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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. In the defence of the David Luiz decision (and Bednarek) - the same thing happened with Pogba and our Luiz this season and that was given. A player running into the defender and winning a pen. In my eyes, that is not a penalty, but at least it is consistent with previous decisions.
  2. I actually like Westwood, he is an accomplished mid-lower table PL player and has been for years. Never claimed to be any better by media nor fans. But I really don't understand the Declan Rice hype. I have never seen him do anything "world class" or deserving of a high fee transfer. I much prefer Ward-Prowse, he is more vertisile and has a killer free kick. Is it because Rice plays for West Ham? Sure we are bias, but can anyone please try to objectively explain Declan Rice hype?
  3. So I take it you first do the anal probe and then you do the mouth swab?
  4. If we repeat the same results in the 2nd half of the season and get an extra 3 points somewhere it's unrealistic that we won't finish in CL spots. Amazing.
  5. Happy bday! I hope you wished for a Barkley hat trick
  6. Has there been many reports about vaccine booking problems?
  7. It's a tough one because; 1) 10% of our vaccines is very little considering the EU population 2) morally, why is it better to get a vaccine to a Polish 70 year old rather than a Scottish 65 year old? 3) Why help the EU? Why not India? Why not Mexico? 4) Pandemic does not discriminate, so if your cousin dies next month because of the virus when they could have been vaccinated, are we gonna be ok with it because someone in Spain won't die? I don't know the answer to these questions but the UK needs to be very careful with addressing those issues because lives are at stake.
  8. Maybe, but I doubt Manchester United will want to pay a hairdresser to sit and do little beads and patterns on Pogbas head in a time he could be training and when, effectively, he is in his office.
  9. Here is a long read but worth it. Here is the link: https://www.politico.eu/article/europe-coronavirus-vaccine-struggle-pfizer-biontech-astrazeneca/
  10. What I'm finding interesting is that I'm closely monitoring Polish news and there is little to no mention about how badly the EU have made a mess of this. Ultimately, this is costing lives, so I'm surprised media in an EU member aren't making a bigger deal out of it.
  11. We should have won the first game but they scored 3 goals from a dead ball. I have no doubt we are the better team, especially with their injuries.
  12. Yeah but that doesn't sit well with the sensationalism of today's popular opinion.
  13. Don't concede free kicks in our half and we win this
  14. Realistically? £50-60m. But that's how much some would value Grealish at. So if you were to ask Arsenal, they would say £100m+
  15. I'm not old enough (or British enough) so I would appreciate some insight on this, but hasn't gambling always been a part of British sports? Odds everywhere, everyone talking about taking punts, "bookies favourites", then you have horse racing which is a big part of British heritage which basically is one big gambling enterprise. Will a ban like this make a dent in something which has been present even before Red32 started sponsoring teams? Hasn't the use of mobile apps just made it a bit easier and isn't that the real problem? I'm not necessarily for gambling being advertised (I don't gamble myslef, maybe a fiver twice a year) but I was wondering whether taking millions away from teams like Burnley, Southampton and not even starting on lower league clubs, is a good idea in the age of lost match revenue. Won't gambling companies put more into online advertising? Isn't Sky gonna do more to make up any gaps in revenue?
  16. Closest I can think of is Rugby/American Football. But they still average more tries/touchdowns than goals in football (I think).
  17. In my opinion that's what makes football a very special game. In cricket you get sever hundred runs, in Tennis you get a point each 15 seconds, in Voleyball you have 3-5 sets of around 50 points each, in hockey you get 7-4s, in basketball you get around 100 hoops in a game. Each point becomes largely irrelevant. In football, you wait for that magical moment or two in a game. You really get that "I don't want to miss it" feeling as opposed to any other sport.
  18. Yeah, but surely he came to replace McGinn?
  19. What I really hope for is to see a ground pass through the middle that Watkins will be able to make a run for. Welcome to the club!
  20. Well, there are trains that are easily accessible (I always go from Aston to NS) but there could be a match extra as sometimes you have to wait a bit. From NS you can get pretty much anywhere. Having said that, most people put the convenience of driving in ahead of a potential risk to the environment, and I don't really blame them for it. I don't think many people think along these lines when going to a football match. I do however question their choices. If you catch the train you can have several pints and make the game a much more enjoyable experience
  21. If Pogba goes to Dubai during the weekend, is Man U marked down?
  22. Mic09


    I thought Arsenal held that title
  23. In the cup against Peterborough. There is no evidence to suggest he would play the "B team" against Wolfsburg or Sporting Lisbon.
  24. That was so great - repetitively getting 6th and achieving nothing of note in Europe. What would be even better is not signing Heskey's of this world and fighting to go as high as possible in all competitions. I hope Dean Smith's ambition is the latter.
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