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Everything posted by blunther

  1. Yeah, that's crazy. I'm hoping it goes on length of service rather than number of aways....
  2. "set to launch bid" - so-called journalists these days really are stealing a living.
  3. Ha, that's true! I hope you're right - what you said about a goal is exactly that. Nothing compares to being in the ground when we score, it's transcendental. You just don't get that watching on a TV. If they take that magic away, that's a big part of the reason for attending taken away.
  4. I've been dreading VAR being at matches I attend. If next season I'm left wondering WTF is happening for two minutes or celebrate a goal wildly only for it to be ruled out a minute or two afterwards, I'm just going to stop going as it's a load of bullshit for TV audiences. Within five years they'll have ad breaks while a committee views video replays and it'll be like American Football. It's a bag of shite.
  5. Seems a great bloke. We're letting some good characters go. I know they haven't got a place in the Premier League now at their age but it's still a little sad. End of an era I guess.
  6. Love you Alan. Godspeed brother!
  7. What a bag of shit this is. The 6,000 allocation per team at a crap circular stadium in Baku was a joke, but I still can't believe they didn't sell out. I'm sure we'd have took a lot more than 6,000.
  8. Read this morning that Arsenal have sold about 3500 and Chelsea 2000. I know it's a long way away but there's no **** chance in hell I wouldn't be going if we got there. I'd drive there if I had to. Absolutely pathetic from both sets of fans. They should cancel it and let the other semi finalists have a go if the finalists can't sell a 6,000 allocation.
  9. If sitting around all day getting pissed isn't a breach of his contract, I really have to question who's writing our contracts!
  10. Can that be looked at as another dive retrospectively? What a horrible little word removed he is
  11. This referee is a **** criminal. Absolute word removed.
  12. There are exemptions for sportspeople. I assume they aren't fasting. If they are I wouldn't be playing them (or paying them. They need to be at their peak).
  13. That's what I mean, I used to cringe when anyone out a cross in when he played for us, so you'd think we'd exploit that weakness but we never really did.
  14. I was saying the same thing. He flapped at anything high in the six yard box so we kept doing short corners. Weird.
  15. Sitting where I sit I’m one of the last out the ground if I wait till the final whistle. If im on the train leaving at 85 mins means I get home an hour earlier. That’s either bathtime and bedtime for the kid if I leave at 85 or I don’t see them if I leave at full time. Not much of an incentive to stay when you’re 2-0 down and half the crowd are busy arguing and fighting with each other. Quite why me leaving five minutes early affects your experience I don’t know. If public transport or traffic was any better then I’d be tempted to stay anyway, but that’s another discussion.
  16. Ten times the player today than midweek.
  17. Absolutely vile today Forget turning on the players, that’s long gone. We’ve turned on ourself now. I think everyone at the back/centre of the lower holte hates everyone else. Could get scrappy very easily.
  18. I think I just did a sick in my mouth. Refs are terrible though. I thought premier league refs were bad, but Jesus! I dread to think what happens in league two. Just drag some pissed up bloke out the boozer?
  19. I think he’ll be here next season. I don’t see anyone topping £25m unless he has an unbelievable end to the season and I don’t see why we’d let him leave for less now he’s contracted for another four years.
  20. What kind of supporter doesn’t go to the game /s
  21. I like him a lot, but I can’t have him as MotM tonight after watching that second goal back. Just standing watching the two rebounds on the edge of the six yard box. He’d given up ages before it hit the net.
  22. I left early mostly because of the toxic atmosphere tonight and look where that got me. In fairness it got me home and drying and warm with a cat on my lap an hour earlier so not all bad. The constant shouts of ‘forward’ and the glee that seems to be taken in jeering our own players is something else. We’ve had new players, managers, owners, coaches, scouts, probably new tea ladies and everything else too. The only things we haven’t changed are the fans and the mascot. I suggest we kill off Hercules in a half time gladiatoral contest next week. If it’s still the same then we should buy new fans.
  23. I’m glad the trains were £80 by the time I was looking to get a ticket. I’ve had a far better day than I would otherwise have had. Sheesh.
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