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Everything posted by danceoftheshamen

  1. It does look great although i always worry about these stats when they are from a completely different league which is slower & less physical. Do they really count for anything? I always think watching other leagues is a bit like watching a formula 3 race with a few formula 2 cars doing well in it but when they come to the Prem they are suddenly in a formula 1 race & often struggle to adapt. Some find a new gear but as we all know many others get found out. So i personally would prefer a proven Prem player for where we are at the moment.
  2. Very annoyed that this happened but that defeat was so easy to call, which sadly i did. The reason was just so obvious, it was the worst pre-season preparation i have ever seen, a bit of a shambles actually. It was obvious that a newly promoted Watford team would be fired up & well prepared on their big day back & we were nowhere near..... which is exactly where it was obvious we would be after such awful preparation (& to think the club motif used to say "prepared"). I don't know who organised it but that pre-season was embarrsingly bad and it's no wonder we didn't turn up at Watford. Even with all that it was startling to see the extent of the half cocked approach. I struggle to fathom how a bunch of players can fail to get themselves up & in the zone for an opening day fixture?! Worrying! Now the pressure is on to get a result on Saturday with our team still playing catch-up fitness wise and with lots of new faces still getting to know each other. Not sure how much of this falls on DS directly but someone needs words. Oh & surely but surely it is now adundantly clear we need that CDM we have been lacking for several years now?
  3. I wonder if this means we'll be replacing him? That's a fair old chunk of coaching staff gone now with JT also.
  4. I did get a response from the clubs twitter channel when i was moving my seat. Twice i messaged them and both times i got a response the following day at around 10:30 am so it appears they momentarily free someone up to respond at around that time maybe? Still not received my daughters ST so will be chasing them myself later too. Surely it must be possible to get a better response sorted out though as it is literally impossible to reach them by phone. Lost count of the number of times i finally managed to get on the "on hold" list only to then be kicked off it after 20 mins to an hour of waiting.... that is infuriating they need to sort it out. Seems like they have either not enough staff or a really poor phone system (likely both). I do understand their busy times will come in waves but surely they could get in a few Part time / agency workers for busy periods or something? If your reading this AVFC it puts a very poor image on the club and you really need to sort it out urgently.
  5. I’ll go with 7 think we’ll lose at Watford as newly promoted teams often pull off a win on opening day and our prep has been poor. draw at home to Brentford, loss at Chelsea and a couple of wins Newcastle & Everton
  6. How about the D'ream tune ""iiiings can only get better......can only get better"" Ok, i'll grab my coat too
  7. I do think he will be amazing in another season or two but for me he is still not quite there with his "instinctive" finishing. Sometimes i find he very slightly hesitates which often means the chance is gone or the defender manages to get back and just get something in the way & the chance is gone. It's that miniscule difference between a decent finisher & a great one. I think he'll get there don't get me wrong but i just feel Ings is a bit ahead of him at the moment in that respect. It's like Ollie will take one extra touch & his shot is often lacking either power, accuracy or both where Ings would have gotten his shot away quicker and usually with more power & accuracy. I like them both don't get me wrong and together they will hopefully be something to behold. I think both are great at pressing and causing a nightmare for defenders but deffo Ings is ahead on the finishing side for me.
  8. He is a proper striker. Instinctively knows where the goal is, you can see that already. So many times last season you were left thinking "if only we had a predator in that game"... we now have one.
  9. I really like him. He impacts games. Yes he'll no doubt make mistakes but he offers something very different which the opposition seem to really struggle to get to grips with. Hope he gets lots of game time.
  10. My goodness the new coach has his work cut out It was good to see the long throw (Even if nobody bust a gut to get on it). For me we have a lot of players who seem to lack that sheer grit & determination to get on the end of things, the type a John Terry would have for example. This is why the likes of Mings never score from set pieces, they are just going through the motions rather then "owning the moment" when the ball comes over making it far too easy to defend against. As for free kicks i am hoping Buedia & Bailey will hold the answer when shooting diectly as the rest are woeful.
  11. I thought he did well on Sunday when he "finally" took up the mantel and overlapped well creating AY's goal... but why he doesn't do that more often frustrates me sometimes. I'm hoping it was down to it being pre-season and the fact there was no real reason to take massive risks in the game but he was largely the a-typical backwards - sideways pass monger, apart from that one time he actually pushed forward which resulted in a goal which kinda proves the point doesn't it?! I noticed Ian Taylor was commenting on the exact same issue saying he thought he should overlap much more often. Defensively he's decent apart from the odd mad moment but offensively he needs to improve a lot for me with his ball delivery on crosses, pass accuracy, making overlapping runs & positioning. A work in progress but he has the attributes to become a very good player.
  12. Oh crikey i hope not as that will inevitably be the beginning of the end of his time here as he'll get tapped up left right & centre and brainwashed into moving to "a big club".
  13. Not received my daughters yet (got mine 10 days ago with same surname starting with "c" .. getting concerned now.
  14. Personally i'm a little more wary of this season than most. I feel pre-season has been poor with cancelled fixtures, no or barely any game time for most new signings nor Sanson etc etc. So i'm thinking 12th to 16th after a struggling start (the first few games are vital as they should be points gained but we are very ill prepared is my fear lose or don't get the points required from those and we're playing catch up from the off)
  15. He looks great in that youtube vid (Thanks for posting MaVilla) He looks quite nippy, has a touch of the Zidane's about him with his technical ability and knows how to score too (Although some of those keepers look rather dodgy it has to be said). We clearly have seen nothing from him yet. I really hope DS can find a way to slot him in & get him firing.
  16. What i meant was we really have not got a clue how he's going to turn out as with the injuries & lack of pre-season (Which is what was meant to be his kind of proper settling into the team period) he is basically still a huge "?" which is a shame. I don't mean it in a negative way at all it may be we have a cracking new player on our hands which would be a huge and pleasant surprise. I actually think the fact whatsisname has gone on a glory hunt it may help Sanson as he effectively can now gel at the same time as the other new boys which maybe takes some pressure off him.
  17. The poor guy has literally had no pre-season at all. So effectively he's no further forward at all and still a huge unknown.
  18. I think this is the worst preparation for a new season i have ever seen & by some distance too. It's truly been attrocious. Two postponed games, key player leaving just before the big KO and the replacements without a single game to get used to their new situation. This is gonna be some rude awakening i fear at Watford.
  19. I think some room will be left to bring some of the highly rated youngsters through too from what Purslow said. So is the Midfield slot being left open to Chukweumba maybe? We do have him Ramsey, Luiz, Sanson, McGinn, Nakamba & Hourihane all vying for central / DM roles afterall. I can see Tuanzebe coming in for defence however and another keeper.
  20. Classy from Purslow, so it is 100% on Grealish and has been his aim all along unless by some miracle we got into the Champions League, Which ironically we had the chance to do until Grealish got injured! Anyhow we move on and lets hope the new signings get us to where we need to be.
  21. Wouldn't it work the same as every other contract where you get a 14 day cooling off period?
  22. Just imagine if Grealish failed his medical.. How could he come back here now
  23. Thing is now he's at a scum 6 club he'll no doubt play him as he should've done in future because he's "regularly playing against the best in the World". I guess regularly playing against the "best in the World" in the Premier League week in week out only counts if you're playing for the Scummy 6 clubs.
  24. He's only just joined them & he looks dirty already, or is it me? Moving on however Bye! One thing that always bemuses me after a move like this is that the local Media still continually post stuff as though we are still interested in any news surrounding him. I now have zero interest in him As for England well, after the repeated way a call up to them basically means the start of the end of a players career here as they just get filled with Scummy 6 mind poison and inevitably leave soon after. Then there's the way Southgate treated him like a toilet rag and favoured worse players purely because they play regularly for those scummy 6 clubs which effectively put the final nail in the coffin of his Villa career. After all that and seeing it happen so often to our players, Barry, Platt, Young, Southgate himself (Yeah i know to Middlesborough ) etc etc etc i have to say i now detest the whole England & FA set up and will have no interest in anything to do with them from here on in. Bunch of snakes the lot of them (No wonder they all end up playing for the scummy 6 teams which are like a magnet to the Snake type of player) The England national team is effectively a Snake training centre and i really hope none of our players get called up to them again.
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