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Everything posted by useless

  1. Aston Villa just looks more golden on your CV.
  2. I might not have thought this out very well, but I'd like a Man City type owner to get us where we want to be real quick I don't like Chelsea and CIty winning loads of trophies and catching up with us.
  3. You didn't think £5 billion was enough to spread about, that's a phenomenal amount of money. Five Billion is an unfathomably large number for me and I'd imagine most people. I just meant to mean that I don't think people should expect Man City or Chelsea type power, but then again I suppose they have more than money and like I say they'll probably be worth a lot more as time goes on.
  4. Mikah 9 Don't you go Jean Grae This World Abstract Rude Coolin
  5. Raymond Scott Soothing Sounds for baby 12 to 18 Months LP Tracks The Playful Drummer, Little Tin Soldier and Little Miss Echo.
  6. I'm sure it's not as simple as this but I googled 'how much are Red Bull worth?' It came up with figures like 5 Billion and thinking if they'd have to spread that wealth between all their interests, maybe It wouldn't make us that powerful in terms of finance. Although I did read that they're one of the fastest growing companies in the world. Besides I've convinced myself that Red Bull will not be purchasing us, but I do think someone will, soonish.
  7. I like Coffee but never drink it, just drink water.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd_r9Fr1Ceo This reminds me of Zomby's Natalia. In my opinion this is much better, and was recorded first.
  9. useless

    Do you read?

    Ask The Dust is part of "The Bandini Quartet". If you like it you'll love the others. I only realised after I started the book would have been nice to read them chronologically, but looking forward to the others though.
  10. With the rumour about Southampton the other day too, interesting thought G. Probably nothing at all whatsoever but I read elsewhere that apparently there was a Chinese delegation at the Villa v Arsenal match all wearing VIlla scarfs. The delegation were Japanese apparently. However, the group that apparently had interest in Southampton have now denied it - 'No individual from Wanda Group has ever been in contact with Southampton Football Club, nor has any individual or third part organisation been appointed on behalf of Wanda Group to engage in contact with Southampton regarding any matters related to the acquisition of Southampton Football club.' Yeah I saw about Southampton. I was quite relieved to be honest. The China thing I got from another Villa forum on this page.
  11. That every post I write seems to contain the word apparently.
  12. With the rumour about Southampton the other day too, interesting thought G. Probably nothing at all whatsoever but I read elsewhere that apparently there was a Chinese delegation at the Villa v Arsenal match all wearing VIlla scarfs.
  13. Picture and Gif replies, especially when they've been seen like a thousand times already.
  14. I thought Rubicon was really great I couldn't stop watching, surprised it doesn't get much of a mention. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes any of the other usual suspects.
  15. Holy sheeat! Bruce and Esther went and made one of my all time favourite records in Dance Sing and Listen Again and Again. Someone get it re-pressed on Vinyl.
  16. useless

    Do you read?

    I'm reading Ask the Dust at the moment. It's easily great and hilarious. I haven't got that much of a frame of reference because I don't read loads and loads, but I'd say this one reminds of Hunger by Knut Hamsun and it's also slightly similar to Notes from the Underground by Fyodor dostoevsky. Also apparently it was a big influence on charles bukowski who wrote the forward, I don't know too much about him though.
  17. I feel that it became so fashionable to call David Beckham overrated that he kind of became underrated if you know what i mean, it seems people thought because he wasn't running around an hundred miles an hour going past players being the all action hero, that he somehow wasn't all that good, but i thought he was great technically and a great team player. As for VIlla I sometimes feel that a lot of the players in the O'neil era are overrated they only ever got us up to sixth similar to what was achieved before David O'leary and Graham Taylors second spell. But the way people go on when reminiscing you'd think we used to play like Barcelona or something.
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