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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. When we were looking for a house last year people were bidding $200k over the asking price Lines down the street to get in to open houses - it was and still is absolutely nuts. People selling up in California and coming here with cash and just throwing it all at property. Oh and just to get it back OT, the beer is really great.
  2. Nice! Colorado had flown under the radar to some degree as a fashionable place to live. California was always the place folks aspired to or of course New York. This allowed people to come to CO and buy, say an acre of land for pretty cheap, and start brewing! We always had Aspen and Vail which are the swanky, 3rd home type places but those are mountain towns. The front range cities of Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins & Greeley were quite affordable compared to other places I've already mentioned. And some of the old unfashionable mountain towns away from the ski-resorts were cheap too. That has been changing though and it's changing really fast - Especially since the pandemic and the fact that California is on fire. On the radio yesterday it said there are 4,000 real estate agents in Colorado Springs and 29 houses under 1/2 million. 30,000 people per day are moving to Colorado and there just isn't anywhere near enough housing. Sorry for going OT!
  3. Yup - Fort Collins about 2 hours north of Denver. Honestly though, Fat Tire has been around a while and is nationally distributed (hence they could afford to get their product placed in a show like Bosch!) Like the West Mids, the best brewers have a small little operation and it's wonderfully satisfying when you find them! This is the first beer I picked out when I moved here just because I liked the can. Still one of my favorite IPA's - just splendid. https://tommyknocker.com/
  4. "Gods of Snooker" on the iPlayer if fantastic. Really enjoying it. I remember watching the 85 final on the "upstairs TV" after my mom and dad had gone to bed. It was a portable that you tuned in with a dial and was in black and white. (I sound flippin old) I rooted for Jimmy White and hated Stephen Hendry. Loved me a bit of snooker back then.
  5. Thanks @Designer1 I haven't seen that before In the realm of 80's music video redo's it reminded me of this.
  6. What exactly were Jagger & Bowie thinking when they did that "Dancing in the Street" video?
  7. I am yet to have a bad beer since moving to Colorado. You can pick out any local beer and it'll range from solid to spectacular. Coloardo also has the most micro - breweries per capita in North America
  8. I have no idea what this is or what it means. (But I am thankful for that and comfortable in my life choices.)
  9. Join former Aston Villa hotshot JPA as he explores and dissects the intricacies of stone bouncing on Lake Windermere in Cumbria. That's, Juan Pebble Angle on Sundays 6pm, BBC2
  10. My memory was Benteke was sold for 35m
  11. Another thumbs up for the new Ghostbusters. Refreshing to see actual props and sets. The props had obviously been crafted with care and with old techniques. Sure there was CGI but it wasn't absolutely everywhere.
  12. It's not. Also from about S3 it's the writers rehashing a similar premise. One kid has a go at taking out Logan and then he wins.
  13. Nakamba was a huge loss. He was really standing out as the 6. He looked so much better than he ever had done for Smith because of how Gerrard and his coaches set the rest of the team up in front of him.
  14. Steve Martland. I played some of his stuff in London back in the 90's and worked with him a little. Nice guy, great mind, interesting compositions and sadly passed away far too early.
  15. Thats because the players know not to pass to him. They have just ignored him. His confidence is shot. Some just can't hack it at the top level - he is one of them
  16. Yeah I was one of his biggest fans but I don't think he's a good footballer
  17. We've been our own worst enemy tonight. Endlessly giving the ball away
  18. Targett should have been pushing into the space. The whole world could see it.
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