Perfect game for him to show Smith what he has .
  22. The safety car would have had to do another lap and the race would have finished , as it has historically.
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