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Everything posted by calcifer

  1. You can bet Butler is pushing hard to find someone to take him though!
  2. Think we are going to see him move on deadline day. would be a hard pill to swallow! But lets be honest if i was him and waseither left on the bench while McGinn and Ramsey serve up dog turd or subbed off after not putting foot wrong while Mcginn, who is blowing out of his ass and making mistakes get left on, i would be packing my bags!
  3. If the board sanctioned that and let them go, and we bought in Dawson and another 30+ jobber then we deserve to get relegated.
  4. Yep i said this the other day, it baffles me that he moaned about lacking that creative spark when the 2 most creative players we have were on the bench for most the game. I think Gerrard would struggle to manage a P up in a brewery.
  5. A player is only worth what the buying team want to pay. If we insisted on lets say 7 Mil, no-one would have paid that and he would have rotted with the kids, not good for anyone! Yes he is worth more than 2.5M, but Gerrard does not want him, El Ghazi wants to play football. So works for both parties. Good luck to him.
  6. It has to be, we can't go half the season with no more additions to the squad. A couple more injuries and we are knee deep in the brown stuff!
  7. PMSL! You need to be in a secure prison support that club so fits well!
  8. Thanks! I has deleted that from my memory lol! Jesus! Fun times!!
  9. I think that is pretty unfair! He was injured most of last season, from the LIMITED gameplay he has had this season he has looked OK, but he is a winger, you need to play him in his favoured position.
  10. Been on Anti depressants for a while now. Had them doubled earlier this year. Lost my dad in Jan to Cancer, then me and the wife split up in June. Head was battered. I start seeing a therapist in a couple of weeks. Tried to carry on, keep busy etc. It just makes it worse. Depression is hard, sometime you think there is only one way out, it's like been in quicksand, you think sometimes it is for the best and just sink! So yeah, Depression is something to take seriously. There is a way out with help
  11. Your mom! This is where troll face is suppose to be but my phone is been a door know! Hottest thing I had was a phall curry. Hot going in hot going out. Needed sudocream!
  12. No thanks! Don't want their scummy vermin fans anywhere near Villa Park! Anyway reasons to be positive, after a personal hell last 8 months (dad passed away, me and the wife split up) things are slowly getting better and I am finally close to moving into my own place!
  13. Moans about having no creativity in the final 3rd. Leaves Emi and Bailey on the bench for the vast majority of the game. McGinn is blowing out of his ass after 55 mins but sub's Luiz who has not put a foot wrong all game! Brings on Ramsey to partner McGinn, a partnership that does not work! Gerrard is upsetting the players, that is plain to see, if i was Luiz i would tell Slippy where to stick the contract and if i was Emi i would be asking my Agent to get me the hell away!! I think Bailey will be on his way if an offer comes in. Are we getting punishment for thrashing his beloved Liverpool!?
  14. Seriously? What a complete.....
  15. Next 2 games are an in form Arsenal and Man City. I think we stuck with Gerrard until then. Would love us to bring in a new manager and see us pick up a win. But can't see Purslow sack him yet.
  16. He had probably finished banging his sister and about to go out on the Rob....
  17. Very real possibility, if we keep Gerrard!
  18. Has he been subbed at all this season?
  19. Stick a fork in him Purlsow, Stevie is done!
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