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Everything posted by MrDuck

  1. With the black bands on the arms, I really think that new Arsenal kit was made for Liverpool.
  2. Anyone see any of the recent Adam Ant shows? Tossing up whether to go and see him in Melbourne in a few weeks. Saw him in the mid 90's and he was surprisingly brilliant... but he's gotta be nearly 60 now and considerably more mental than ever before.
  3. Don't know. Do you really think he did? :confused:Of course he did. He won us silverware. His highest finish with us was 4th, and he also got us 5th the season afterwards. This is without mentioning the fact that he did it under Ellis. There's no question that Little did a better job. Same goes for Atkinson. I don't think you can compare, frankly. I loved O'Neill and Little, more so Little due to him being one of our greatest ever players. I think they both did very well for us, although MON's record elsewhere suggests he's the better manager by some distance. But in Little's day, the playing field was a lot flatter than it is now... the gap between the rich and not so rich wasn't anything like as big, so how do you compare in any meaningful way? You can't. Little won a trophy, but MONs three 6th place finishes with ever-increasing points were no mean achievement.
  4. MrDuck


    I think he'll bounce back, although maybe not with Chelsea. Too young to be put in charge of such a large clique of experienced players at such a big club I think, especially as half of them seem to be still pining for Jose.
  5. I think the Yanks manage to take everything to an entirely new level. All countries will have their arseholes (elected or otherwise), their idiots, their own problems etc, but in US politics (just like so many other things over there) they seem to do it on a grander more cartoonish kinda way than the rest of us. And unlike most other countries, what happens in the US has a sizeable effect on the rest of us.
  6. Well you could in Melbourne.
  7. We'd really be living the dream under his stewardship.It's very strange. Thing is, on the whole Gregory was very good with us. If he can do it once surely he can do it again? All of those foreign clubs were in a right state before he arrived in fairness. But strange, certainly, how he was able to do well for us but been a total failure elsewhere since he left, be it in the UK or overseas. Much like Brian Little in fact.
  8. I find it hard to place any blame on a manager for walking out if they were working for Doug.
  9. You shouldn't get done for 43mph in a 40 mph zone. ACPO guidelines are as far as I'm aware, 10% of speed limit plus 2 mph. The 10% is the amount your speedometer is legally allowed to be out without requiring recalibration and the 2mph is to allow for parallax error in reading the speedo. So in a 40mph zone 45mph is a telling off/ignore and 46mph is a ticket. Quite informative website on speeding in uk You still got the 10% law in blighty? Lucky buggers. I recently went to court over a speeding fine I refused to pay. I was clocked at 64 in a 60 by a hand-held speed gun... now I saw the pig on the side of the road, noted that I was doing 60 and thought nothing of it. Then got the fine in the post ($150). Cars made before 2006 in Australia are by Australian law considered roadworthy of the speedo is accurate to within 10%. However... Victorian state law stipulates that they will only allow a 2-3% discrepancy with the radar guns/cameras. So even though my car is within the nation's legal requirements for safety, the **** can still do me for speeding if I'm going as little as 63km/h. It's no coincidence that revenues from speeding in Victoria are way above the rest of the country. In court the judge acknowledged that the system was flawed.. but his job was to enforce the law, not question it, so the fine stuck. words removed. :evil: :evil:
  10. Martinez seems like another Tony Mowbray. He may play the game the so-called "right" way, but he rarely wins a football match.
  11. wonder if John Terry feels any kind of guilt this morning... not likely tosser Also, the judge who postponed the Terry hearing until 9th July - he/she has unwittingly (or otherwise) started this manager merry-go-round off !! Seems that the FA asked Terry to step down first but he refused... http://bit.ly/xi94qI
  12. Somewhere for the Scots to live. An admirable function. Keeps them out of England for the most part (football managers excepted).
  13. No surprise. He's about the only player in our squad that seems to have an intelligent football brain.
  14. I think it will take a massive finish to the season for McLeish to save his job. Houllier was sacked after a really strong finish Except that's not quite right is it? Houllier's "strong finish" came when he was on sick leave. When he was actually in the dugout we were shite.
  15. He hasn't played since late September or something? He's got to be a fair way off match fitness.
  16. I see despite "not even thinking about the England job", Harry is already picking his team
  17. Much as I'm in favour of giving someone time to prove themselves, sometimes - as was the case with Houllier - you can just tell nothing good is going to come of it from the start. Stupid appointment, get rid now and bring someone in who can actually motivate the players for the remainder of the season. And for God's sake don't let Randy and Faulkner choose the next manager!
  18. Gerrard has had 89 games to prove himself for England, and for the most part failed. Time to move on methinks.
  19. I think Rooney is one of the least suitable players you could ever have as a Captain. Petulant sulky little prick whose form has been patchy for his country at best.
  20. MrDuck

    General Chat

    I love him for what he's done in the past, but this....this is just pathetically awful. He's become a glorified lounge singer who can't even sing on key. And the song sucks, to boot. Well, it was pretty poor, for sure. But I've heard worse. For one, Don McLean on the Radio 2 Folk Awards last week. He did "Homeless Brother", which was so-so (and is on YouTube), but before that he did the most cringe-inducing version of (his own song) "And I Love You So". Sadly, it's not on YouTube for you to experience its full awfulness, but suffice to say that his guitar was out of tune, his voice wasn't just off-key it was right off the keyring, and he was doing the most bizarre vibrato effect on every line. Just utterly embarrassing. http://bit.ly/xlLodN The voice isn't too bad really... the clash with the painfully out of tune guitar just makes it sound dreadful at times. Why the **** he didn't retune I have no idea. I SWEAR that vocal has been doctored after the event! His voice was MUCH worse than that on the live broadcast, and the silly vibrato was much, much more pronounced. Surely they wouldn't doctor the vocal but leave that guitar as is!
  21. MrDuck

    General Chat

    I love him for what he's done in the past, but this....this is just pathetically awful. He's become a glorified lounge singer who can't even sing on key. And the song sucks, to boot. Well, it was pretty poor, for sure. But I've heard worse. For one, Don McLean on the Radio 2 Folk Awards last week. He did "Homeless Brother", which was so-so (and is on YouTube), but before that he did the most cringe-inducing version of (his own song) "And I Love You So". Sadly, it's not on YouTube for you to experience its full awfulness, but suffice to say that his guitar was out of tune, his voice wasn't just off-key it was right off the keyring, and he was doing the most bizarre vibrato effect on every line. Just utterly embarrassing. http://bit.ly/xlLodN The voice isn't too bad really... the clash with the painfully out of tune guitar just makes it sound dreadful at times. Why the **** he didn't retune I have no idea.
  22. Yeah, I don't understand why his name is constantly lumped in with the likes of Phil Brown, Steve Bruce, Iain Dowie etc on this site. He's a former Villan and did a great job at both Charlton and West Ham. With the money and ambition we have (or don't have) these days, I struggle to think of anyone better.
  23. You think right. Lerner should get Doug to choose the next manager
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