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Everything posted by MrDuck

  1. Le Tissier Platini Zico Ginola (until he came to Villa!)
  2. But MON bought more awful shit than these two ever did. I suggest you have a closer look at Benitez's transfer record!
  3. I wasn't meaning to compare Gazza and LeTiss as similar players, merely saying that LeTissier was just as gifted a footballer. My Dad was a big Saints fan and we used to go to the Dell a lot during the early 90s, so I saw a lot of LeTissier. I've never seen another player who looked so effortless - and you could interpret that in two ways! Everything he did he made look ridiculously easy, and he won an absurd number of games for Saints practically on his own. To score 210 goals in 540 games from midfield in a mostly poor Southampton side is a hell of an achievement. But yes, England like their midfielders to charge around all day long looking busy, a curious trait that never seems to go away.
  4. Yep. England are good at that with creative midfield players. Hoddle was a phenomenal player, but like Scholes was never properly used by England. LeTissier had all the talent of Gascoigne with none of the bad points and he was pretty much never used at all. They were all more than good enough to build your whole team around.
  5. still doesnt make him a great signing, also would argue on form Dunne is a much better player Dunne is a level above Cuellar I think. It's just a shame he's prone to odd awful clanger.
  6. shearer was similar age as well when he retired, though Kevin Prince Boateng tops them all, he retired at start of year and dont think he is even 25 yet I think Shearer retired cos his body was **** and he wanted to prolong his club career. Whereas I think Scholes retired partly cos he was fed up of being pissed around and played out of position all the time.
  7. Well there's a surprise. And once again, "the public wants what the public gets".
  8. Because he plays for us. Because he plays for the club that has provided more England internationals than any other?
  9. Ah yes, I remember how well we played when Houllier and McLeish first came in. I'm beginning to think that New Manager Syndrome only happens when the manager knows what he's doing! To be fair even under those two we had a mini new manager syndrome. Both of them also had really bad patches going into Christmas though. I think with McLeish we went from barely acceptable to totally unacceptable, so I see your point. Houllier got one win in his first 8 games!
  10. Ah yes, I remember how well we played when Houllier and McLeish first came in. I'm beginning to think that New Manager Syndrome only happens when the manager knows what he's doing!
  11. 100% perfect for the England team then.
  12. Ok, I'll give you the likes of Reo-Coker, Harewood, Heskey and Cuellar... but I think that's a wee bit harsh on the likes of Milner, Petrov, Carew & Downing.
  13. They've always got talented players... but a bit like Holland they're prone to falling apart behind the scenes. You never know what you'll get.
  14. Craig Gardner on MON... http://bit.ly/ArZ464
  15. I think the same thing, he don't deserve another prem job anyway. The arrogance he showed after leaving West Ham, claiming he was too big for a championship club, was ridiculous. Too big to manage Leeds, Nott'm Forest, Derby etc, yeah right. He did a great job at Charlton in the PL, then was doing the same at West Ham. He definitely deserves another Premiership job. Certainly a lot more so than McLeish! seems I was wrong, Wolves do want Curbs. I agree he did a great job at Charlton, and did alright at West Ham. He did deserve another prem job after them 2, and he is more deserving than McLeish, but my problem has been his arrogance. Don't see how his too big to manager in the Championship, especially considering how long he has been out of the game. I'm surprised he hasn't taken a Championship job by now too. It was good enough for Allardyce, who had a very similar record.
  16. And any employee has the right to leave his job if he feels his employers are making it untenable, and moving the goalposts.
  17. Well for a start we'd probably be relegated. I'm all for blooding the youngsters, but stick them all in at once and you're asking for trouble, especially in our situation. If we were safe with a few games to go, then go for it.
  18. Bruce put together a side that was struggling at the bottom of the table. MON took over the same side and before you know it they're one of the league's form teams. To me that doesn't suggest luck, it suggests he's a very good manager.
  19. I think the same thing, he don't deserve another prem job anyway. The arrogance he showed after leaving West Ham, claiming he was too big for a championship club, was ridiculous. Too big to manage Leeds, Nott'm Forest, Derby etc, yeah right. He did a great job at Charlton in the PL, then was doing the same at West Ham. He definitely deserves another Premiership job. Certainly a lot more so than McLeish!
  20. What the stats don't tell you is that most of those "crosses" were actually shots
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