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Everything posted by MrDuck

  1. Tolkien didn't have a beard. What a weird choice of phrase.
  2. More language related maps... these are pretty cool. Using tube lines as geographic anchors to show most common language around each station (after English). Turnpike Lane, the most linguistically diverse tube station...
  3. Good interview with Joe on the BBC here Not convinced there's much left in the tank, but Joe at his peak was twice the player of anyone else we have in the squad.
  4. Liverpool 1-2 Chelsea Burnley 1-1 Hull Man Utd 2-1 Crystal Palace Southampton 2-2 Leicester West Ham 1-1 Aston Villa QPR 0-0 Man City Sunderland 1-0 Everton Tottenham 2-0 Stoke West Brom 1-0 Newcastle Swansea 1-4 Arsenal
  5. Roy is one of a select few people at the club that knows what it actually takes to win something (a LOT of things), so I suspect he has _some_ value.
  6. Agreed, mercator projection is kinda shitty...for years as a kid I thought Greenland was about the same size as Africa!
  7. 2012 election result, if only white men's votes counted. Amusingly, even if these were the only votes that counted, Mitt Romney would still have lost his home state.
  8. Newcastle 3-2 Liverpool Arsenal 5-0 Burnley Chelsea 2-1 QPR Everton 1-1 Swansea Hull 1-2 Southampton Leicester 1-0 West Brom Stoke 1-1 West Ham Man City 2-1 Man Utd Aston Villa 1-2 Tottenham Crystal Palace 1-1 Sunderland
  9. Seriously though, Spurs would probably have won the Premier League by now if the White Hart Lane pitch wasn't so small.
  10. I don't think either was crap, although they weren't 'conventionally good'. They were distinctive and quirky. Same with Neil Young. Yep. Character beats technique every time.
  11. MrDuck


    In terms of talent, no. Similar scoring record though.
  12. MrDuck


    If it's between Chelsea, City and Liverpool winning it give me Liverpool any day unfortunately. Yeah, but that's like choosing which manky old dog turd you want to eat most. No option is in any way attractive.
  13. West Ham 1-2 Man City Liverpool 2-1 Hull Southampton 1-1 Stoke Sunderland 1-1 Arsenal West Brom 0-0 Crystal Palace Swansea 2-2 Leicester Burnley 1-2 Everton Tottenham 1-0 Newcastle Man Utd 2-3 Chelsea QPR 1-1 Aston Villa
  14. MrDuck


    Nah, it's pure media bollocks. Is the Real player (Pepe?) getting the same nonsense in the Spanish media I wonder? And, according to Carragher, it was Pepe who asked Mario rather than the other way around. Love the way that biting and racial abuse are acceptable at Anfield, but swapping shirts at half time? Oh the outrage! What an admirable club they are.
  15. MrDuck


    I'm fairly sure he couldn't have scored any less than their other players...
  16. MrDuck


    Mystified as to what Lambert has to do to get a game. Sturridge injured, Balotelli misfiring, and still he can't get on the pitch - despite being an England striker with a very respectable goalscoring record. Why did they buy him? Still, good to see Real give them a hiding
  17. I get the distinct impression Harry just can't be arsed anymore.
  18. Toss up between M*A*S*H and The Simpsons for me.
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