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Everything posted by LakotaDakota

  1. He also managed to wipe nearly $6 billion (about 1.2%) off amazons stock market value in 2 hours today by tweeting “Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers. Towns, cities and states throughout the US are being hurt - many jobs being lost!” The real news & issues in the states are just getting ignored due to all the shouting at/about Trump, This weekend another 9 people were shot dead and 30+ were wounded in an ordinary average weekend in Chicago, last weekend it was 5 dead and 22 wounded. In Chicago alone this year there have been at least 2300 people shot in the city, 400 fatally. The population of Chicago is about twice that of Birmingham for comparison
  2. heh that's the problem with leaked stuff, you have to wait longer for the next episode. I used to get screener dvd's of all the showtime programmes years ago which meant you could usually watch the first 4-6 episodes around the time it was due to start airing. Always gave in and watched them but then had to wait a month or two to see the next episode
  3. Even if he has been living on deep fried pies & bucky for the past 6 months i would have still prefered him to be coming on instead of gabby last night
  4. Not a bad retirement fight for them though to secure their kids futures. Bisping is 38 & Bellew 34 so would seem like a good way for them both to go out
  5. It was raining today and i didn't take my umrella with me because it is this : Bruce has made me prefer to get wet than be associated with the club at the moment. Thanks potato head. It really is quite staggering how bad things are. 1 year ago his hull team scored 69 goals (only 2 teams scored more) had a GD of +34 (only 1 team had better) & won 24 games (again only 2 teams won more) This was their squad for the play-off final, Is it really miles better than ours? or were they just a hard working team who fought for each other rather than looking like 11 people who just happen to be wearing the same shirt on a day out Jakupovic dubajo Dawson Davies Robertson Livermore Huddlestone Elmohamady Diamé Snodgrass Hernández Bruce Meyler Clucas Maguire Maloney Akpom Kuciak
  6. not saying he wouldn't improve them but doesn't really fit their strategy of spending 50 million on a defender that can't defend and despite spending much of his career at United he isn't really a "big name" glamorous signing
  7. There are plenty of armed militias on the streets in the states, some white, some black. The sigt of a group of 20 or so people walking round in full military gear armed with some heavy firepower like it is the most normal thing in the world really is quite staggering. There was a recent ross kemp extreme world episode where he was in dallas looking at the prospect of a race war. As part of this he attended a "white lives matter" demo and you can see there that there were plenty of armed groups on both sides. There was some shouting, throwing and general jostling from both sides but considering there were large groups of incredibly heavily armed masked people on both sides this was nothing compared to what could have happened. Well worth a watch and is on catchup if have virgin/sky https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2017/jul/10/ross-kemp-extreme-world-review-tv-tough-guy-tackles-racial-inequality Then Ross goes out of town, to a secret training camp where a black militia group is practising shooting, preparing themselves, says Ross, for “a war they believe is coming”. And he crosses those battle lines, gets embedded with White Lives Matter (yes, really), who describe themselves as a civil rights group and are described by a lot of other people as a white race-hate organisation. They’re having their own demonstration, in Austin, Texas, demanding civil rights for whites. And they’re certainly exercising their second amendment right, packing some serious weaponry. “They have little trust in the mainstream media, but they have agreed to allow me to come along,” says Ross, who, don’t forget, is working for the little-known, fringe organisation Sky. The White Lives Matter protest is met by a load of counter-demonstrators, including a Marxist revolutionary group called the Red Guard, who are also armed to the eyeballs (not that you can see their eyeballs, they’re wearing red masks). So there are two sides, men armed with assault rifles, staring each other out, hating everything about each other. You wouldn’t think it would take much for it all to kick off. Here in Austin today, it really does look like the verge of warfare. Certainly it’s the ugliest, most disheartening thing I have seen on television this weekend. Thank God, then for even the tiniest glimmer of humour. They, the counter-protesters, (most of whom didn’t watch EastEnders in the 1990s, I’m guessing) think Ross is one of them, a White Lives Matter protester! Because he’s with them. And because of his hairstyle. Ha! Boo, white scum, Nazi go home, Ross Kemp go home!
  8. Seems there may be another cross-code fight before the year is out. Wouldn't have the money/hype but may actually be a reasonable fight and there is a chance it could even be ufc or at least kickboxing rules Bisping - Bellew http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/40947331 Tony Bellew has said that he would be "happy" to fight UFC champion Michael Bisping, in both a cage and a boxing ring. Bisping, 38, had earlier tweeted that he "100%" wants a boxing match with ex-WBC cruiserweight champion Bellew. Bellew, 34, has not fought since beating heavyweight David Haye in March. "He's saying he'd happily entertain me in a boxing ring, I'd be happy to do one of each," Bellew said.
  9. Apparently Man City are after Jonny Evans from WBA, Seems a strange one but who knows. Think he would be daft to go and would end up with spliners in his arse like Delph but would imagine he would at least double his money which is always going to be tempting
  10. Guess this can go in here This possible with any other teams?
  11. Maybe he can do that next season after breaking the record this year ...
  12. Good professional service, shame the content is so crap
  13. hopefully this thread will be in "other football" by the time i wake up tomorrow
  14. no chance, he will get cardiff at least into the play-offs this year then probably retire. He has said many times he doesn't like the prem so what better way to go out.
  15. may aswell just quote this after every game...
  16. 3 games in, 2nd from bottom and 8 points behind cardiff. What a start...
  17. 1-1 Bacuna with both goals
  18. He's going to score a free-kick tonight isn't he :/ https://twitter.com/villareport/status/897515033671987202
  19. Can't blame him. He is only 4 games off Giggs record for the most PL appearances ever. No other current player is anywhere near (defoe is next closest 150 back) and having the title of most appearances ever in the premier league must surely be attractive to him/anyone
  20. You can actually get better than 2/1 on reading, BetVictor doing 21/10. £100 on gets you £310 back which should help lessen the disappointment Unless Terry has told everyone he will shag their wags if they play as badly as saturday again i can't see anyother outcome.
  21. When did the hull game go up fully? There are additional rights issues all over the place this year. Non league teams can't even show highligts of Saturday games until 00.01 Monday now
  22. He is showing lots of people up. Rotherham were down when he joined but he managed 1.5 points per game there. Cardiff were going down, he spent nothing, signed some pensioners & free agents and has managed an average of 1.62 points per game since then (39 games) which would put them right around the play-offs rolled into a full season. This is with Rotherham & Cardiff, Both teams with a losing culture and looking doomed to relegation yet he appears to waltz in, have a nice chat with a bunch of crap players and they turn into the hardest working team in the division. Bruce is on about 1.48 with us despite us paying more in wages per year than both the rotherham & cardiff teams combined actually cost
  23. The names on this list & in this thread are just scary. Absolute shitehawks. Moyes? Sherwood? Just when you think things can't get much worse. Brian Little FFs he was shit at managing Gainsborough 10 years ago The only one in the poll that woud get us out of this division the right way would be Warnock, The majority of the rest i would be very fearful of leaving the league via the down elevator. Allardyce would be great but i honestly think he is done with league football unless a top 6 club decided they could do with him for a few games if their seasons go completey tits up and he managed to get them to agree to stay on the following season
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