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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. The only person who looks even more unhappy when he’s scored a goal
  2. Has there even been a ‘monopoly break up’ that’s actually benefited the general public? Its always dressed up as being a good thing but then hits us all in the pocket. I’m no fan of UEFA but I’m struggling to see any good coming out of this.
  3. Pretty deflating news to not be replacing the north stand, wonder how much the bankruptcy of Birmingham council has played a part in this (probably answered in the previous 20 pages but can’t be arsed to trawl through).
  4. So we have what, four different badges now and this one’s a total joke. Emery out.
  5. So much more enjoyable to watch football without VAR
  6. Yep, and also why it almost certainly will not be overturned or even appealed against I suspect.
  7. I actually think the ref was initially going to book the palace player for a dive before Foden gave the game away by limping
  8. What chance - with the run we’re on currently in the league, after beating two of the best teams in the country, on a 15 game winning run at home - we lose to bottom of the bloody table? Wilder’s had our number a bit in past meetings, though none of those involved Emery. Fingers crossed we don’t just turn up and think we’ve won before a ball’s kicked because it won’t be that easy.
  9. Where to start in dissecting that one. Lots of possession but not enough cut and thrust for most of the game, should have scored first half but they had decent chances on the break too, couldn’t grumble too much with them leading at half time. Fairly lacklustre second half then Ben Mee finally gets his comeuppance, thankfully this time without ending one of our players’ career (effectively). Then all hell broke loose. Two good headers and at that point it’s just a case of keep your heads and stay out of the emotion of the game but we did the opposite. I blame Martinez for Bouba’s red card, just no need to go and get involved with that little shit Maupay on the ground, leave him there floundering like the petulant little child he is. We’re really going to miss Bouba against United in particular I fancy. Good subs again from Emery, helped to spur us along, 2nd place in the table if only for a couple of hours, wtf is going on?!?
  10. Lots of chances for Cash and Moreno, should have done better with some of them, Cash just not effective enough in an advanced role. Wank goal to give away, fingers crossed we can get out of here with a point at least, bloody hate Brentford away.
  11. Yeah I’ve been thinking about it the same and settled on 25 being the marker this season, scarily enough it could be even less, if the three bottom sides replicate their current PPG for the rest of the season they won’t even reach 20. It’s really looking like a free pass for anyone else down there who might have a poor season.
  12. My opinion has absolutely nothing to do with the colour of his skin and I resent the association frankly
  13. His body language and demeanour is worrying me a bit, just doesn’t seem fully invested at the moment which is both worrying and encouraging at the same time. I mean, if we can get him back firing on all cylinders on top of what the rest of the team is already achieving that’s a scary thought for the opposition.
  14. Fingers crossed that goal settles him down now, because he really needs settling down
  15. Shame for him how it’s panned out, I recall us all largely being in agreement that he was a very shrewd signing for free when he first came in and was playing really well, I remember a volleyed assist in a home game and that cracker from the edge of the box in the 3-0 win away to Leeds. But then we started signing better players, got a manager in who knows what he’s doing and more importantly plays a style that just doesn’t suit Chambers.
  16. Captain Holt, what a character, very sad indeed.
  17. We have a lot of players in their prime years which is helping I think, most of the team are in that 26-30 year old sweet spot so whilst Emery has inherited the majority of our players he’s inherited them at a great time, obviously still miraculous to have turned us into what we are.
  18. Definitely aimed at Dendoncker, and great captaincy too to namecheck him without namechecking him and to hopefully help give him a boost. Definitely played his part on Saturday, that cross-field pass showed his lack of game time I think but that double tackle he put in on the halfway line got the crowd up.
  19. And we shouldn’t have lost two of those really, we were the better team against Leicester but gifted them the win and at 2-2 against arsenal Bailey hits the bar and a few mins later arsenal get lucky with a shot hitting the bar and then Martinez before going in.
  20. I didn’t think his body language was great at times, may be struggling with settling in / homesickness or something but he’s not quite right in my opinion at the moment.
  21. Jesus H Christ. What is going on? Wanted to give Carlos MotM, thought he probably had overall the best game but McGinn just embodies everything that is Aston Villa right now and it’s a sight to behold. We looked leggy, for sure, so did they from around 70 mins onwards, which I think helps illustrate the benefit of a days extra rest. We had little to no control of the game after the first 10 minutes or so but occasionally still looked threatening. Arsenal will rightly count themselves unlucky to have not gotten on the scoresheet to be fair so we were somewhat fortunate today, but that was earned luck. Feels like we’re in some kind of parallel universe right now.
  22. I’m hoping we were hanging back a little to conserve some energy for the second half, other than that it’s been pretty solid, most of their opportunities have either been offside and/or have been products of us making an error. If the game continues as is we’ll need to score again to get a result, hopefully we come out firing a little more, obvious to say but next goal is huge.
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