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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. The main difference between Britain and Poland with these problems is that while they may be similar, the underlying psychology is slightly different. The checkout issue is the same. But while a British person might think 'this might be an awkward inconvenience' and will say 'you alright bab' with a smile on their face (even if they don't mean it), a polish person will think 'you prick' and say something dismissive.* *this is a wide generalisation Which takes me to another British problem - a country wide 'niceness' to the point where it is almost unthought of to speak your opinion or question the other person.
  2. Ok, my timing was wrong, but the point is we are being compared with Fulham, Leicester etc.
  3. They were saying we were gonna do a Fulham. It was a common narrative.
  4. Of course it's a compliment. Just 12 months ago people were saying we are doing a Fulham. At this rate in season 25/26 we might even be doing a Brighton or a Newcastle!
  5. Surely the responsibility lies on the person who deems it necessary to put one down.
  6. Putting the dividers between shopping in shops. You unpack your shopping, no one else is around, and a lady comes to put down her yoghurt at the very end of the conveyer belt. There is a good 15 inches between your shopping and the lady's yoghurt, and any human being with an IQ above 45 knows where one lot ends and another starts, however unless she grabs that little plastic divider she will likely explode. She will stretch all the way above your shopping, just to get the little plastic thing. In the above described circumstances, I refuse to pass one over. Sure, they are useful when it's packed. But 90% of the time they are not, yet a British person who doesn't put a clear dividing line between two shops will likely go into some sort of a panic attack.
  7. But he bought more bad eggs. Staying with a manager is only works if it's the right manager. And it's not certain ten hag is.
  8. Mic09


    I'd be annoyed if this was given. And if we play at Emirates and we get kicked that way, id be annoyed it wasn't given. It's a contact, it arguably a foul. I think what made it worse is jesus falling unnaturally - if he took a couple more acting classes this could have been called as a foul.
  9. Here is the difference between Arteta and Emery. One talks about doing enough to win tonight, the other talks about needed consistency. And guess who won the game.
  10. They aren't turning out, they've turned out a long time ago!
  11. Probably, but unless the exact same thing happened in the exact same game with exactly the same ref we can't say. It was probably the right decision.
  12. It probably was a foul from Hughes.
  13. I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree. If we can get a good player in, what is your bigger worry? An injury to Kamara or a possible distraction from a new player? We are not exactly shopping in the category of dickheads either way. If Unai believes we can improve (and we still have A LOT of games to play), why wouldn't we improve? And who's to say a new player wouldn't even improve the squad culture?
  14. I'd like to think in my 31 years on this planet I've watched some decent football, but I don't think any team in the world would be capable of repeating the style we played last night. I even wonder, will we see this again? I doubt it. We might beat palace or wolves 3-0, but it won't be as good. It was the best 1-0 I have ever seen, it was flawless. And to keep it on topic, Man City.
  15. Apparently Gvardiol is still running
  16. Thing I was most impressed with was the press. It wasn't high, it was just so well coached and smart, whenever they got the ball they had a Villa player on them instantly. It was the best team/managerial performance I have ever seen live.
  17. I only use BBC football news and watch MasterChef once a year... I guess I'm not the only one! Now that I think about it, snooker WC too. But ITV would easily take it over.
  18. @OutByEaster? Heck, what about a pay as you use model? If you only watch MasterChef, pay £5 for the season. Want to use BBC Lincoln radio? Pay £2 a month. I think it would work out cheaper than the license for most people and would give an indication of what people actually want to use. And some people who really want the BBC would probably pay more than the license fee. It's probably a stupid idea that I just thought of, but hey, it's an idea.
  19. I almost agree - I think there should be a "voluntary" tax where I pay say £10 for Netflix, and if you want, you pay £15 and that bumps up BBC. I don't use much BBC, but if you feel it's valuable, feel free to pay extra. And before someone says NHS or Police, we are talking about the BBC. You know, the service that many people use to watch Marcus Wearing politely smile while some guy butchers an £80 beef joint.
  20. Sure, BBC has been a foundation for many modern TV models. It's ancient so it has been an innovator in the past. You could say they got very lucky in picking the 3 hosts that worked so well together in Top Gear. But is it a valid argument to keep charging people a fee? There might be valid arguments, and I appreciate them, but I don't think this is one of those.
  21. You could argue that you would like to stop modernisation of services that are staying behind competition on, well, ideological grounds. Because we always had these institutions. And that is absolutely fair in my opinion, and while I don't agree, it's a point of view that has to be considered. My problem with pushing certain services (especially not vital ones) like the BBC is the overall lack of accountability. It goes wrong? Heck, it's the government. Maybe it's some minister. Maybe people have moved on from TV. Maybe broadcasting Jamaican music on the radio brings 2k listeners, but hey, it's a valuable service for a minority (while 95% of fans of Jamaican tunes listen on Spotify). The tories have ruined it. Labour will fix it. They haven't? Well, the tories messed it up too much. 8 years later we are back to tories. And it will get worse and worse and stuck behind fast moving competition of a Journalist who left the corporate world (or the BBC) and runs his well informed news show on Youtube. I think there is some middle ground. Maybe adverts. At the same time, I don't know how much that would bring in. Because people have moved on from Top Gear to watch the Grand Tour. So companies would rather pay to advertise on Amazon. It's not great, but at some point some decisions on BBC have to be made. And I would like to have a conversation where we treat it as any other service - on it's merits. Not on the fact it was nice to watch the Queen's speech in 1956.
  22. Or let's start with phone providers. Do you have an iPhone? Or a Samsung? Maybe a Nokia or an Oppo? Then we can turn to cars. BMW? Seat? Tesla? Maybe a Fiat? Or is it iGov and BWC (British Wide Cars) ?
  23. Maybe it is a better question - all I'm saying is let's test this theory.
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