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Everything posted by Oaks

  1. Oaks


    I agree, he probably needs to fail at Liverpool to revaluate himself as a manager.
  2. I get the feeling Pearson is trying to install a everyone's against us siege mentality with his players like Jose does, but he hasn't got Jose's wit or intelligence to pull it off.
  3. It's class. It's like the sopranos, set in California. Characters are great, the only thing that lets it down is Ray's wife. They have clearly based her on Carmela, but she is annoying as fook. John Voight is the best thing in the show, but Liev Schreiber is quality too. I'd be surprised if you were disappointed, it's one of the best about at the minute imo. I find Ray Donovan closer to the story of a grand theft auto game than the Sopranos. Still quite enjoyable though.
  4. Oaks


    After watching the game God knows how many times, reading pretty much every report and listening to every podcast and radio show, I decided to watch Redmen TV on YouTube. They gave a great assessment of the game, but one moment stuck with me. One of they guys said he heard a chant in the second half in the Liverpool end he didn't know the words too, then he realised it was the villa fans, we were that loud.
  5. Oaks


    Hes so far up his own arse it's unbelievable.
  6. Heads up to some, it's already on on demand.
  7. Costa Coutinho lol De Gea Hazard Kane Sanchez Young; Courtois Coutinho De Gea Hazard Kane Sterling
  8. I just wonder why he seems to play better with Baker rather than Clark? I suppose it's all about partnerships, but it does baffle me.
  9. Before Tuesday I was 75% sure we would be safe...it's dropped down to about 55% now. We needed to win that, but if we had lost it I think I would be about 75% sure of relegation.
  10. It pretty much coincided with Bent signing...
  11. He then hired Lambert - a manager many fans wanted. Same result - if not worse. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. There is a difference though. With McLeish we knew what we were getting...which was the main problem we knew we were getting a defensive manager who pretty much already failed at premier league level. Lambert at the time was a gamble. A young up and coming manager, who did a spectacular job at Norwich. Lerners only failing other than backing Lambert with cash was keeping him to long when it was clear to everyone the job was too big for him.
  12. It was motivated by Barnes playing like complete crap in just about every appearance he made for England. . And kept getting picked.
  13. The only stat that truly matters is trophies. All the rest is pointless.
  14. Oaks

    Top Gear

    You've got teenage girls crying about Zayn leaving one direction and middle aged men crying about Clarkson leaving Top Gear...and not a lot of difference between them really.
  15. If you look on my old man said it says the reason for the standard response is because so many people have complained, they now have to hand out these stock responses whilst they investigate the complaint. Which is probably why the difference in the commentary.
  16. Chris is out of the country at the moment. If his absence from these shores is in any way related to our good form then I'll petition to have him deported the moment his plane lands back in Blighty. Errr...
  17. Mayweather will win on a tight marginal win...then they go again ££££
  18. Quite simply the difference in reaction was they didn't have Perce and Lawrenson on. Them pair are so unprofessional, and miserable I don't know why they either bother.
  19. Whoever it is I think I will always be sceptical after Randys turn around.
  20. Yeah the Mike-centric episode of Better Call Saul was sooo good it was like watching breaking bad at its best.
  21. Pulls and Foster have been nominated for manager and Player of the month for Febuary pmsl
  22. What? I would say MON hit par...nothing more nothing less.
  23. And Pulis has gone all Jose, by using the pitch invasion to cover his own teams inept display against a injury hit Villa.
  24. Oaks


    How many games did Benteke get again?
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