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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9ANBrUFLDg#t=74 how many of us would do this after the Stoke game?
  2. yes, but Im pretty sure they pay their players a million pounds a week
  3. Paranoid is brilliant. Dont you dare change it,
  4. Mods, can we please the name of the topic? Can we just have 'Tim Sherwood'? 'confirmed until' really fills me up with confidence in his ability...
  5. I think it's beacuse he has a big ego, a touch of arrogance, he is very confident in himself, outspoken, passionate and can be deemed to be a bit confortational from time to time. All that can rub people up the wrong way, people seem to love him or hate him and there appears to be no middle ground IMO. I think he is a great appointment and I happen to think he will do very well here, I felt good as soon as Sherwood was appointed which I never had with McLeish or Lambert. A bit like Mourinho!
  6. Just a little notice before we begin, no Lambert/Lerner hating please! After Bayern lost their game against Wolfburg and drew against Shalke, a lot of the German media suggest that one of Bayern's problems this year is the midfield partnership of Shwainsteiger & Alonso. As we all know, a few months back Paul Lambert had a little trip to germany to discuss football with Guardiola, and since then we have noticed a Bayern/Barca caricature of football being performed by the Claret and Blue; a lot of passing, keeping possetion and playing from the back. Shwainsteiger has only come into play recently after the injury earlier in the season, and since then Bayern hasn't clicked the way the used to (another example being their loss to Man City). It seems to me that as much as I love Sanchez and Westwood, we should learn from other peoples mistakes and never play with two holding midfielders. Adding to that, Cleverley is almost non existant and Delph has not impressed this season so far. We are playing our midfield way too deep, which of course has improved our defence (since there is no space to crack open a 6/7 person defense) but has limited us going forward. To add to my argument, Benteke, our shining star has become a little bit like... Lewandowski. Amazing player, but something just went missing all of a sudden. In my opinion, it's the deep lying midfield which does not supply him as much as they did at Borussia. Cleverley is not a bad player, neither is Delph, Sanchez, or any other of our CM. It's just the football that we are trying to play is limiting them What are your thoughts on this? Have we fallen into the trap of trying to imitate the best in the game and forgetting that even Guardiola can make mistakes?
  7. I assume he was rested given he's played every minute of every game so far. Strange game to do it in, but I'd be very surprised if he wasn't back next week. I just think Lambert sees that one way or another, we are going to have to try and score a goal. And lets face it, as good of a defender he is, Aly is clueless when going forward
  8. would be amazing if they got relegated and won the champions league
  9. how many times has benteke been in the 6 yard box actively fighting to win the ball?
  10. Obviously since his contract took a hit, he must be doing some over time to and pick up extra shifts to make up for it. Lad.
  11. There is no negativity towards him signing. There is (sometimes justifiable) negativity towards the club which reflects in the way we went about signing Delph.
  12. the club must be preparing a material like they did with Gil. Some of it has leaked out, but they do not want to announce it yet.
  13. I expect it will be. No more loans allowed I think as we will have two already. Can we not loan from abroad? Can we still loan from abroad.......Yes. When a player joins a club from an international association, the leagues recognise that player as a new signing. They do not register that player as a loan signing but as a permanent transfer while FIFA recognise the player as being on loan. but can we still loan Januzaj?
  14. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/12040/9685955/transfer-news-aston-villa-close-to-signing-manchester-citys-scott-sinclair-on-loan-deal apparently he already had a medical
  15. I wanted to highlight the bit's I really disagree with... 1. Ask Buffon or Giggsy about the loyalty stuff. It does exist, and although I thought he would have gone, he proved me wrong. I am not being naive in thinking that his wages took a hit, because I am more or less positive that he could have got more money in London, even from a team like West Ham, let alone Spurs. I want to believe there are players like Giggs, and I hope Fabian is ours. Is it naive? I dont think so, at least no more then saying that money is all that matters to him. We just don't know. 2.Probably his fee was big. How big? I dont know. Again, I am a positive that it is nowhere near as high as he would have in different clubs. So why did he stay? 3.Loyalty could have played a part and it this case we have all the evidence that it did. 4.I am a manager in a bar. If I say that I want my bar to increase it's profits by 40% in 4 years am I out of order? I think he will be Captain, and I think as a good leader, he want better things for this team. 5.Did he negotiate a superb contract? We have no idea. I just think there are a lot of pessimist assumptions in your post (which could of course be true!) but I want to believe that as one of our leaders, he will want to be challanging for greater things with the team that he committed his future with.
  16. Translation: "I'm a manager, don't you know?" you got me. My real name is Paul...
  17. I can't believe some of you see nothing wrong with this tweet. Imagine you work in an office and are given a shitty job to do. If you tweeted something alon the lines of 'i cant wait to be given a less shitty job', not only would you be questioning your managers ability to pick the best role for you, you would also be openly opposing their decision. Any leader would not be having none of it. If you managed people at all, you would know this is a big no no, and I would not be surprised not seeing Jack start this season at all because of this. Be humble, play football, get off the computer Jack.
  18. funny you should mention it. About 6 years ago I have been playing football and as I am a goalkeeper I saved a shot, but unfortunately it hit me bang on the tip of my thumb. It was killing me, the thumb turned yellow and purple all of a sudden, was twice its actual size and looked like it was minced. So I ran to the hospital and AFTER an x ray I was asked to go home and just look after it for a bit. If it doesnt stop hurting, they told me to come back in a week. Luckily enough 2 days later I was going to see my family abroad. And after they saw the thumb, they run me to the doctors. It turned out it was broken in 3 places and because it was left unnatended for 2 day it meant they had to brake it again, just to pop it back into place. I spent 8 weeks in a plaster. Doctors arent geniuses. Some of them are plain dumb and should be sacked.
  19. I think Grealish and Robinson should both go back out on loan. Lambert clearly does not intend to play them, and all that is happening at the moment is that their development is being interrupted. Grealish has at least had some pitch time though, although nowhere near enough. How can Lambert know what impact Robinson could make without every actually giving him proper game time. It's been the same with Burke, Calder, Johnson and many others who appear in the squad but never get even a faint whiff of football. Which maybe understandable if we were any good but considering we aren't................ Because Lambert sees them in training every single day? If he knows that they are not even half the players that we take them to be at the minute then surely Lambert knows what impact they could have on the team, i.e none. Thats not to say of course that Gabby has any impact...
  20. You can when you have the wide players we have. what wide players?
  21. Neuer Cafu Maldini Beckenbauer Carlos Makalele Westwood Zidane Ronaldo Messi Ronaldo
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