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Everything posted by Dom_Wren

  1. Jack was the best of a bad bunch along with adomah, but superb!? His mobility was good but when did he hit a long range shot on target, beat a player or make a pass to split the defense. Don’t get me wrong The system is not set up for him and he was def targeted by them today. This should however tell us that Bruce has no system and can’t get the best out of our most technically gifted player. Ps where’s o hare? He’s looked lively when I’ve seen him. Needs to be getting minutes imo
  2. I’ve never seen a team NOT switch the point of attack like we do.
  3. At least Albert gives a shit. snodgrass would never have chased that errant pass.
  4. No surprise is it when whealen has an entry pass into a forward and plays a 60 yard negative pass.
  5. Bloody hell we are gash at defending pace. Whealen looks like he needs one of those supermarket scooters to get around.
  6. Snodgrass gives ball away. Snodgrsss refuses to run 5 yards to press said ball he gave away. Thats the spirit rob!
  7. Lack of pace exposed at back again. Let’s defend high! Genius! Good touch and finish tbf.
  8. Davis took a heavy touch and got smashed fairly. Pen!
  9. Picked me up a bottle mate. You hit the nail on the head with your description. Been having one or two a night before bed. Lovely dram!!!
  10. Blimey, you should work for them as im sold! ill see if the local has it sounds bloody lovely!! and yes lagavulin is a lovely dram, they did a special distillers edition here (dont know if they did it in the uk) it was absolutely fantastic!
  11. I like a nice lagavulin, but cant drink too much of the peaty stuff, 2-3 glasses and im grand.
  12. Ive worked my way thru quite a lot of mid range scotch. McCallen 12 is a favorite. Straight butter.
  13. I want him gone, but think he will stay to see if we go up, then if we don't leave, and i can see the sense in that at this stage. If he gets us up, hell be gone and a progressive manager appointed, if he doesn't hell be gone and a less well known progressive manager will be appointed. Were not far away from seeing if the tried and trusted Bruce approach worked or didn't. Either way he wont be gaffing next season.
  14. Loving this thread. Got some time off over xmas so looking for good movies. Some good ones I’ve seen (many mentioned in here) wind river sicario (my fav) man on fire equalizer The last stand (if your just tired!) the counselor All of the ip man films (1,2,3) mike Bassett
  15. Definite right call in pats game. Gronk is very good My panthers in a mess off the field-big time-but on the field getting it done. Cam hilarious when Matthews spotted the play. "Oh you been watching tape huh", "Yep" he replies. "Well watch this" he says and proceeds to throw a TD!!!!!!
  16. only when i go across the mason dixon line I have it unloaded, in a locked case separate from my ammo. Reason its good for me, is that GA didnt recognize anybody but GA CCW's, which is a mess as all you have to do to get one is apply! no gun training, no legal training, just apply, show your a resident and bingo.
  17. House passes HR 38. Great news for me.
  18. Not had the apple, im a neat, scotch man in the house. But i have had a couple of heavy nights on the Crown and Ginger, particularly one night in vegas, when i was drinking pints of the stuff. Needless to say the flight back the next day was ace....
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