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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. Missed, but I'm glad he's getting some rest.
  2. Women that need to get ready. Everyone is ready to go but the discussion about which shoes and dress are best carries on. I have seen 5 minute make ups that have an exact same effect as 45 minute ones from exactly the same women at different times. There is some sick twisted "getting ready" thing that they do that achieves exactly the same result but takes 10 times longer, just because, you know, it's for the thing.
  3. Is it one of those situations where the sis in law could just come in after work but she just has to get changed and do many unnecessary things rather than just come over for some food and get back home?
  4. I guess it beats getting taken over by some middle eastern console-tium.
  5. Mic09

    The NSWE Board

    You got a mortgage? Ever bought anything on finance? It's the same principle. You ask a company to give you some cash so you can buy something you want and you pay back over time. It's as simple as that. And let's not pretend Aston Villa is some holy virtue to be kept clean of things as dirty as business.
  6. Mic09

    The NSWE Board

    Investment Firm: Hey Aston Villa, we shall give you £x over the next 3 years, in return we would like % of profit from that investment. We can come to an arrangement that's beneficial to Aston Villa and to us. Aston Villa Fans : those evil bastards.
  7. If anything, the chelsea move was rather smart. Massive money, and he can talk his way into any interview at any club simply by suggesting Chelsea was a mess and even the great amazing Pochetino is doing worse. He will be fine, he is a good manager.
  8. He looks good, but we had a good history of transfers from Olympique Marseilles, so why don't OM-let someone join us?
  9. Great stuff, he must be high in the rankings with almost 5 goals and almost 7 assists for the season!
  10. Jesus Christ, chill out people. This is more or less a glorified friendly for us, just need a draw. The team is what it is, we are not playing Madrid away, we are at Zrinskji. Give em some time, with little effort and energy lost this will be a 0-2 score.
  11. Or some would say that because it's simply mates having a chat, that is the best for of conversation. I enjoyed the vid - I think that Rory often makes some good points against the narrative. Over the last few days I thought that if Aston Villa was called Tottenham or Arsenal, a lot more people would think we could win the league. It's not just this season - it's a 12 month consistency which only seems to get stronger. We are in the title race at this point, no question about it. In 3 months time we might very well not be in it, but right now, we are in it. Predicting football 3 months ahead is like predicting the weather for 2 weeks ahead. Sure, you can make some reasonable assumptions, but you have no idea.
  12. It's a cup competition. Any team can lose a single game. Hence the excitement about it, otherwise they should just give the titles at the start of the season. And while Villa and Arsenal both lost a single game, they are topping the groups. So, on average, with a number of games being played, they are the superior teams. Brighton can win the group with Ajax, AEK and OM. West Ham are top with Freiburg and Olympiacos. Hence, I think that over 100 games, most PL teams would beat their equivalents from Europe. Another thing we should note is that it's football. You can be an excellent team in November, and a poor one in March and vice-versa. La Liga can be stronger in the winter, Bundesliga may have a better spring. But, on average, PL is simply better. The degree of how much better cannot be verified.
  13. Premier League is by far the strongest league. There are various ways to measure this. I will discount viewership, because arguably Nicky Minaj has more YouTube views than say Steven Tyler. Firstly, in the most recent edition of European competitions, PL won 2/3 European cups. Secondly, if say West Ham played Rayo Vallecano OR Torino 100 times, I would argue they would win more games. When it comes to Liverpool vs Barcelona, it's not even close. Liverpool probably win 75/100 games. Margins gets smaller at the very top - If Man City play Inter or Madrid, I would say Man City win 50/100. But some games would end in a draw. Of course, this is not verifiable, but I strongly believe Brighton or Newcastle would qualify for CL football in Bundesliga on regular basis.
  14. I've heard this pointed out a lot and while it's a factor, it's one of a number of variables. We arguably have; 1. The easier run of the next 10 games 2. A more solid squad 3. A better manager 4. A stronger 'feel good' factor 5. More points on the table 6. Players that want to play for the club 7. A far better goalkeeper etc etc So yes, it does help to play less games mid week. But, considering all factors, I think we still have the advantage over Newcastle or Man U.
  15. Well they still have Evans to think back to the olden better days!
  16. I think he knew exactly what he was doing leaving at the time he did. Obviously he was getting old, but with Man City coming up and Man U team slowly degrading, he was smart enough to know when to say bey bye.
  17. Still, with no idea of how the construction industry works, there must be a German Cranez4You LTD business that might think 'Hmmm, it looks like there is a European shortage of those bad boys, let's build a couple of them and charge crazy money?'. I'm sure it's simplifying things crazily, but how aren't there more cranes?! It's not a plane or an ocean worthy cargo ship, it's a big crane!
  18. We wouldn't be happy with a Somali pirate with a killer left foot cross but let's not jump to extremes!
  19. And England has some bad blood with the French yet we have some players. I didn't think you insinuate antisemitism, I just think it's a really far stretch to assume nationality plays a part in any villa business dealings.
  20. For things you wonder about, but how is it that a 60 million nation with a clear link to Europe doesn't have access to cranes is almost beyond me. Can't you just call "Big French Cranes Company LTD" and use those?
  21. I think that for a Philosopher you thought too hard about it.
  22. I noticed a change in my approach to games, and it's not a good one. The expectations are, we will win this game. And rather than being positively surprised by the positive result against a West Ham or a Tottenham, that is my expectation now. So the highs are lower, and the (granted, rare) lows are even lower. The bar has been set high, and while I wouldn't change it, it is not as enjoyable on game to game basis. I desperately need a cup to get me my high back!
  23. Why do we care about Spurs and Man U fighting it out for 5th place?
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