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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Watch Stoker and come back to me!
  2. The Double. Wow, what an experience that was, possibly my most enjoyable film of the year so far. This Richard Ayoade is someone to watch. His eye for little details and interesting camera work is incredible, the sense of foreboding and tension building is so hard to create in film and the last movie I saw that managed it that well is berbarian sound studio. Thought Eissenberg was excellent and Mia Wasakowska is definitely one of my film crushes, she was great too. Got a little bit weird for its own good at times but the good far outweighed the bad for me. 8.5/10 Now I need to see Submarine!
  3. Yeah made a bit of money as well Gulbis is the real deal these days and federer will always struggle against someone with a solid backhand that doesn't break down.


    Finally hit the roads on Friday with a mate, did 4 miles in 35 mins so fairly pleased with that. This could be the start of my running career
  5. There is already a cracking match in play between gulbis and federer. Fancy gulbis to win this
  6. Im sure you will be able to pick holes in the new terminator till the cows come home but take it as a popcorn film and it could be really good. Get the tone and the effects right and as long as the script isn't ridiculous im sure I will enjoy it.
  7. Berbarian Sound Studio - good or not? Not sure why but I started thinking about it earlier.
  8. I like to watch myself in a mirror personally. Can be quite awkward if someone walks into the living room though.
  9. On a similar note whats happened to Andre Ward? Watched his fight against Froch the other night, although he plays every trick in the book hes a hell of a fighter and totally outclassed froch, why has he barely boxed since then? Khan definitely picked up a few tips from Hunter for his last fight, holding the arms in a clinch etc...
  10. Froch - Groves is so tough to call, we've already seen from the first first Groves can land at will pretty much but in doing so he will leave himself open to attacks from Froch. The main factor for me is that Froch looked OLD in his last fight, maybe he didn't put in 100% in training because he underestimated him but he just seemed to be lacking something. If I was putting money down I think it would be on Groves. All the hype is starting to annoy me a bit to be honest, they are billing it as the biggest british fight etc.... sorry that's not the case.
  11. Embarrassing bodies I just can't understand why people watch it. Soaps I don't watch but can understand, cookery shows I don't watch but again I can understand why someone would but that garbage I just don't get it. The parts I've seen are just cringe worthy and not what I would call entertaining at all.
  12. Just finished a raspberry ruffle bar. Oh yes!
  13. why is it only humans that are privileged enough to have an afterlife? where are all the animal spirits?
  14. Seen 21 jump street a few times myself, still had I watch it on the tv last night, such a funny film which is quite rare these days really.


    It was my first ever 10k! I only run in the gym because im not up to any standard worth doing it on the roads really, also ive seen a few friends hit the tarmac and instantly get problems with knees and shins etc.. im trying to protect myself more than anything.


    Did my first 10k in the gym today, was going to do my normal 5k but decided to scale the speed down a bit and try and do the 10k. Managed it ok actually considering I had 6 pints last night and smoked about 10 roll ups and did no prep whatsoever. Treadmill stops at 1hr and I was on 9.7 at that point so I think 61 mins is about right, hardly world beating but it felt good.
  17. Depends what angle you take on 4. The single player wasn't great but online is the best by far for me, much prefer it to Cod or bf , still playing it now 18 months on
  18. Some of the extreme levels are bloody insane, then you go on YouTube and there is a bloke who has done every one with 0 mistakes. How??????
  19. Hope it wasn't drugs Those 2 played the most convincing junkies I've ever seen, not sure if that's a compliment or not.
  20. Watched Adam and Paul the other night, very interesting film, depressing but so watchable at the same time. Just found out that the director has just done frank with Michael fassbender, can't wait to see that.
  21. If I was stranded in the jungle I would shit myself if I was alone. Give me Ray Mears and I would quite happily stay there for 6 months.
  22. Our biggest problem is the midfield and that's what the manager next year needs to address whether its lambert or not. A midfield three of delph , al ahmadi and westwood is never going to score goals consistently. We will be lucky to get 10 goals a season between them and I guess that's about what we have this year? Also add in the fact that they aren't prolific assisters either and that's the main problem with our team. The midfield is the most critical part of the team and ours is quite simply not good enough. Its no coincidence that our best years under o' neill were with a midfield of petrov , downing, barry, milner and young, that was a bloody good midfield and we need to get back to something like that if we have any chance of achieving anything in the coming seasons. Counter attack football does have a place in premier league football but it can't be your whole philosophy, we'll never get anywhere with 30% possession football so for me Lambert needs to find another team that is happy with midtable mediocrity because frankly I've seen enough of it at Villa over the last 15 years.
  23. Just watched the khan and mayweather fights, was really impressed with Khan and his tactics, looks like Virgil Hunter has finally got through to him about not losing his head and brawling, he didn't really put a foot wrong in that fight. Definitely think he deserves the next shot at mayweather instead of a rematch.
  24. Can anyone tell me if the agbonlahor photoshop thread still exists on the forums?
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