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Everything posted by MrDuck

  1. He is no different now to he was the first time around he was always a prize prick. The difference now is that the press aren't worried about upsetting him as he is no longer boss of the biggest club in British football. Fertile is now the one the press bow down to Dalglish and his horrible personality are now seen as fair game. Yeah, Fergie gets away with it cos he's winning. Dalglish did in the past too.. but not in this spell! Both similar characters I think.
  2. Yes. In fact 17th is the best position we can hope for, not shit enough to go down but hopefully shit enough for the board to Sack McLeish. I fear a mediocre/average finish, say ending up 12th-15th will see him definitely kept here. Yeh... I reckon I'd prefer a 17th finish than a late surge leaving us in mid-table for the same reason.
  3. Well they knew if he'd come back to form he'd be one of the best strikers in the world again, so I can see why he might get a bit more support.
  4. Yeah you'd fancy Carroll for a hat-trick with Downing getting a couple of assists.
  5. They won the FA Cup that season, finished 7th in the league.
  6. You'll work it out in the end.
  7. Carroll - 5 Downing - 0 Adam - 2 Henderson - 1 Suarez has managed a mighty 11.
  8. http://bit.ly/HMVsnB I'm hoping a late run of form from West Brom will see Hodgson's team finish above the bin-dippers too, that would be priceless.
  9. Harsh. He seems to me like a nice enough guy doing his best, which is unfortunately not very good. He's doing what we all expected, no more, no less. The imbecile is the person who hired him, who somehow inexplicably couldn't see what the rest of us could.
  10. Well hiring Houllier - with a history of heart troubles, and practically retired at the time was pretty **** stupid, if not quite as bad as the McLeish decision. Sanctioning a massive wage bill without the means to pay for it wasn't that smart either.
  11. Add to that the money it'll cost to sack him and I fear you could be right.
  12. Gutted for him and his family. Poor bastard. By all accounts a fantastic guy, and one of my favourite Villa players. Get well soon Stan.
  13. Would it though? The board would probably just go and give Iain Dowie a $10mil contract.
  14. Collymore for me. Amazing talent, and on his day totally unplayable. And a Villa fan too. Thought he was just what we needed. Oh well....
  15. Germany now produces 20% of it's electricity with solar. By 2050 it will be 80%. So far as a result the electricity bills are on average 40% cheaper. Solar is perfectly viable and much cheaper if the motivation is there. As for banging on about the safety of nuclear power... um, how many thousands of years does the waste hang around for again? Oh, but it's ok, cos we bury it really really really deep, so future generations can deal with that eh?
  16. Not really, he was was very critical of the appointment at the time. Who wasn't?!
  17. MrDuck

    Star Wars

    Jeez, and to think I thought you loved good literature.
  18. Ridiculous. You sound like one of those pinko green communislamists to me.
  19. He walked as a man of principle, Five days before the start of the season. Thanks Martin. Thanks Randy.
  20. MrDuck

    Star Wars

    Remember the scene in Empire Strikes Back where Vader coolly deflects the bolts from Han's blaster and then promptly goes on to telekinetic-ally yank it out of Han's grasp? Luke would have wiped the floor with Han, no question. Luke wouldn't have had the heart to finish Han off, too much of a pussy. Han on the other hand would have thought nothing of killing him while he slept and banging his sister 5 minutes later.
  21. MrDuck

    Star Wars

    hmmm... having watched all the films in the same decade (in this order - 4,5,6,1,2,3), i can say that my favourite film to worst film was: 2 (best) 3 4 5 6 1 (worst) :shock: Wow. I've never known anyone to enjoy the first 3, let alone rate 2&3 above the classic originals.
  22. Phenomenal musician, who leaves a great legacy. A huge loss, if not entirely unexpected.
  23. He didn't. It was settled out of court. But you're right of course. He walked as a man of principle, I think cos he no longer felt he could work with the idiots at the top. I suspect MON was in prime position to see what was going to happen to the club... was increasingly **** off with decisions being taken by people that know **** all about football, **** off with having his best players willingly sold by the board (other clubs don't bend over and take it up the arse from the top clubs quite like we do) and having the terms of his employment changed from "get us into the CL in 5 years" to "cut wages, sell players and try not to get relegated. The many disastrous decisions taken by the board since he left suggest he was the only one who knew anything about football at the club. Sure he made some bad decisions, but far more good ones... and compared to Randy, his decision making was positively exemplary.
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