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Everything posted by MrDuck

  1. Well put. I think those who think any manager would have had success spending what MON did should take a look at Liverpool... at a much bigger club, Dalglish (a managerial legend with a brilliant track record far outstripping MON's) has spent a bloody fortune and a year or so later Liverpool are... 7th. It ain't as easy as it looks.
  2. Me and some of my mates from uni/brum are actually planning a big night on the date Heskey's contract expires. It expires on June 30th, a Saturday night, I'm buying a bottle of champagne, and we are going out to celebrate his lack of presence at the club, the absolute waste of time, money and space. Midnight of said date will be like New **** years. I wouldn't get too excited yet. If McLeish is still in charge, there's every chance we'll offer him a new contract.
  3. Yep. People forget that towards the end of the season, usually about half the clubs have next to nothing to play for, whereas those at the bottom are fighting for their lives - and the results reflect that. It ain't over yet.
  4. Totally. I can't think of one good reason for him to choose Villa over Valencia.
  5. There's a lot of hatred towards McLeish. Personally I don't think he deserves any of it. He has basically done pretty much exactly what we all expected when he joined, ie been a complete disaster... shit results, shit football, shit excuses. But that's what he does. We all knew it. Not his fault. Sadly, he's doing his best. Randy on the other hand is 100% to blame for the current mess, and as far as I'm concerned is an absolute arse of the highest order for even thinking about giving the job to McLeish. Sell the **** club or appoint someone who knows football to run it for you.
  6. Sustained run in the top 4, sitting nicely in 3rd with Arsenal a long way behind in 4th... then run aground in March, and seems likely they won't even hold onto 4th much longer. Hmm... rings a few bells.
  7. Nah. Even if those two overhauled us, one of the other three still have to hit some serious form too, which seems pretty unlikely. Not out of the question, but I'd be very surprised now if we got relegated.
  8. :shock: That you Sir Gary?
  9. Obama must surely win by default.. the Republicans can't even field a vaguely credible candidate. Then again, stranger things have happened, and we are talking about one of the weirdest countries in the world.
  10. I think comparing Houllier and McLeish is a bit pointless... it's like looking at two steaming big piles of shit and trying to judge which one smells the nicest.
  11. Thats **** easy. Houllier managed Aston Villa for 28 league games and achieved the not so grand total of 33 points. McLeish has managed Aston Villa for 28 games so far and has so far achieved the not so grand total of 33 points. Fair point, well made.
  12. Michael Bradley apparently doing very well in Italy. http://bit.ly/wdpLGa
  13. :shock: He's **** awful!
  14. MrDuck


    Apparently at the pre-match press conference from Terry and DiMatteo, there were 11 questions asked - 10 of which were answered by Terry. But it's not about him, of course.
  15. That's exactly my point, I don't think Sade has either. Sade is a band in exactly the same way the Tourists and the Eurythmics were, there's no difference. Lennox & Stewart, Adu & Mathewman. Sade Adu is a singer in a band called Sade just like Siouxsie Sioux was a singer in a band called Siouxsie and the Banshee's. No-one ever called Siouxsie a solo artist (until the last few years). I suspect you're right. I had entirely forgotten she existed, can't remember hearing anything from her for about 20 years. Then last year she showed up in Melbourne playing at a bloody stadium!
  16. She isn't. She was not a solo artist for the first two (most successful) albums. Sade was the name of the band as well as the name she adopted. Take those first two albums sales out of the equation and she's not even close to that accolade and if you're allowed to add sales whilst in a band I suspect Annie Lennox might just win hands down and that's without me checking Kate Bush's sales. Dull, pseudo jazz shite. And she certainly isn't Britain's best selling female musician. I don't think Annie Lennox has sold all that many albums as a solo artist, but including the Eurythmics it's about 75 million. Kate Bush's sales figures are notoriously hard to come by. However, she's not even had a million selling album in the UK, and I'm pretty sure her worldwide sales in total are well under 20 million. Which does nothing to detract from her breathtaking genius I might add
  17. Imagine how good he could have been if he'd not been born with such an awful affliction.
  18. The weed economy seems to be entirely independent of the world economy and entirely resistant to inflation. I haven't seen it change in 20 years. Deserving of further studies!
  19. I find it hard to believe you're really that stupid.
  20. MrDuck

    Solar panels

    People I know over here that have them rave about them - saved absolutely heaps on their power bills once the initial investment was recovered.
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