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Everything posted by MrDuck

  1. Number of people imprisoned per 100,000 people...
  2. MrDuck


    I suppose they can concentrate on their title challenge now
  3. Newcastle 1 v 2 Chelsea Hull 1 v 1 West Brom Liverpool 2 v 0 Sunderland QPR 2 v 1 Burnley Stoke 1 v 3 Arsenal Tottenham 2 v 0 Crystal Palace Man City 2 v 1 Everton West Ham 2 v 0 Swansea Aston Villa 2 v 1 Leicester Southampton 1 v 2 Man Utd
  4. I sometimes wonder how it's possible that I'm of the same species that produces/reads the Murdoch press.
  5. You can prove anything with statistics. Fourfty percent of people know that.
  6. And he's right FIFA pull the World Cup from Qatar and go somewhere else, they will still be spending the same, bar the stadiums building the same, using the same workers in the same conditions, only no one will care Lots of governing bodies are turning a blind eye to this and FIFA are way down the list as to who is responsible Way down the list of who is responsible, for sure. But FIFA know it's happening and aren't bothered - which is effectively a public endorsement of the migrant worker situation. Then again, it's not like they have a moral reputation to think about.
  7. Burnley 1-2 Newcastle Leicester 0-1 Liverpool Man Utd 2-1 Stoke Swansea 1-1 QPR Crystal Palace 1-2 Aston Villa West Brom 1-1 West Ham Arsenal 2-0 Southampton Chelsea 2-1 Tottenham Everton 1-0 Hull Sunderland 0-1 Man City
  8. God, this "things that cheer you up" thread is depressing.
  9. West Brom 0-1 Arsenal Burnley 1-2 Aston Villa Liverpool 1-1 Stoke Man Utd 3-0 Hull QPR 1-1 Leicester Swansea 2-1 Crystal Palace West Ham 2-1 Newcastle Sunderland 0-2 Chelsea Southampton 2-1 Man City Tottenham 1-1 Everton Wildcard please Mr Rodders.
  10. Definitely a greatest day contender for me... a couple of years ago I got a message via Twitter from one of my all time musical heroes, saying he was coming to Melbourne and could I lend him a guitar for a week? That alone made me pretty happy - the fact that I ended up not only lending the guitar, but also going for a drink with him and then a couple of days later having him come to my place for dinner is something I still struggle to believe happened to this day
  11. We're neither winning or scoring goals or creating chances. I can't understand why this guy isn't at least getting the odd 10 minutes.
  12. Whelan seems to be one of the many of his generation that simply don't get it. As well as the Jewish thing mentioned above, he defended Mackay calling the Chinese "chinks" (Chink originates as a term of abuse for Asians, it's basically the direct equivalent of nigger) saying he doesn't believe it's an offensive term. Unbelievable. If I was Ched Evans, I'd be getting my agent on the phone to Whelan right away...
  13. Chelsea 3-1 West Brom Everton 1-1 West Ham Leicester 2-1 Sunderland Man City 2-1 Swansea Newcastle 1-0 QPR Stoke 2-0 Burnley Arsenal 2-2 Man Utd Crystal Palace 0-0 Liverpool Hull 1-1 Tottenham Aston Villa 1-0 Southampton
  14. Saw Strummer play with the Mescaleros in New Zealand in 99. Played the Big Day Out festival... I was somewhat worse for wear and not really sure who was playing, but when the Chilli Peppers came on to headline the main stage, I knew it was time to move on. Stumbled upon a little stage out the back with about 100 people watching a band just coming on, so I decided to check them out. Singer looks familiar.. holy shite, it's Joe Strummer. They played one of the best shows I've seen, including a bunch of great Clash tunes, and the fact that I wasn't expecting it made it all the more sweeter.
  15. The Clash are my ultimate. Also, they only ever did one 'punk' album. Which one? The first one. Then off to the USA to produce some shiny AM-friendly rock. Good, though. Pretty sure they recorded all their albums in London? Maybe Jamaica w/ Lee Perry, but if they recorded in the States, it wasn't a whole album. Sandanista and Combat Rock were done partly in London, partly in the States.
  16. Joe Strummer was about as real as they come.
  17. Popularity of London clubs based on Twitter data...
  18. The Clash are my ultimate. Also, they only ever did one 'punk' album. Which one? Depends on your definition of Punk I guess. If the definition is based on musical style then it'd be The Clash with hints of it in the turgid Give 'em Enough Rope If the definition is based on attitude then all of them, except the risible This is England, which I don't even consider a proper Clash album. For me Punk was about attitude, it was never a musical style until the second wave of bands, which were generally all shite. Agree with all this, although I'd have said Rope was fully qualified on both counts.
  19. The Clash are my ultimate. Also, they only ever did one 'punk' album. Which one?
  20. I'd say when it comes to rock frontmen, there was Freddie Mercury... then a long gap before the rest. But is it's entirely subjective... there is no way of making a definitive judgement. Music is not a sport. There are some amazing guitarists on a technical level who I find torturous to listen to. I'll take the feel of players like Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix and Johnny Thunders over technique every time, but none of them would win any prizes for technical proficiency. All those lists of top guitarists are always incredibly rock-centric too. There are bluegrass guys that hardly anyone has heard of that can run rings around all of them.
  21. Argh! My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
  22. Good players without a doubt, not quite the worlds elite. But I guess it's all about opinions. There's only 2 or 3 elite players around at a time. Id say Scholes was in the worlds elite. Between 1995 & 2006 he was up there with zidane as the best midfielders in the world. Shearer in his prime was utterly brilliant and would have got in any team in the world. We haven't had a striker fit to lace his boots since he retired.
  23. So... am I correct in thinking FIFA investigated FIFA and decided that FIFA had done nothing wrong?
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