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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. I’m intrigued! What do you want one for?
  2. VAR took 4 minutes to decide if it was offside. What a joke.
  3. I’m releasing 2 cd’s this year. Of course they are ‘records of note’ (new music recordings, examples of me as a performer) and certainly not to make money. But if I go and play a recital at a small church in say Virginia for the local chamber music society, I take cd’s with me and invariably between 10 & 20 enthusiasts will buy one for $15/$20. They want a “take home.” A memory of an experience they enjoyed and eventually over a number of years the investment in the recording will break even.
  4. You might like Black Angels by George Crumb @useless
  5. Bloody hell how hairy are your ears and nostrils ?
  6. My biggest gripe about the progression from physical to digital audio media may seem niche but it's very important to me and many classical enthusiasts. If you had a CD or vinyl recording of a symphony, the info on the back told you exactly; who the orchestra was, who conducted and most importantly in which year it was recorded. This meant you knew which musicians were in the group at that point, was it originally recorded in analogue and then digitized, where it was recorded etc. The way that digital media is catalogued and the info displayed online, there is no company that presents all of this very pertinent info clearly and of course it's because it isn't worth their time financially. Often labels release recordings and so if you go to buy something online that eg looks like a recent recording of the Chicago Symphony, it may actually be a re-release from 1950 recorded with a tin can and a piece of string.
  7. There is an argument waiting to be had in there for a purist!
  8. For example, you can just PayPal me directly
  9. Needs to get his bloody hair cut.
  10. That's why I stayed away from the business end of things during my sons birth. I can still have sex with my wife!
  11. Our first two weeks of University are going to be online. We've already had 2 snow days (so I'm not even teaching from my studio on campus.) Basically I'm at home with the nipper running around so it's like an endless Christmas! At least one more week and I can see that being extended.
  12. Only 3 mince pies left - what a travesty. This locks tomorrow too - @limpid officially ending Christmas 2021
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