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Everything posted by calcifer

  1. Very real possibility, if we keep Gerrard!
  2. Has he been subbed at all this season?
  3. Stick a fork in him Purlsow, Stevie is done!
  4. Can anyone honestly hand on heart still think he can turn this around and want him to stay? That sub today taking Luiz off who played well, while leaving on McGinn who yet again has been UTTER gash!
  5. Wonder who gets thrown under the bus by Slippy G after this?! Time up, pack your bags son!
  6. FFS! Luiz off?! Jesus! Mcginn must give great head!
  7. Critchley probably telling Stevie to take Mcginn off and he like no, he playing a blinder.....
  8. West ham when they saw Konsa and Chambers as our 2 CBs
  9. It's gonna be a long afternoon......
  10. Could this be the year that the turd finally flushes? Its been stuck around the u bend and popped back up a few times!
  11. Agree! We are supposed to be holding possession and pressing, how can we do that when Mcginn and Ramsey struggle to string more that 4 passes together?! We look all at sea defending set pieces as well. I do wonder what the hell the training sessions are like! Going to be a tough test today for Gerrard, hopefully he brings Luiz in. If he doesn't then the bloke is clueless!
  12. Wow! He must have smoked some serious stuff! Maybe he needs to share it with the rest of us!
  13. Dawson! A 32 year old?! Better lube up as West Spam know we are desperate so will jack the price up!
  14. No, Nick like most of us do not see Gerrard having the tactics to win tomorrow! The bloke is tactically inept. West ham will batter our midfield(well lack of it) We support the team but sadly the manager is not the man to take us forward! He continues with 2 people in midfield that cannot string more that 5 passes together! Yet wants to play possession football! We can all see the problem except the manager!
  15. I will keep Haaland is my fantasy team captain for that week We do have a pretty good squad and we have the ability to taken the game to these teams. Sadly the manager is a stubborn fool that doesn't learn from his mistakes! So I only see one outcome and that is City filling their boots big time!
  16. They want him sacked because he is a gash manager! Jesus! We would make AFC Telford look like Barca!
  17. Konsa is a disaster TBH. He will guarantee the opposition a goal. As much as I would love to see Luiz play but Gerrard is too stubborn and will most likely carry on with Ramsey and McGinn in midfielder!
  18. Squad fixed for you, we all know Gerrard will go with this
  19. Come on, we are the gift that keeps giving, I have lost count the amount of teams that have broken their bad run against us, or a striker that hasn't scored in 12 months fills his boots! If the team sheet reads McGinn and Ramsey in Midfield expect to be very disappointed come the final whistle!
  20. You just know VAR will shaft us! They will get a dubious penalty, then we will probably have a goal disallowed because ball hit a blade of grass that was too long.
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