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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. I made sure I got back home in time to see Chris Gayle help the West Indies chase down 190 runs. He lasted 5 balls and scored 1 run.
  2. I never realised this was the main reason Simon Jordan used to big us up on talksport as the only proper team in the city....a bit of deflected praise but it wound up the great unwashed at the sty
  3. Cumin....cum-in....gerritt ?? Oh...cum-on !!
  4. She's from a backward lil town called Burntwood, staffordSHIRE so no chance of her totting in town. Mate.
  5. Met my missus online - we'd both been married, had a couple of relationships afterwards but I dunno....I guess I got lucky and it deffo did help that I saw a lot of me in her (KW jpeg), personality wise for sure anyway. I'd hate to go through it again - it's like prepping for an job interview and you almost have to be on your best behaviour for the first few dates before you can really relax and be yourself. After using a few dating apps you get a feel for who you're looking at and categorise them easily enough to weed out the dimwits, goldiggers or players.
  6. Methinks you're touting for a KW jpeg here
  7. Hang on a minute.....hang on a feckin' minute here....this had better be the castle brom site and NOT Solihull ! Otherwise I might have to drop you from my select group of fave posters. Mate.
  8. If that doesn't scream "inferiority complex" then nothing will.
  9. If you saw it in the Shires and not "town" you're either lying mate or he ent proppa blooze mate cuz if he wuz he'd be in "the Wood". On his way to town. Mate.
  10. VTers that, when writing a post, put the phrase "insert KW jpeg" instead of an actual jpeg of the great man. Lots of us take the time to search, edit and save such pics, especially @sidcowwho has taken it to a new level, so come on stop being lazy and do the needful. (yes I AM that bored today !)
  11. This. I work in Nuneaton and its full of glory hunters for both teams. I wanted Liverpool to batter man ure only cos I know less redscouse rocket polishers than Manc ones. Still both as obnoxious as each other though.
  12. Like others, I haven't watched it in years. I used to enjoy the old stuff like soccerette, the Tramp, cross bar challenge, referee Gallagher and players being questioned about their team mates. Used to be 3 hours long. I seem to remember sky producing Cricket AM which fell on it's arse quite quickly and was canned
  13. A bit OT (and a bit petty but meh !) but after hearing smth-rowe interviewed last night I am glad we didn't sign him. He sounded like a right word removed with that fake jamaican accent that white "street wanna be rude boiz" adopt. Does my head in. Fam.
  14. That is praise indeed coming from your good self
  15. Need some advice please. Other half has just bought a 66 plate nissan juke and the main beam headlights still appear to be "too high" despite being on the lowest setting (did the usual test of facing a wall and watching the beam lower whilst pressing the required switch on the dash) but it still is a bit high and we get flashed at night by some drivers. I know they have those daytime running lights higher up but don't think they're the problem. I've looked on forums but nothing really helps so far. Any ideas VTers ?
  16. Thing is, just how many jaw dropping deals ever get done in the Jan window ? No doubt they will have the money but if they are to get stellar signings then pants will truly be pulled down.
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