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Everything posted by Dom_Wren

  1. Didnt know you couldnt get it the UK, what you drink it with? Crown and Ginger is a big drink here in the south.
  2. Excuse the malibu, but the thanksgiving booze is in the house!!
  3. By the way. Some effing Choon that lad.
  4. Just watching the Dvd the end. Quality. Interspersed footage of the final gig in brum with interviews and footage of them jamming a few days after the concert. The take of the wizard was mental good!!!
  5. All good! I hadnt even heard of this, crazy as its not far (1.25 hours) and ive sent plenty of kids to play soccer at USCU
  6. Mayor just said an act of terror. 8 dead. Over a dozen more injured.
  7. Bloody hell. Was in that area for the last few days as some of you know. Lots of confusion and different stories right now.
  8. Sitting in la guardia bout to head back home. Brilliant time. Brilliant. Friday did a ruby, Times Square and beers at the irish pub round the corner. Did soho and toad hall and paptzul @NurembergVillan Saturday watched us spank the Spaniards over a few pints. Then did broadway Central Park. More Irish pubs. Lovely Mexican food. Sunday couldn’t get up for game was too knackered! Rained all day so laid around then did the wtc museum. We stayed right there lovely little area. Really enjoyed it. Hotels were fine. Did the subway no problems. Everybody friendly. Felt safe all the time. Brilliant little break.
  9. Cheers Lads, Much appreciated!
  10. I used to remember posting in this thread that id be on the Johhny Cash Leo Sayer all weekend. This weekend for me: Fri - Drink after work, movie, bed. Sat - Gaff, work, sleep Sun - Got to be gaffing at the field at 7am, field is 1.5 hour drive away..... Come back, sleep, curry.
  11. Also is there a villa pub to watch the SHA game on sunday am?
  12. Going with the wife soon, only for two nights. Not a fancy eating type of guy, and only really want to do one touristy thing (was thinking ellis island). Just looking for cool spots to eat and drink, probably just gonna put on comfy shoes and just walk. Any suggestions?
  13. Dom_Wren


    Good luck RV. Very brave what your doing. Thoughts with you and your family Bruv.
  14. Pineville nc. About 25 mins from us. Quality. Been going for 19 years!!!
  15. What is o hare doing? Passing and moving. Playing in between the lines. How dare he.
  16. Fair play you wee nutter ye! Fri - Few jars/movies with the wife. Sat: Lay in/watch the villa/gaff/watch college football Sun: Lay in/watch some nfl/gaff/watch some more nfl
  17. 100% true, useless performance from a team devoid of any attacking panache, bar one guy (pulisic) they couldn't leave out (7 goals, 7 assists, in last 14 games)
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