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Everything posted by AV82

  1. With two 10's in the middle our central 3 are completely bypassed.
  2. Really feel for Sanson here. No faith whatsoever from the management.
  3. Have I stumbled into a Facebook group with a bunch of 14 year olds? "He's a pussy!" "He's weak!". Jesus. Grow up.
  4. I think he wants more money and we’re playing him as much as we can to see if he’s worth that much money. Time will tell.
  5. Apologies for my terminology. Regardless, as per my original post, I'm excited to see what he can do given time.
  6. Quality back and forth. Great discussion. Much forum.
  7. .. when he came on he looked poor? Is that so hard to understand?
  8. Dust off the boots Morg it's time to take over.
  9. He has been poor. I am however not writing him off and saying he's a waste of time. That is was I was referring to. We're allowed to be critical without completely writing someone off.
  10. Cash was one of the only players who had space, time and opportunity in the final third against Newcastle. In hindsight I'd rather have had Ashley Young in his place - a guy who has shown he can cross and pick a pass.
  11. He's been abysmal but, like others, deserves time and to not be judged on a few minutes here and there in a limping side.
  12. I think the next game will be defining in a way. Gerrard hasn't had to react to a series of poor performances until now. I don't think he'll stand for it and I'm hoping we'll see a big shake up. I dare say Smith would've kept things the same and I'm hoping Gerrard will be more proactive, at least on the face of it, by giving others a chance and really making a statement by benching previous favourites like Cash, McGinn and Watkins.
  13. In keeping with this it'll be interesting to see who is dropped for the Watford game. Changes will be made.
  14. Trying to wrap my head around having Douglas Luiz, McGinn, Ramsey, Buendia and Coutinho occupying the middle of the pitch and being unable to beat a press and string a few passes together. If you’re lumping the ball over those 5 into Ollie Watkins with Dan Burn on his back something has gone terrible, terribly wrong.
  15. It’s criminal he isn’t getting starts.
  16. First real drop in form. Let’s see how we react against Watford. I’m expecting big changes both in the lineup and the performance.
  17. Think a few brown paper envelopes have exchanged hands here.
  18. Watkins lucky header back post STILL **** it up and stays on? Okay.
  19. 5 players in the middle and no passes whatsoever. Lump in to Watkins. How??
  20. That was shit but Newcastle have hardly created anything. Hopefully we come out 2nd half a different team and turn this around.
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