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Everything posted by Oaks

  1. I like the way some people are saying picking Given on form...after 1 save, and and fumble. I've never rated Given, his flaws were evident on Sunday (stuck on his line, not aggressive from set plays) he's 38 these are not going to change. Pick the best keeper ffs
  2. I've heard plenty of racist and especially xenophobic chanting though the years. I hate it. From the hissing from the back of the Holte vs Spurs to the dam right louducrus not even knowing what country someone's from. Has it got better in the 26 years since I've been going, without a doubt, but to target Chelsea for probably half a dozen morons I think is short sighted. If you've ever been in pub with Villa fans on away days you here some vile chants. It's just mainly kept away from grounds these days.
  3. We've been spoon fed this next season bullshit for 4 years now.
  4. Heh. it's amazing how often this comes up when talking about sitcoms with my friends, that episode is one of the best constructed episodes around I reckon. Certainly the set up for that joke at least. Amazing. That and Jeff from Coupling's internal monologue on a train re a wooden leg are two set pieces that are foreer treasured in my laugh bank. Never really a big fan of the IT crowd, but this episode and the football fan one had me in stitches. Oh and Jeff was one of the greatest characters ever.
  5. What did Mark Robson used to be? The former Mark Robson! Can't you read? Damn, ballsed it up. Should have said what is he now! Me too, I should have said 'he used to be Mark Robson'. Well the last few months he's been annoying me with that bloody Uptown funk shite.
  6. Yeah we will probably not see the real Benteke till next season.
  7. The Benteke one might not have been as manager.
  8. The big problem in the 18 to 3 months ago is dealing with injuries. They've ebbed away at his confidence. The last 3 months though he's quite frankly been used wrong. He's streanths are getting the ball quickly to him and him using his strength and ability, that's not happened. Yes this is probably a big weakness in his ability/character but he's still only 23. He's scored 3 goals and had 2 assists so far this season and all 5 were world class and out of nothing. I truly belive, play him right, support him he is still the best striker I've seen at Villa in 25 years of supporting them. Also I don't think its a coincidence that all the players we've played up front this season have looked lazy and disinterested. I don't think they are, it's how they've been played.
  9. So (and I'm not blaming him) he's had to much input this season. Or he's done a good job because our defence has been by far our best area this season. Should be easly done when you have zero attacking intent, and the players number 1 concern is staying in shape and not doing anything forward thinking.
  10. So (and I'm not blaming him) he's had to much input this season.
  11. There is a valid point to be made about removing a manager with 10 years management experience. 3 years in the premier league with 2 clubs and never relegated. and replacing him with a manager with 4 months experience and no UEFA pro licence. Not saying It necessarily bothers me much at this point, The King is dead, long live the King!! but I can understand why some people have misgivings. It is a MASSIVE gamble. but one the majority on here would agree needed to happen. As Pacbuddies said yesterday, if hes the RIGHT man experience counts for little. but only time will tell....... The much bigger gamble would have been to hope things would have got better under lambert. Indeed and Sherwood himself said there's some poor experienced managers out there.
  12. There's been clear coaching issues this season...I'm not surprised.
  13. Everton in 2000, wiki'd it but now I do actually remember it a bit, away at goodison, goals from Stone and Carbone in a 1-2 win. Liverpool in 92 wasn't it? Oldham 90?
  14. 4 wins and a few draws should be enough.
  15. There's fundamental flaws that's always been in Givens game. One decent game with one excellent save won't change that. But I'm glad he's put a little pressure on Guzan...his form has dipped this year.
  16. I think Sherwood is going to big up Benteke and make him the total focal point. Maybe he needs this, maybe this brings the best out of him. Just Sherwood saying, get up and support the long and diagonal balls, Benteke wins his far share so get in and around him and get past the ball. You could see the first shoots of this in the second half.
  17. It was painfully obvious and other pundits have been saying it for months, and he clearly read out stats pre prepared for him. So I don't give the joke any credit.
  18. By the sounds of it he just pointed out the painfully obvious and it worked.
  19. Yeah the Jim Barron of the 21st century.
  20. It wasn't the time to tare into them, it was time to tweek and insue some confidence. Sounds like he did just that.
  21. If that's what he can do in 15 mins in the dressing room I'm excited.
  22. No one really knows how good a manager he will be. He's not signed one player yet, he's only played 21 premier league games and there were mixed results. A win percentage of 59% is nothing to be sniffed at, but he did get easily beaten by the top teams. His tack ticks seem rather simplistic, but that's all you can employ in a short term mid season take over. But he's a well respected coach within the game, and that's all he can do with 13 games remaining. A lot will depend on who he can bring in with him. Play to his best players strengths (which Lambert seem to forget, then dropped him) make things simple and get the players behind the him. I truly think this squad is capable of 11-15th, Lambert had lost the plot, but now there's new hope.
  23. I'm glad Sherwood is here and not Lambert, so yeah I'm thinking positively.
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