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Everything posted by AV82

  1. I'm surprised by our recent record against Brighton because I feel like we always really struggle against them.
  2. Buckle up boys it's time to watch Watkins ignore Ings for another 65~ minutes until Ings is hooked for Buendia.
  3. How the hell did Steer get MOTM in that game?! He looked lost in the first 30 secs of that video.
  4. This is less about Sanson and more about players not playing well (for whatever reason) and continuously being picked. What about squad depth? Challenging for places? Giving players a kick up the arse? Actually giving our academy prospects a fair crack?
  5. It's Villa. He'll probably be back by the end of 22/23 and look a shadow of his former self on the pitch.
  6. AV82

    Douglas Luiz

    Fernandinho is king of this and somehow always avoids a yellow. Douglas take note.
  7. Villa Park must have the highest proportion of gammon in the Prem surely?
  8. ITT middle aged blokes complaining about a former players fashion sense. Get a grip.
  9. AV82

    Douglas Luiz

    Surely this is coachable? It's simple stuff when defending on the counter which is exactly what Gerrard said we were expecting from Watford.
  10. The holes in our game must be mended to some degree before we commit to and really roll the dice on Gerrard. If he shows tactical nous with the team we have now then yes, let's push on and bring in personnel to develop his style further. However if he can't plug simple gaps like coaching Douglas to take a yellow, or having players in positions that suit them (McGinn completely wasted covering the RB position is one example) then I'd rather we go another route at the end of the season with a different coach. The players don't turn to shit over night and on paper we have a solid team. In the remaining 12 games I'm more interested in how we react collectively to the struggles we will undoubtedly face and that should shape our decision come the summer.
  11. Let's not forget that Buendia, like Coutinho, started in spurts and needed time to adjust. Emi was gassed on the 60 minute mark more often than not.
  12. AV82

    Douglas Luiz

    The whole tweet thread is brilliant but this particular post aimed at Douglas shows just how much we need a proper DM. See the second post where he poorly deals with Sarr on the counter which opens up an opportunity, not helped by the fact that McGinn is not a RB but has to cover there since Cash is up at RW. If Douglas takes a yellow at the least or shows him down the line that entire counter attack (which ultimately led to a shot on goal) is thwarted.
  13. Jordan Veretout written all over this.
  14. Honestly.. why the F would he come here?
  15. I fear his comments after Newcastle show a certain naivety that needs stamping out quick. What kind of message does that send when he fields the exact same team with one change?
  16. AV82

    Matty Cash

    He's a damn sight better than Ashley Young that's for sure.
  17. All fair points! It's a tough one that's for sure. I think we can all agree two number 10's are clogging the middle. It's effectively removing our three CMs from the game and leaving massive gaps behind the fullbacks as we rely on them for width just like you've described.
  18. Atmosphere has always been shit unless we're winning. Same old. Grumpy old men sighing when we pass the ball backwards.
  19. I'm more worried by the managers who continually play him. What are they seeing that we aren't?
  20. He's not the only player in a Villa shirt not playing to their ability. The system and team as a collective need to improve before we bash individuals.
  21. AV82

    Cameron Archer

    This boy is exactly where he needs to be right now. Getting games and getting goals. He is not the answer to our problems.
  22. So you've taken how we play now, removed a DM and put in a struggling Bailey. Am I missing something here?
  23. AV82

    Douglas Luiz

    Needs to play as an 8 or sit on the bench.
  24. With two 10's in the middle our central 3 are completely bypassed.
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