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Everything posted by AndyM3000

  1. Looks fine to me, that video could be them playing the computer or somebody just awful at the game. The defending on the last Fifa was fine as well the only thing I hated was the long diagonal balls that you could pull off everytime, got a bit annoying.
  2. Very harsh words imo. I am his biggest fan and yes he needs to be dropped, but saying he can not finish and has no football brain is way way over the top. He is certainly not an absolute liability. He's our top scorer FWIW. He needs a rest and then to be played in his best position with some decent players round him. Not Gabby and Bent. Its bang on IMO. Hes our top scorer because we have played 2 games and scored 1 goal. He shouldn't need a rest the season has just started. The last bit should be the other way round. Id love to see how many chances we can get to Bent if we put Cole/Grealish behind him.
  3. He's a good poacher but one that we can't afford if we play players like Gabby and Weimann around him. Now if we stick Joe Cole behind him and Zoggy and Grealish on the flanks things could get interesting. That would be classed as attacking football though so I highly doubt we will see that.
  4. Guzan Hutton Senderos Okore Richardson Delph Sanchez Nzog Cole Grealish Bent
  5. Shocking performance for me. Nothing going forward and no shots on target is unacceptable, we never looked like scoring. Newcastle missed a couple of sitters too. Ball goes forward and we have Gabby/Wiemann who just don't have a clue what to do, no footballing brain between them. We are the new Stoke im afraid and its showing, 30k turned up for our first home game, the Hull game next week could see 27k or less. My friend came down for the game and he's a Newcastle fan and said it was one of the worst games he has ever seen, unfortunately over the last few seasons at Villa I have seen much worse than that. A point at home to Newcastle is an okay result but for £42 a ticket I am not interested in watching us grind out a 0-0, play some attacking football or else the fans will continue to leave Villa Park.
  6. Play them both v Newcastle, Id like to see players that can control, look up and pass the ball to another one of our players. Would be a nice change.
  7. When someone gets into the lift and selects the first floor, I judge you. Lazy bastard.
  8. Really don't understand anyone picking Weimann, have we been watching the same player the last year? Utterly useless.
  9. You can't go with your family/wife and get the most out of Vegas IMO. Just like you wouldn't take them to Zante! Maybe slightly OTT but you see the point. My friend went with his girlfriend, its not the same. If you want to enjoy yourself gambling, going out, drinking round the pools/casinos all day you need to do it with the boys. Vegas is the best place on earth, there is nothing like it.
  10. Every casino has a buffet of some sort. Bellagio is good, MGM isn't great, Monte Carlo is shocking. Didn't bother with any others but Im sure Aria/Wynn are solid. I wouldn't even go to one, they have such good restaurants and the size of the meals is a lot bigger in general so I dont see the need. Find a nice place to have a good steak or something. Mirage actually has a good few places to eat inside, Gordon Ramsey has his restaurants dotted around the city too. Make sure you hit Earl of Sandwich in Planet Hollywood. Pizza at Wolfgang Puck was the best I have ever had, must have had about 20 of them. Man I miss Vegas
  11. If he went to meet Palace it doesn't mean he needs to go to their ground to do that.
  12. If you need a really cheap hotel you are going to struggle to get by in Las Vegas, it can be done on the cheap but I wouldn't enjoy that. Id just accept you are going to need a lot of money for one of these holidays. I stayed in Hooters for a week last year, was one of the worst hotels I have ever stayed in. As far as cheap goes the Quad is slightly better and in the middle of the strip but if you want cheaper but still nice then Id go with The Flamingo, great location too.
  13. Still more of a threat than Weimann IMO.
  14. Grealish has 10x the ability Delfouneso had and the fact he likes the pass the ball even when he should shoot proves its not all about him. Behind Vlaar and Guzan he would be the next name on the team sheet for me.
  15. How longs a piece of string?
  16. Baker awful and one shocking tackle as expected. Gabby and Weimann offer nothing, neither should start next week. Okore looked unconvincing. The midfield want too many touches in the final third, you need to be playing quick probing football which we don't do. Richardson should be LB and not in midfield. Looked better with Bent, Bacuna and Grealish linking up in the final third. Grealish being the only stand out player, simply has to start for me he is our only outlet. Haven't had someone like this for ages, he gets the ball and you know he can do something and you stand up to see what he's going to do. Ashley Young our last player that had the fans excited like that. Next week I think we will lose anyway, so may as well go for it. Guzan Hutton Vlaar Okore Cissokho Delph Westwood Zog Bacuna Grealish Bent
  17. All we need now is a bloke with a long throw.
  18. We will have 5 defenders and 3 non attacking central mids, attacking is going to be a very rare thing this season.
  19. Just for reference I will put this in here.
  20. This could be a sub 8k turn out. Upper Holte, Upper Trinity, Upper North totally closed. Most of Upper Doug/Lower Doug closed, half of Lower/Middle Trinity closed.
  21. I presume we will be playing a 3-5-2, which IMO just won't work. Hutton/Richardson as only flank players. KEA/Westwood/Delph middle is going to be the big problem, not enough going forward, causes too much pressure and defence eventually crumbles. Might work with Benteke/Cole but not with what we have available at the moment.
  22. I saw him a lot last year, better at defending, not very good on the ball likes to drive forward but lacks ability. Reminded me of Cuellar.
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