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Everything posted by calcifer

  1. calcifer

    The NSWE Board

    Maybe the Newcastle takeover has derailed their project? Who knows! Maybe they are fed up of seeing their money spent on crap? But they are upgrading Villa Park so you would think there is still some interest there, but i think that is going to be purely for resale value, would not be surprised to see us up for sale next year.
  2. The bloke is so clueless he is probably watching Arsenal and thinks it us, hence no changes....
  3. I think we actually look worse than our relegation season! Players look like strangers, manager hasn't a clue. We be fudged!!
  4. In a way I hope he gets sent off and banned for 3 games, least we would not have to put up with him for a few games!
  5. Late to the party but FFS McGinn and Ramsey AGAIN, Jesus! So we are playing with no midfield! Least Jesus is my captain in my fantasy football team!
  6. Lube up lads, gonna be a rough evening!
  7. Hopefully this means Luiz is staying, i take this with a pinch of salt though!
  8. Must have had some deals ongoing for the last 3 months then... As we have seen with deadline day a bid can be submitted and finalized pretty much the same day, here is a clue at what is probably going on right now in villa park
  9. Us Villa fans are like mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed on S***
  10. Should be good for us next season then....
  11. All part of Slippy G's master plan......
  12. This is where i am with my thinking, still think we are going to see Bailey or Luiz go if an offer comes in. Both players are understandably frustrated with the inept manager. I hope they stick around as Gerrard is on borrowed time. But yeah cant see much in the way of incoming due to the high wages on the players you mentioned. Going to be a long hard season!
  13. Probably more likely getting Ru Paul...
  14. Don't worry, we will roll our sleeves up and go again....
  15. Yet he puts Mcginn and Ramsey together. Its like playing with no midfield! Luiz and Kamara is the way forward if he wants to play like that even Stevie Wonder can see that!!!
  16. Really hope this this doesn't happen! If we have to endure Mcginn and Ramsey for the rest of the season only one place we are going and that is the Championship!!
  17. Each manager has a preference, look at Gerrard, he doesn't play with wingers, so gets rid if most of them. Smith bought Emi and Bailey, yet Gerrard would rather play Coutinho ings and Watkins in the 3 forward places. New manager might want to play 5 at the back, or 3 up front. So Gerrard could spend another 80M only for another manager to come in and they don't fit his style of play. We then go again....
  18. Well looks like the lights could be off early at Villa Park. Really can't see anyone coming in now. Maybe the board don't want to give Slippy G any more money!?
  19. If he picks Ramsey & McGinn and leaves Luiz he needs to book himself into a mental asylum!
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