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Everything posted by useless

  1. Hopefully all the away teams in the Premier win tonight.
  2. Is there a reason why this is still on the main forum? not to be a busy-body about it but it's depressing. Anyway I saw little of him and he looked really cracking, good luck to him.
  3. It's hard to say without giving stuff away because it's set in both 1996 and 2012 and also I understand something major happened in 2002 as well. But safe to say there isn't a different killer each episode. It makes Breaking Bad look like day time TV.
  4. I wouldn't bother researching his early work; it's all absolute tosh iirc! When I first saw him I thought it was the guy out of Dexter, Quinn I think I'm thinking of. I understand he's all the rage these days though, good luck to him for turning it around and coming through like he's doing.
  5. When the CD player on my Hi Fi broke I was looking to buy one of those dock things, then I found out about stereo connection cables, you can get them for as little as 2 pounds, and as long as your device has an earphone socket they'll connect it to your stereo/cd player via the aux connection if it has one. I haven't looked back since.
  6. I don't know if this is what you mean, but if you have an aux connection at the back of your stereo then you can get a stereo connection cable which plugs into your stereo and the other end plugs into the phone socket of your phone, mp3 player or laptop, then you just set it to the aux setting and it should player whatever your phones playing through your stereo's speakers. You can get the stereo connection cables I mention for as little as 2 pounds, obviously they aren't wireless but they might be a good little stop gap whilst researching someting a bit more advanced like those Chromecast things limpid mentions.
  7. I must be out of touch I'd never heard of McConaughey before True detective.
  8. I wouldn't be overly sad to see Lambert depart but wouldn't really expect much more from whoever came in as it stands also I think it would be interesting to how he'd do with some backing. As it happens I think he'll leave when Randy leaves.
  9. Yes, in the video I posted he makes the point without being too judgemental, that a guy without a career might have a dozen kids and then a couple who have high flying careers and might seem really successful to onlookers may have say one or two or no kids, but from evolutionary point of view the parents with more kids are more successful. At least that was my takeaway, even if I haven't explained it well.
  10. Another from Goodiepal/Gaeoudjiparl this one a bit more catchy.
  11. Does simply red really need his trademark hair these days? Even Michael Bolton got his cut off.
  12. Congratulaitons on your special day Jenny. I just watched the highlights and I was expecting it to be like racing down a mountain on boards, but wow all those obstacles looked really cool, I'm scared to just go out in the frost.
  13. Not based on any sound deductions, but I think Randy will be gone soon, I think the very fact that we are spending so little and that Lambert hasn't been sacked points to the idea that Rand is expecting that he might leave soon too or that he's hopeful that he might be. As for this 250 million maybe he might lower the price, I don't know though I won't pretend to know what I'm talking about, but won't he lose out even more the longer he keeps us?
  14. I think it's sad that challenging for top six is seen as the holy grail, I'd like us to be able to achieve more than what Everton and Spurs have achived recently, I'd like for us to be better than more than 14 teams out of 20, I guess that's stating the obvious though.
  15. I have hazy memories of these videos games being on cassette tapes, not sure how that would play out in terms of how much time you get spend on the games, obviously tapes have a time limit. You used have to wait for them to load though that must have left a lot of people pissed, don't know if they had football ones in those days.
  16. I liked his Christmas album Yeah I've got that one although It's not my favourite of his releases, although I think it's one of those that's made bad on purpose kind of things, maybe tongue in cheek.
  17. Palace have a tough rest of February and then March. Looking at it you might say that their easiest fixture is either Sunderland away or Southampton at home. Sunderland have had a good February but before that seemed to lack firepower, Johnson seems to have filled that gap but not sure if they can rely on him all season, for goals at least and they seem to have a knack for shooting themselves in the foot with own goals and red cards. I'm sure there are stronger cases for other teams though.
  18. I don't know if it's true or if it's been mentioned already but someone said on twitter that we haven't won a match that Vlaar hasn't played in since December 2012, when we beat Liverpool.
  19. Lambert won't be fired, I still think that Randy want's out, the last thing he'd want to do is bring in someone else, I imagine it's much easier to keep Lambert until we're sold, even if that mean having to offer Lambert an extension, which I'm sure would have clauses in it making it easy for the contract to be cancelled at a later date.
  20. Don't know why but I've a feeling that one of Crystal Palace or Sunderland still might go down after all.
  21. "I guess we really are 'true detectives', Rust."
  22. Sore throats, for me the most dreaded ailment of the common cold.
  23. The guy who wrote it has signed up to write the next season, but all the actors and everything else will be different, it'll be interesting to see how they manage to follow it up.
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