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Everything posted by AndyM3000

  1. I don't know, I'm not "I-want-to-jump-your-bones-right-now" into her, I'm merely at the "you're interesting, let's get to know each other" stage. And I want my actions to reflect that. Calling her might make me seem like I'm taking things too fast - I'm trying to maintain a vibe that's not too romantic at this stage. Also, calling her and finding out that I've just interrupted her while she was in the middle of doing something isn't something I want. I think you should just text her that
  2. I seriously cannot tell if you're joking or being serious. Play it cool thing is lost on me. She either wants to go out with you or she doesn't. If she thinks you're being too keen, feck it. It all sounds like fannying around to me. I agree with this. The whole dating game would be so much more simpler if people just stopped playing games and just were real from day one. You are either interested or your not bitch. Has text and social media made it worse, who knows. FWIW I agree with both of you, I prefer straight forward stuff none of these, tests, rules etc. but I know what kind of girl he is describing and I'd have already ruled her out. She's probably stuck to her phone all day but is taking her time to text back on purpose, mind games. As said, it's a teenage, early 20s type style.
  3. Im scared just watching the video. I can't even climb a fence without almost killing myself.
  4. I seriously cannot tell if you're joking or being serious. Half and half. When you ask to meet her and then she says next weekend and you just need to accept it and not start asking why or to meet up before then. Keep your distance and play it cool, don't come across too keen. I mean don't ask me why, I prefer the straight up honest approach but girls be crazy.
  5. Ignore her and eventually she will text you. Then you reply after a few days saying 'Sorry, Im busy' I mean it won't get you anywhere but you gotta win these mind game battles.
  6. This is so bad, we wouldn't score with this team against anyone.
  7. We look awful. Herd flying in, no shock there.
  8. If we start asking Joe Cole to move left and right he's likely to break.
  9. Has been awful for years now, should have retired at 30. This is why we aren't very good at international level all the older players hang around too long.
  10. You can't play Joe Cole in CM/CAM without two others with him, we would get destroyed.
  11. Having seen a picture pretty early on of some guy with about 20+ passports I presumed they had already been going through the pockets of people, baggage etc.
  12. I don't mind Grealish playing there if he turns out to be good when given a chance. Weimann or Nzogbia for me and I know who I pick after last season.
  13. Our best players are our forwards but our CM is so weak we have to take one of them out to put another one in or else we get overrun. Pretty simple, we need a solid defensive mid to go with Delph then we can let a front 4 run riot a bit more. Like when we had Barry/Petrov/NRC two of them hold, the rest of our attack do the business, we can do the same. Said it before but I would stick Okore CDM and let the full backs get forward more.
  14. With the recent extra money in football now and the fact that Fulham just paid 11m for a Championship player, Borini 14m, how much is Benteke worth? Gotta be touching the 30m mark.
  15. Surely its Baker and Herd CB? With Richardson and Hutton.
  16. Grealish won't play unless someone gets a knock in the 2nd half.
  17. Sorry but I hate Hutton and it annoys me that he will be wearing the Villa shirt again.
  18. We don't do well against these low league clubs.
  19. The ending of Scrubs got me a bit, not sure if it was the music but thats what I associate this song to now. Ill save someone the time..
  20. Im pretty sure nobody is going to pay for him, we just want him off the 30-40k a week he's on. If someone is willing to offer 50% of that then it saves us money and we get rid, we haven't used him for 2 years FFS.
  21. I was happy at this until I read from Kendrick on twitter that Villa ideally want to play him as a holding midfielder. I don't even think Lambert knows what an attacking midfielder is.
  22. https://vine.co/v/MPPmxXDViEe jj Yeah real slow. GTFO. Man
  23. There is no way we would sign Senderos to sit on the bench if he earning 10-15k per week if we couldn't improve Vlaar's contract. That money could have been used to keep our best CB if it was deemed one or the other I reckon we would have done that. Well I would hope so anyway.
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