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Everything posted by tinker

  1. 20 years ageaybe but I think the days are gone of managers who can rule by fear. Players sit on multi million pound contracts. Man city and Chelsea are different, they can afford to freeze these players out and not worry about the financial impact . Klopp is unique and although he is strong he leads with encouragement. If a manager with next to no experience comes in and starts throwing his weight about he will not last 5 minutes in the modern game. The players will freeze him out, they have the power. If an experienced respected manager comes in then he stands a chance.
  2. David Wagner, done some great things at Huddersfield, lost the plot at Schalke but talks sense and sees where he went wrong.
  3. I can't believe how low we are sinking with these names , I just hope Purslow pulls one put of hat and puts us all out of our misery, quickly .
  4. Him keeping them up is more of a reason.
  5. He lost 5 games after beating man u, away. Half the team caught COVID early this year , we lost our best player in the summer. He deserved more time . Let's see who's the next manager, I expected an almost immediate appointment and it doesn't look like we have anyone in the wings. If it's picked from the list I have seen , with Gerrard favourite , then we are in trouble .
  6. The fans won't give Gerrard 12 months, if we start losing it will get toxic real quick with what's happened to Smith . Purslow is either very brave or very stupid .
  7. Well theres going to be some banners up at the next home match with fans making it perfectly clear their thoughts on Smith, I can't help feel that letting him go is a massive mistake. On his record , didn't half the squad catch COVID early in 2021?
  8. Well this topic shows us one thing , Purslow has made a mistake , a big mistake . If Gerrard gets the job ( he would be very foolish to accept it) and he loses the first 2 games the fans will turn and his position will become unbearable. I have spoke to many villa fans today and I haven't spoke to one who wanted Smith out.
  9. The majority of fans didn't want Smith to go, as illustrated in the poll on here, it's Purslow's decision not ours .
  10. Let's hope the next 5 games aren't losses , if they are then we are going to see quite a few managers this season.
  11. Lambert did a good job looking at what happened after he left . He had no investment, our best players sold and a bomb squad of epic proportions . Just hope the clowns we have in charge checked the history books before they embarked on their latest folly. We will find out when they appointment someone, God help us all.
  12. 13 months ago we beat Liverpool 7-2 , you cant take stats in isolation. Look at a whole season
  13. Should have sacked him after 3 games then, he was arguably the worst manager we have ever had. Benteke coming back from injury saved him and us that season.
  14. I'm pissed with this decision , it's a mess of Purslow's making and I can't shake the feeling he will make a further mess up with his next appointment. Devastated to see Smith leave under these circumstances , it's disgusting.
  15. I think we are going down, sacking Smith is about the worst thing we could have done . This season was always going to difficult but we have just confounded issues. Just need a Sherwood type appointment and that's the end of us. Not going to torture myself any more with yet more clowns in charge of us.
  16. It was a contract extension and Jack would have still had 2 years left on his existing contract now , it was a bad move. Quite how bad remains to be seen but if we do get relegated the £100m will seem like penny's
  17. Watched Old Henry last night, good solid cowboy film with a nice twist at the end . 8/10
  18. So Smith went because we didn't "continually improve " I hate this kind of bollox . Purslow let Jack stick his release clause in and he should take some of the blame for our lack of improvement. Purslow was also instrumental in buying 3 players to replace 1 which I never quite grapsed how that worked tbh. Purslow will be responsible for our new manager and with this in mind and his Liverpool connections I can't see past Gerrard, I hope it works out but feel we will need alot of luck. Purslow doesn't impress me , he talks the talk but I don't think he's going to bring us success
  19. Go to WBA or motorway and get a price for it before you decide, people I know have had similar experiences and found they got higher prices than the dealer could offer .
  20. So we will move onto the next Messiah.
  21. Look at our progress season on season, it's good if not exceptional. We can't pick a short sample of games and decide to change management from those games. It has to be a measured controlled move based on more data than 5 games offer...like a season.
  22. To read the crap you post lol
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