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Everything posted by tinker

  1. This, and I'm so happy other fans see it this way. For me the only way around it is to link revenue spent to fans through the gate, I don't mean tickets brought , fans in the grounds. It will encourage bigger grounds and cheaper prices, for home and away fans. Add this to the chance of standing and we are getting close to the game we used to have and it was good , so good I pine for it even today.
  2. We've got a stronger squad so we have nothing to worry about . Plus Smith will now have to pick the players he signs all on his own. He won't have the input and data that Purslows team generate to pick players that's are underperforming and offer good value for money. He's got one hell of a hard job in front of him. I think he can do it Bare in mind we have a fantastic manager with a proven ability to dig teams out of trouble and a squad that's being carefully selected by experts. UTV
  3. Down to the manager then , we should be ok with Gerrard and this squad but Norwich do stand a chance they have to get some points in the next 3 games though to stand a chance. I think they can do it with the new manager bounce and all that. We play them 6 games into Gerrards rein .
  4. He's got the job, going to announce it Monday, Shakespeare going with him as well. Hope they can keep them up, he deserves it.
  5. Got some easyish games coming up as well and just won a game, I watched them, Rashica looked quality .
  6. Smexit is smexit , now move on and get ready for Gerrard to prove Purslow right in throwing our kitchen sink at him ( and his lovely arse, check the independent article on him) Gonna be a great couple of months on here and it's bound to lead to a few Broken hearts, shattered reputations and cancelled subscriptions .
  7. Give it a game or two and everyone on here could be bringing the lion to his front door , especially if Norwich win a few games with Smith in charge. Fingers crossed Purslow knows what's his doing and a "few too many" don't Our 6th game with Gerrard as manager is...... Norwich
  8. Here's my prediction, If he goes there , they won't go down.
  9. Quit after an hour , the lure of my phone was beginning to drag me away from the seemingly plotless action.
  10. Must have spoke to Gerrard before he sacked Smith to make sure he was up for it and the speed in which it has moved. I wonder how many other managers were interviewed or even asked. Maybe he had spoke to him before the Newcastle job was offered as well, seems likely.
  11. Social media allows these morons into your life.
  12. Jesus, this site's doing my head in. I hope Gerard is the best manager we have ever had and we win every game in style. But his appointment is a big gamble and all the fans I have spoken to are saying the same thing, these are season ticket holders not keyboard warriors. Failure to them and me means pain , real pain, and that's why we are worried about this move , it's a big gamble and to pretend otherwise is niave, stupid or divisive. Anyway UTV and come on Gerrard, show us all the gamble has paid off with a strong performance against Brighton.
  13. Interesting article in the Independent.....
  14. Not the fans I'm speaking to , even Liverpool fans see the risk for him and us.
  15. Cheers for that , maybe i will, can you open your eyes and see what's happened. We lose one of our own after he's performed minor Miracles and had a blip..... We then sign a "sky big 4 fan boy " who's coming to us for some experience before taking over his beloved lpool, if and when they want him. You keep happy clapping and I will sulk in the corner.
  16. Now he's got his "Liverpool friends" here let's see how it goes, have a feeling they will all be leaving together this summer.
  17. Have a feeling his cars gonna get awfully wet over the next few months.
  18. Jesus christ what a mess. Smith for Gerrard , laughable .
  19. We didn't have a year of bad results without reasons , we had a COVID hit squad , then we hit some form beating , Chelsea , Spurs . We then lost JG and brought new players in that were not fit and had some more.poor form. Rangers play one team in that league and have more or less a walk over with the others , they have won one championship. Smith bringing us up from the championship was a miracle compared to Gerrard and the SPL win , which took how many seasons?
  20. Smith's name will be sang against Brighton. If Gerrard comes ( and he would mad to imo) he only stands a chance if he brings his existing back room staff, if he doesn't then we are in deep trouble. .
  21. Why, we can only summise its was his decision to sack Smith and all the villa fans I have spoken to think it was premature. Looking at the options, that we appear to have, its a very strange one. It's such a gamble he has took with our club and the odds of it being successful are low. To me we have lost our club to this decision and, I hope I'm wrong but I see it as the beginning of a dark time for us.
  22. My Mrs don't like bond films so it's one for when I'm on afternoons
  23. Decent copy of No Time to Die is on the high seas
  24. Big Sam until the end of the season, too big a job for Gerrard atm. 2 losses and the fans will turn after the Smith sacking. Big Sam had seen it all and wouldn't care , Gerrard wouldn't.
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