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Everything posted by calcifer

  1. He keeps persisting with McGinn and JJ in a 3 It DOES NOT WORK! They are the worst in Europe for pass completion! No wonder our midfield gets cut through like a hot knife through butter. Gerrard is just stubborn! Should be Boubs and Luiz at the bare minimum!
  2. Sadly this could be a real threat this season with Gerrard! We look devoid of any tactics. Anyone that this otherwise needs to take off their Villa Glasses and look at the performances!
  3. But but Gerrard said he is not an automatic starter and his performances needed to improve, Gerrard must be watching someone else play. He is garbage, i agree he needs to be benched for a period of time.
  4. Waiting for who he throws under the bus for this performance, only one person to blame and that is Slippy G.
  5. Top 7 with this clown at the helm? Be lucky to finish above 14th!
  6. Would rather go the rest of the season with little cover than splash 20-30 mil on this guy!
  7. Not really, 2 additions to the squad from last season, one is now out for the season! So the squad has not really improved massively, going to have the same defence as last season, that was some pretty car crash tv! My expectations were low, anything above 10th is a bonus, and that still stands stands! Can't really see us dipping into the market for another defender so Mings and Chambers is the obvious choice, but Gerrard with stick with Konsa... that really worked last season (and vs Bournemouth!!) Boubs is an upgrade for sure, but our squad is not good enough for us to be challenging the top 7 unless we bring in more quality, 1 or 2 more injuries and we are down to kids/bomb squad players!
  8. It's obvious that Gerrard favours Konsa. Even though Chambers is the better defender. Look at the 1st game of the season he picked Konsa and he was awful!
  9. Should rename it FARce! It is a complete and utter joke! Maybe it needs an independent body governing VAR, not old refs with bias towards teams! Watch in real-time, then alert the ref to something they 'missed' even if it happened right in from of them! But it is never gonna happen as the scum 6 (well 7 as sky can't wait to add the state of Saudi Arabia into the fold) will never allow that! Football is broken in the country!
  10. Problem is with VAR it is open to interpretation as we have found out before! The build up to the goal would have been checked, look at the 5 mins VAR took to disallow a goal last season vs Manure! VAR can do what it wants!
  11. I am sure the PGMOL will find some rule from the early 1900s to back Dean up!
  12. The Mike Dean circus is back in town! Where ever he goes he has to be the centre of attention!
  13. That's just it though he won't, bloke is stubborn, he keeps playing Coutinho who really is like playing with 10 men! So Chambers is the obvious choice but Gerrard will go with Konsa...
  14. Did more in the 30 mins he was on the pitch then Coutinho has in the last game and a half! Has to start next game, if Gerrard starts his mate again then there is obviously favoritism going on!
  15. Really hope he is OK! Bloke is a beast! If he is out for 3-4 months then I hope we get a loan in. The thought that for the next 3-4 months Konsa alongside Mings...
  16. Strongest side in the league, holding the rest up hahaha! Hilarious!
  17. Careful having a view like that you wil be called an idiot..... But nail on head his football intelligence is lacking, pressing his pace is great, can't fault his work rate! But one on one with a goalie you would bet against him everytime!
  18. Eh? An idiot for telling the truth? He can't finish his dinner, that is proven the amount of chances he squandered!! He has trampoline feet, but has pace! So you can honestly say he has a beautiful 1st touch and would score 3 goals with 3 shots?
  19. Let's be brutally honest, the lad can't finish his dinner, but he is useful in pulling the defence off in one direction and creating space. He has pace. But when I see him going towards goal I know that only 1 in 5 are going in the back of the net. Not what you want for a striker! Also he is prone to having trampoline feet!
  20. Sadly I am inclined to agree, he will probably leave! Let's face it he is not getting this team while slippy G's mate is here putting in crap performances and still starting!!
  21. Square pegs in round holes tactics again! Bloke is out of his depth! It is obvious he has his favourites and won't drop them!
  22. Like we should have beaten Bournemouth?
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