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Everything posted by danceoftheshamen

  1. Sadly i think if we want to have a real go at Manure we need this guy fit.
  2. This game has come at an unfortunate time with us being at Old Trafford on Saturday. For me we may as well go strong as Old Trafford will undoubtably be yet another dodgy defeat most likely down to the very predictable dodgy penalty & or sending off which we get against us every time we play them. Especially as it's on the back of Rondildo being denied 3 penno's for his Tom Daley esque diving performance against West Ham. No doubt Mike Dean will be under FA orders to make amends against us as he always does when they wheel him out when we play them or Liverpool. Very odd isn't it how Ronaldo blatantly dives 3 times & gets no card at all & yet when we play them Ollie Watkins gets contact & goes down ONCE and gets sent off for it... & that's on top of the dodgy penalty they always get against us... No coincidence either that Man City & Arsenal both had penalties against them at the weekend & VAR overturns both. The scummy 6 really are protected are they not... Oh & West ham should have had a penalty too but of course being against Manure it wasn't given. I make that 3 game changing decisions for the Scummy 6 in one weekend alone.
  3. Great result and a stunning 20 minute performance surrounded by a solid performance. Was delighted with Mings, Bailey & Cash in particular and impressed with Luiz, Nakamba, Konsa (Although i did not spot his foul on their player) & Tuanzebe. I felt Watkins Ings & Ramsey were decent too but all have played better. One thing needs improving however though & that's Targetts play in the opposition half. I lost count of the amount of times he wasted really good posession. Crossing was abysmal and most of our moves up until he went off came to an end when he got on the ball.. Sorry but he was poor in my view. No surprise we suddenly clicked when he went off as he was the weak link.
  4. Is it possible he's being protected a little by their manager if it's all a bit hostile there at the moment? Sure he'll learn a lot from it either way but he does need to be playing of course really.
  5. I agree with this. Cash I was hoping would improve the attacking side of his game but it just doesn't seem to be the case. Neither offers enough in an attacking sense for me at this moment in time.
  6. That football insider should be done on so many levels. Pure made up nonsense and no doubt just an attempt to destabilise AVFC as maybe the Spurs fan doesn’t like seeing us improve year on year. Surely it can’t be legal to publish complete made up nonsense which could potentially destabilise a person or business?
  7. It's basically the difference between a team like Chelsea & us. Their players make less errors and the strikers stick away the one or two chances they get more often than not whereby ours need 3 or 4 attempts usually to score. So this will keep happening basically as of course when we do get players who fall into that top bracket they will "do a Grealish" & be off as soon as a scummy 6 club comes in for them. Heck apparently Souness was starting the process for McGinn joining a "big club" on MOTD already! Makes you sick. This is the big conundrum and if we can somehow crack this we'll do well, problem is the whole football World is set up to stop clubs like ours getting a foothold. FFP, The massive & quite embarrassing brain washing campaign and ridiculous bias towards promoting these clubs by the Media and of course the obvious corruption at the FA, FIFA and UEFA which is obsessed with keeping these clubs at the top for £££££'s sake. We saw evidence of this once again at Chelsea, where the officials were clearly greasing the tracks for their scummy 6 member. Dishing out yellows at will for our players and yet protecting Chelsea's players for similar or worse challenges. It will happen again at Old Trafford a week Saturday......that is guaranteed, i know this as it always happens, without fail, every season!! The great mystery is how it never gets investigated! We all just swallow it year in, year out as though we just don't want to accept that the game we love is actually corrupt. So instead we put it down to poor officials, mistakes or as in some cases (Mings incident against another scummy 6 club last season) the rules are misenterpreted only to be reinvented afterwards to cover it all up!! Or shall we take the astonishing "diving" incident last season when Watkins laughably got sent off against...guess who?... Ah yes, Man Utd even though he was contacted! Notice a pattern here? It's always but always in favour of those scummy 6 clubs and that's just a few of our games. Apparently it's the exact same story with Wolves, Leicester, West Brom etc etc. At least according to my many conversations with their fans it is anyhow. I would absolutely love it if a full, unbiased & independent survey was done over say a 3 season period to analyse the number of iffy decisions each team got in favour & against. It would have to include a full review of each & every game and every decision made including Yellow cards, red cards, penalties for & against, free kicks for & against. For example Konsa being dragged down by the Chelsea player which is apparently a free kick...... to them! Maybe we could pick the time Konsa was stamped on by Fernandes resutling in a Penalty..... For Man Utd!! Yeah funny how VAR didn't overturn that hey?! then there are the other little things like overall leniency with things like time wasting, stealing yards at set pieces etc etc. It all has an impact on results so it would all need to be assessed but the people reviewing it would have to be unbiased too with no affiliation to any club. Maybe from another country or something? Of course it won't happen as this would mean the whole stack of cards could come tumbling down and with the Billions at stake they would never allow it to happen. So anyhow i'm ranting, on to the next one Everton, fingers crossed.
  8. Aside from the "if he plays like that a big club will come in for him" insult.
  9. So the FA (represented by Atwell) and Sky got the result they craved. Poor finishing from us throughout, good finishing by them, sloppy mistakes from us (Norm) and a Ref who couldn't wait to dish out yellows to our players but was petrified to give them to their players being a scummy 6 side & all. So a totally normal Premier League game away at a Scummy 6 club basically. Thank God it's out of the way as it might actually be worth watching the next one.
  10. This season just has a bad feel about it already. Nothing is rolling for the club at the moment. The Grealish saga put an awful stink about proceedings before a ball had been kicked, pre-season was a mare with cancellations and players late back/injuries etc, then injuries hit us cruelly hard, covid took some players out & then we had Argentinagate and still we are nowhere near knowing how good we can be with everyone fit & firing. It'll take a while to sort this all out sadly and with the run of games upcoming we will likely be playing catch up for most of the season. I think it's called... " having a stinker". I just hope we drag through the quagmire and discover that once all fit we actually have a decent team which makes a late push for the top half or something. It's looking like it's all about next season even at this early point as crazy as that sounds. Hopefully we pull off a couple of miracle results and stay hangng in there after the next 8 games & get everyone gelled and firing though.
  11. I think we're on the same page regards this whole tainted perception of AVFC by pretty much everyone. We had a chance in 1980-82, we were back big time, but then Ellis progressively destroyed that for me over his 35+ years of mediocrity & lack of ambition.... and this is the issue! A whole generation were brainwashed into seeing Villa as a mediocre Mid- table team which lacked ambition. Purely a reflection on his time here. (I will add that despite this we still got a few League cup wins in that time & a couple of Finals / 2nd place finishes whilst often playing in Europe too which considering this was during our "down time" is surely a testament to the potential size of the club as many clubs have less than that over their entire history! This did gradually diminish though over the noughties & up until Ellis's reign ended and this is the main perception of AVFC people now carry with them) Most people however who are alive under 40 , which includes all current players and many pundits as well as most game-attending fans, have only ever known AVFC to be what the current perception is. This is the issue for me. To change that perception we simply have to find a way to challenge for trophies & get into Europe then ideally the Champions League. Start to do this consistently and then & only then will that perception slowly change back. As it stands the modern day fan/pundit/player just cannot comperehend how big AVFC was/potentially can be. They are consistently brainwashed by Sky & the media in general that only 4/6 teams are worthy in this country. The scummy 6 effectively. The agenda is atrocious and somehow the bias & corruption towards these clubs needs to be stopped (Even if it does mean a temporary drop in viewing figures from flipping China etc). Grealish speaks of "The real football World", well there it is for me. It's a World where they actually are obsessed with those 6 scummy clubs who would obliterate all the others for their own greed if they had it their own way!... Heck they nearly did just that! #endpremierleaguecorruption
  12. Until now i have paid zero attention to anything about Jack since he left. Though as such a fuss has been raised over this i thought i'd add my opinion on the whole thing. Firstly Jack, when reacting to Preece's article (which clearly rattled him), says it shows that Preece clearly doesn't understand the "real football World. Weirdly and before the article came out i was saying at work about this "real football World" which in my opinion was the reason Jack was kind of brainwashed into thinking he had to move to get into the England team, something which is clearly a major driver in his thinking. He adores the spotlight as can be clearly seen when he knows the camera's are on him and that knowing grin appears on his face. Being the England poster boy is clearly a thing he craves & is delighted about and it must have been a huge embarrassment to him to be sat on the sidelines all through the Euro tournament with just token gesture appearances given him by a hypocrite called Gareth Southgate. I find it staggering how Southgate has acted during this whole episode with Jack. He effectively forced him to leave AVFC by initially telling him he needed to be playing Premier League football (when we were in the Championship), then when we got promoted suddenly he then needed to be playing in the Champions League to be considered properly (which Jack has confirmed in his repsonse to Preece's article). So all through the Euro's he was shunned and made to look like a lesser light in favour of others. So it's little wonder that Grealish was effectively forced / brainwashed into thinking he had to leave this "second rate club" for one of the "proper" clubs. He was effectively embarrassed into it which tweaked all his buttons.... Great Work by Southgate that.... The same guy who then made The Everton keeper, Kalvin Phillips & Declan Rice mainstays in the team and also played Saka ahead of Jack in some games. All players who came along way after Jack incidentally and offered much less to the team as is evident in the stats. So much for having to play Champions League football hey Gareth?! Hypocrite!. But then this was the guy who left tiny little AVFC for the mighty "Boro" back in the day. Clearly he thinks Doug Ellis and the lack of ambition he instilled is still here! So for me Jack was given little option to move to satisfy his needs due to due to a mixture of very odd / hypocryticl advice from Gareth Southgate and being brainwashed by players from other clubs who have no clue as to the true potential of these new owners nor the history of this great club. It will be a joyous day once we finally realise our true potential and NSWE have finished their project when we can turn round and give the middle finger salute to these dimwits. Unfortunately we have to find a way around the bias & corruption towards those scummy 6 clubs first though and for me that is the biggest issue of all and is in fact in my opinion the "real football World" Grealish is referring to. Over to you NSWE.
  13. Personally i'm fine with no more incomings. We know the issues we had in Season one after promotion due to having too many new faces so for me 5 is ample to break in for the season. We also have Sanson back fit which effectively makes 6 and if you add in Carney & Bidace too that's actually 8. Fortunately 3 of those 8 already having been at the club for a while should at least be through the "settling" process which wil help. Despite having fitness issues to Targett & Cash which largely cost us the Watford game albeit with a couple of fortuitous goals for them. Then missing Grealish, Bailey, Mings, McGinn, Traore, Watkins & Sanson, all big or potentially big players here, we have been picking up points (ok against the lesser lights). I am excited to see what level we can reach when all fit & ready.
  14. So do we need a new keeper now with Emi deciding to pretty much be absent for so many games due to the International thing? We also need to find another way without Buendia now too. This season has to be the most disrupted one i can remember. Pre-season was a shambles, now we have injuries & covid issues to half the team and to top it all off we are losing two big players for goodness knows how long..... European push my arse!
  15. Was what i expected today result wise, i put 1-1 on the super 6 prediction so at least that's won me a bit of wonga at work. It was clear we were massively disrupted so to not lose was kind of the biggy today. I have lost all respect for Brentford though after watching their pathetic antics and as for Toneys childish, pathetic & ill judged gesture he needs to grow up. Knob. How small time did they all behave today with the pathetic time wasting and feigning injury etc etc. I have to say i thought they were better than that.
  16. He was better today than normal but still very easily knocked off the ball for me for a guy his size. He did some daft things too like getting offside when he shouldn't but he finished the game strongly and seemed to get better the more the game wore on. Better though.
  17. Was great to see a win which honestly i didn't really expect after the messy pre-season and no show last week. We were most definitely not flowing but thankfully had enough to see off the Barcodes. We will surely get better and we'll need to. Big game next week now which we need to win to set us up nicely for the international break, won't be easy of course though. Thought Young slotted in well, McGinn was gritty and influenced the game, Luiz added something and the defence were better too especially Cash (just wish he would be more productive going forwards). El Ghazi poor aside from the pen which was well taken. Biggest plaudits to Ramsey though once he settled after a shaky start.
  18. I thought he took a wee while to settle but was then getting better & better as the game wore on. Some lovely touches and it's the first time i've thought "hang on we could have a player here" which is great.
  19. This is surely sensible My mate who's in his mid 30's and like me Dj's in clubs again now they have re-opened, posted an image of himself in a hospital bed with oxygen mask etc on. He said it started with a sore throat on a Friday, then he developed what he thought was a cold over the weekend so tested himself as a precaution on Monday..Positive! Then for the next week he had a patchy temperature and felt generally under the weather but not too bad until day 10 when his temp sky-rocketed and he was struggling to breath. He got blue lighted into hospital and has been there since. The Covid turned to scepsis on his lungs which can kill you in 12 hours if untreated. He is now slowly recovering thankfully. He had no jabs (was a non-believer/anti-vaxer) and swore it was all a scam. I know there is a lot of controversy over the whole Covid thing but surely a facemask in the concourse is just sensible so if you have it personally and sneeze you are not putting others at risk?? As for the jabs well that's another matter entirely! It depends on who you believe i guess. Horrid situation.
  20. Yes i was thinking a car stiker maybe?? The kind that gets your car keyed at the away games. Quite an odd thing in reality.
  21. I,m sure in the pre-season game he went off in he was holding the front of his thigh and the commentator said it was his quad muscle? So how long do those take? Maybe that will give us the truth rather than the twilight zone recovery room stories we always hear?
  22. Really not actually too fussed about JWP as apart from his set pieces i feel we need something else instead... that CDM is the urgent one surely? We have a lot of similar players who are more suited to central mid surely?!
  23. Yep my daughters has arrived now too (cutting it a bit fine that). As for the ticket office and the impossibility of reaching them by phone it really does reflect poorly on the club.
  24. I think it's way too early to start calling out anyone, aside from whoever organised the shambolic pre-season maybe? It says it all that DS has now come out and organised a friendly against Liverpool on Sunday because he is majorly concerned at the lack of minutes in players legs.... No surprise there! If you think that the teams we put out in pre-season were largely made up of younger players too (which was great but still means senior payers got even less minutes) then it becomes clear just how poor that pre-season was. It's little wonder that it looked like it was half the players first game of a pre-season schedule against Watford let alone the actual first game proper. Of course there were challenges with cancelled games etc but in the current unpredictable climate with Covid etc don't you put a back up plan in place? I'm sure we'll get there at some point lets just hope we are not adrift of where we want to be by the time we do.
  25. I watched him against the Italians in pre season and he was woeful. He did make one forward run which actually ended up creating a goal but generally he was dire. Even Ian Taylor on the commentary was calling him out on his poor play. Getting a little concerned about him now as he just does not seem to be improving, especially with his "lack of" overlapping and very poor passing / crossing. Personally i would give Gulbert a chance.
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