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Everything posted by danceoftheshamen

  1. Got a parking ticket recently at Villa Park. I parked on really wide dead section of footpath near Spaghetti Junction where I see loads of cars parking at every game. Was given a ticket stating "parked on a red zone" when clearly i was not on the red zone but on a dead area of pavement adjacent to it. I was not blocking the footpath either as the paved area was wide enough to fit 2 cars on let alone one and the tarmac footpath was totally clear. The bit i parked on was a load of badly broken slabs with the footpath inbetween me & the main road. I argued it with photo's etc but of course they just dismissed it as "being on the red zone". Every week since it is still packed with cars parked on matchdays and I have not seen a single ticketed car since!! Did i just get unlucky or what?! Should have argued it further i guess. As for Follyfoots situation my mother had an almost identical one to that. Dropped her friend to a shop in Worcester and got a ticket, being dark she didn't see the camera's and partially hidden little signs high up on the buildings... That one i have gotten off a ticket with before. Some of the signs were partially hidden behind vans or way too high on buildings meaning you could not read them properly and some were not visable at all.. I told the company i had evidence that their signage was insufficient and was looking forward to them taking me to court so i could produce them. The letters stopped although it took a few goes at arguing it with them first so i agree with Blandy if you can throw genuine doubt at it they will often not proceed to court for fear of losing.... easier for them to write the £80 off... Less risk.
  2. That's a matter of opinion though i will not be drawn into posting anything further as clearly many on here are just looking for a target to shout at.
  3. Thought this was very relevant.. It appears this argument is now hitting the players too. Comments from the Burnley Chairman basically saying Prem players should find a new career if they refuse the jab. A lot apparently won't have it likely due to the alarming rise in the number of deaths and heart issues in atheletes & footballers after having had the jab the World over. All researchable on online for those who want balance. This bizarrely does not get covered in the report however. CLICKY QUOTE: Burnley owner Alan Pace reckons that footballers who choose not to get vaccinated should look for new jobs, after the Clarets’ game against Aston Villa was called off on Saturday. Pace, who had been making his way to Villa Park on Saturday morning before the game was confirmed as being postponed by the Premier League a little over two hours before kick off, has been left frustrated this past week; Burnley’s game with Watford in the week was also called off. Coupled with their recent meeting with Tottenham being called off because of inclement weather and a pitch that wasn’t fit for football in the snow, it’s left the Clarets with quite a backlog of games to fulfil. Pace is not amused and believes that there is an obligation for footballers to be vaccinated if it is in the interests of everyone else. READ: Premier League release lengthy statement after Villa v Burnley is called off READ: Jack Grealish makes frank Villa admission after leaving for Man City “It worries me for a number of different reasons but these are personal choices for people,” Pace told the Sun. “It can’t be, though, that you put everybody else at risk. “If they choose not to get vaccinated, then they may have to choose a different career. “Freedom to choose something different doesn’t mean you get the same rights and opportunities given to you if you choose to do something that’s not in the best interests of everyone else.”
  4. All of course dependant on a good team! So there has to be outlay prior to any major increase in incomes. This is the conundrum of course. You need to spend big money to get a decent team together quickly enough before it is bled of it's best talent by teams currently above you who see you looming as a threat to their dominance, for example: Grealish. Once you have a team that can win the odd trophy / compete in Europe, you then can move to the next stage with increases in revenue from all the avenues you mention. Of course you need the success on the pitch to also grow significantly internationally. This is the big problem with FFP. It has allowed certain clubs to steal a march on everyone else and is now prohibitive to clubs like ours in trying to catch them. The playing field is far from level that's for sure. Add in 3,000 000 penalties for Man U per season compared to the 4 or 5 we get and the difficulty to challenge is very clear.
  5. I say this as a representation as to the stuff i hear at work to demonstrate just how much angst is out there and it really is a divided opinion out there.... Not as a representation of my own views BTW
  6. Such a difficult situation this Covid thing, I personally do not believe a word uttered by politicians and scientists appear to be divided on it all... it's just that the one half of the scientists opinions appear to be being deleted / hidden from view!!! So i'm really not sure who to believe in it all. It appears 100 Tory MP's have similar concerns. I have had the 1st two Astro Zenica jabs after which i then caught Covid and recovered. Of course i will never know really whether the reason i caught it was because my immune system had been compromised due to having the jab or whether i would have gotten worse if i hadn't had the jab. This appears to be the conundrum and it is dividing people around the World.
  7. Same old same old, scummy 6 team not winning last 1/4 of the game out come the dodgy decisions. Of course the fact that Chelsea, Man City, Liverpool and now watching live Man U at Norwich all get the same helping hand and all get dodgy penalties could never be corruption now could it
  8. But according to Davkaus it would be "paranoia" to think that wouldn't it? Surely they would never actually try to cover their error up? (sorry for the sarcasm but you get my point )
  9. The whole point of this is not "can they find a freeze frame 12th of a second moment when it looks like he is in control of the ball " though is it! Many on here seem to be saying because of that freeze frame it was a correct call??? I find that bizarre as surely it is about whether or not he has it under control? Which he clearly as evidenced does not as it's moving through his hand. Surely it should only be if the ball has stopped moving as it wouldn't make sense otherwise. Whichever way around i thought VAR were only supposed to interfere if it was a clear & obvious error? Not if it was open to conjecture? In which case they should have gone with the Refs original on field decision. Thay are a farce basically and the cover up after is quite frankly pathetic.
  10. So my take on the disallowed goal is this Firstly, as we all know if that was against Liverpool, Manure or the Chelskis of this World it would have been a goal 100%. This is yet another example of the huge weight of bias hitting a club not in amongst the Scummy six. The rule is clearly badly written and i can see Davkaus's point, if you read it with imaginary punctuation put in. The glaring issue here is though that if you look at the two freeze frame images someone posted a page or two back, the ball is quite clearly still moving under Kaspers hand. This is proven as the two freeze frames clearly show. Surely the rule means that if the ball is stopped dead between part of the keepers arm and the ground or his other hand then effectively the ball is under control (that's if we forget about the 2nd part of the rule which appears to be what the muppets in VAR did). What for me is staggering here, is that the guy in the VAR room has clearly been wiggling back & forth looking for the perfect freeze frame to sent to the monitor which then influences the on field ref. So this has to mean that during this process he could clearly see the ball was still moving frame by frame as is clearly visable in the two freeze frame images which can not possibly give any other conclusion than, even if we do ignore the second part of the rule, the ball was not under control regardless. So there we have it... evidence of corruption, nothing else makes sense!!!
  11. Exactly, yet more evidence of corruption in my view. They literally reinvent the rule book as they please to try & doctor results. Remember the goal at Man City last season? Another supposed "misinterpretation" of the rules by VAR. Never happens "against" the favoured clubs though now does it!!!
  12. The Leicester fans really have turned into a bunch of imitation Manure fans following their title win a few years back. They appear to now see us as some tiny second rate club whilst they are on the verge of World dominance I was walking my friend around the stadium as he wanted to have a look around being his first time to the ground (He actually supports Spurs but i upgraded my daughters ticket who could not go today rather than go alone) ... As we walked past the away end turnstiles on our way the the club shop just as you turn into the carpark area there was a real mouthy nob head little weedy Leicester fan stood shouting his head off at nobody in particular with "F*** Villa you're crap and going down with the barcodes". As it happens he had a load of Police officers right behind him protecting him!! What a complete bellend. As for my Spurs supporting mate for what it's worth, he genuinely reckons we are looking good enough to threaten the top 6 and that the 1st half issues we had were just little things needing ironing out. He does know his footy to be fair but he's mayb a little more confident than i am about that at this moment in time... I reckon Gerrard needs a couple of transfer windows first tbh. Delighted with the win though i agree the Ref was diabolical.... as for VAR they need to decide to use it properly instead of freeze framing everything as it warps the reality.
  13. I can't go either, so that's another 2 seats available as if i can't go neither can my daughter. Ridiculous KO time and i agree that there is a kind of apathy around watching Man City. It's like watching a bunch of blokes pass a ball round in circles for 95 minutes most of the time #Boring! I can never even be bothered to watch them when they are on TV anymore as it's frankly quite tedious. Am sure their supporters enjoy it of course but as a spectical it's a non-entity 90% of the time.
  14. As i have stated these are NOT Slimming World views these are my own views having learned a lot as a wellness advisor (since i did the slimming World diet btw). The Slimming World diet was great for me perosnally as i lost 4 1/2 Stone on it. I was asked seperately about toxins which was nothing to do with Slimming World nor are most of the other things i mentioned. So for the record this is not a Slimming World reps warped opinion i am "peddling". I will now refrain from "peddling" any more info and wish you all luck with your chosen diets.
  15. That's fine El Zen, each to their own of course it all boils down to personal choice at the end of the day. I am not going to argue the point with anybody there really is no point and who am I to say what to eat or not? All i can say is I ate too much of the stuff i mentioned previously and both balooned in weight and saw my Health deteriorate as a result so now i don't and i feel 100% better on many levels. Of course we all need some Salt and natural fats & sugar (not so sure about the artificial kind mind) but the reality is much of the food is crammed with abhorant levels of it. At the end of the day you pay your money & take your chances.
  16. It's very difficult to make a list & it depends what you specifically class as "toxic" of course. When i say toxic i mean "damaging to the body" or having a negative impact on the body in some way, to me that means it is harmful or "toxic". Of course we have to take into account the "compound effect" too. What i mean by that is that one or two portions of burgers & chips won't immediately do anything to you but if you have them regularly over many months/years your health will eventually deteriorate. This leads us into a false sense of security as we see no effects for quite a while and those effects are so gradual. But the reality is compounded over time a poor diet will slowly damage your body. So it is effetively a slow poisoning of, or gradual damaging effect on the cells of the body and this can eventually result in diseases. The opposite is true too however... If you diet for a day or two you won't really see any difference but as you continue the compound effect starts to work for you and gradually you reverse the weight gain. For the record when i lost weight i also lost my indigestion issues (i used to get reflux at night and always was taking Rennie's) and as an added bonus my asthma also went so i now don't need inhalers!! The doctors don't tell you that bit and when i asked why he said "because most people don't listen so we don't bother anymore!!!! How sad is that! Of course some foods are severe, some less-so. I think the evidence is all around us in reality. Such as it is well documented that a healthy mediterranean diet of fresh fruit, vegetables & fish etc lead to a longer life. As for which foods to avoid, well i'd start with the processed or "man Made" variety as they often contain lots of chemicals hidden as "E numbers" (Easy to check the labels for confirmation). These are used to preserve, colour or add flavour to otherwise tasteless foods and many are not good for you at all. Unfortunately we live in a World where money rules and profits are the only concern so large companies are more bothered about the shelf life of a product than they are the impact on people. Sad but true. Trans-fats are outright dangerous and are used by most fast food outlets, usually in the cooking oil they use. Why? because they are "cheap"!! As i said profit is all they care about. So if we have a takeaway we try to make it at home. 5% beef made into burgers with fresh salad and baked chips is stunningly tasty and for me much nicer than the junk you buy from fast food places. You can also have that and diet!! What's not to like?! Sauces are full of E-numbers, Salt (major cause of heart disease if consumed in too high volumes), Sugar (major cause of diebetes). As for carbs, bread, cereal grains etc well they get turned into sugar by the body so again there is a massive diabetes pandemic as a result of when governments and health bodies started pushing grains such as Wheat, Corn, Barley etc etc as staple foods. I believe this happened back in the 50's/60's. Prior to that diabetes was not so prevalent. Of course all of this would be denied by certain bodies, to protect those good old profits!! Half of the USA has been converted to growing these things to feed the masses. They spray them with highly toxic chemicals to kill bugs and mites etc but this of course gets absorbed into the food chain. Really "Grow your own" is the way forward but of course to some that is simply not possible so i would just say source your food carefully. Check the labels, avoid dodgy take-aways or at least ask them "what brand of oil do you use?" then research it. Imagine if everyone asked that they would surely have little option but to use a safer more healthy oil instead of cheap trans-fat laden junk. It's scary how many takeaway owners have no idea about the adverse health impacts of the food they are selling to people and they will of course try to belittle it if asked to protect their "profits" (there it is again). Anyhow i'll get off my soap box lol! I just really hate to see the damage it causes and the oblivious general public being sucked in by it all not realising the risks they are taking. To summise I try to have as much Fresh, leafy locally grown produce with fruit & home cooked fish / meat as possible. I prefer home made takeaway as it's so much tastier and you know what you're eating not tripe served up by a large company using cheap harmful processed ingredients so as to maximise profits. They are full of salt, sugar, preservatives, trans-fats and whatever else. I even found out my local "all u can eat" chinese puts flower in their dishes to fill you quicker so you eat less!!! Avoid where possible, processed, longlife, man-made food & sauces. Each to there own but that's my opinion on it all. As for medicines well please don't get me started on that! As a Doterra Wellness advisor I learn a lot about the toxic chemical based medicines we all pump ourselves with when actually sometimes there are much healthier and less toxic, totally natural alternatives (But i am not allowed to advertise these as medically beneficial as the companies who make the chemical based stuff refuse to test the natural stuff presumably once again as it may affect their profits!!! It just so happens they are the only people who are allowed to test stuff!) So the lady at work who had been suffering with tendonitis in her leg for months and was on all sorts of toxic chemical based painkillers issued by her GP (she was still limping very badly despite this) was quite stunned when i gave her a rollerball bottle with a few drops of Essential oils in it and after ONE application her tendonitis went completely and she now has no painkillers at all ... Must be coincidence right?
  17. “Toxins”is not something I got from Slimming World that’s why, but they are prevalent in all sorts of things, food has often been treated with very toxic chemical pesticides and we also are exposed to them in many household cleaning products, bleach for example, air spray, deodorants and many more. A lot of deodorant contains Aluminium a known carcinogenic for example. Then you have airborne toxins from diesel fumes for example. It is easy to research it all if required.
  18. Toxins come in many forms, in food, in the environment such as pollution, diesel fumes etc, chemicals we use daily such as cleaning fluids, bleach etc. The body absorbs these and they can have a severe impact on the bodies immune system. Stress and lack of sleep are also especially involved in this “attack” on the immune system. There is so much info it’s difficult to say it all in brief on here of course but poor diet and the modern day assault on our bodies from the above are the main cause of old people diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, dementia etc.
  19. Well of course it’s intake vs calories burned yes but because the body is having a reduction of calories it is vital in my view to intake quality calories… not junk. So healthy is the way forward I feel. Of course you can keep going deeper and deeper into which foods are good & bad but the killers are the salty and unnatural man made foods or “processed” foods. Avoid Cheese, biscuits, crackers, bread, sauce, chocolate, sweets etc… all man made if you think about it. I also used the no “yellow” food theory as usually if it’s got a yellowish hue it’s because of hidden trans-fat which is the stuff which kills you. I did have Diet Coke as my naughty treat drink and avoided fresh fruit juice as it contains a lot of calories. Big tip: Also if you sip 2 litres of water per day your body will release the water it holds with fat. This can help with weight loss and also aids fitness and health generally so all good!
  20. Ok here is my take on diet. I have quite a bit of knowledge on the subject and recently lost four & a half stone in a 12 month period at Slimming World.. but the lady at our local one was very knowledgable. I also get a lot of training about toxins and the impact of junk on the body as a Doterra wellness advisor. Firstly the diet. I followed a plan which limited the amount of bread to 2 x slices of a small wholemeal loaf per day. Ideally for breakfast or Lunch. No Sauces as they are packed with toxins & sugar. If i wanted any extra flavouring i used Worcester sauce or Soy sauce although both have salt in i believe but for weight loss great! I ate as much fresh fruit (although only 1 x banana max per day and always before 5pm) as i wanted so used this as desert in the main. Chopped up "Fresh" pineapple is a godsend. I did not however eat "smoothies" as although 100% fruit not good for a diet as the sheer volume of calories & fructose is too high. Banana's are a bit odd i was told so be careful as they can trash your diet. Milk was another biggy. So i only had 200ml per day of skimmed. Enough for coffees & tea's. Breakfast cereal another diet killer!! We need fibre of course but these are often laden with sugar so i always had weetabix or shredded wheat and only 2 x bix max with a trickle of skimmed milk & no sugar. (Zero fat youghurt or a bit of fruit instead). As for main meals, none of these: Pie, Sausages (unless extremeley low fat skinny but don't believe all the packaging as often false claims), Minced beef (again unless 5% fat but i found minced pork or chicken 5% better) As much vegetables as i liked... including potatoes (but only a couple of roasties on my sunday lunch). I also removed butter & milk from mash. No chips if possible (Although on the odd occasion i cheated this if we went out for a meal or something, i just had a small few and chopped them into halves which weirdly meant i barely noticed the small portion) What i could eat: Bacon (grilled or oven baked only) Eggs (But careful on how many as they put your cholesterol up & always poached or boiled), So English breakfast is fine "YIPPEE!" just ditch the fried bread and grill it don't fry. If you do fry use the "One cal spray" don't bathe it in oil!! Unfortunately if you are vegan the pre-cooked "Linda McCartney" type stuff is not good, neither is the Corn based stuff. I also ditched the obvious: Crisps (really bad) Chocolate (even worse) & sweets & Ice-cream. I did however follow the Slimming World "Syns" system. What this basically means is you can eat up to 10-15 "syns" per day. In other words each "Syn" is approx 20 calories. So if you had a pack of crisps (80 - 140 calories) this would be 4 to 7 syns. Or a very small cadbury's "animal" choclate bar would be approx 7 syns too. Life-savers: If i got really hungry i would keep a stash of pre-cooked chicken legs as they the protein takes the craving off. If a sweet craving i would have a "mini twister" lolly. Not great for additives but suprisingly low in calories (about 4 syns). Way too much info to list here for the entire list of foods of course but that worked really well for me. The absolute Key was forcing myself to weigh myself once a week on the same day at the same time either at home in front of the missus, or better still at the actual Slimming World meeting. This means there can be no HIDING!!! Of course there are other clubs out there like Weight Watchers which i have never tried this was just my choice as the venue was local.
  21. We mustn't forget those two fabulous block saves by Martinez too! They were as good as goals and also an indication that Brighton can be dangerous along with their keepy ball stuff. For me the fact they didn't score was more down to our good defending & goal keeper than it was down to them not offering a threat.
  22. I thought it was spot on yesterday regards tactics. I feel previously we would have been going all guns blazing in that game and would have left ourselves exposed defensively when Brighton would have passed around us and won with us tiring at the end and likely being picked off to a 0-3 or 1-3 scoreline. The substitiutions would have been reactionary simply replacing tired legs with out of position replacements as happened a lot under DS (& for me cost us the Wolves game but hey ho) It was delightful to see us in a more tactically aware battle for the first goal.. If that hadn't come you feel we would have dug in for a 0-0... How often did we do that before? Those draws were sadly missing under the previous regime. The substitutions were perfect too. A tiring Ramsey, out of sorts & clearly not fully sharp Buendia both replaced at the ideal time to capitailse on Brighton pushing for the win. Young & Bailey did well and i thought even Elghazi brought it in that last 10 minutes or so & Brighton simply couldn't cope with us... indeed it could have been 3 or 4 by the end. That was all done with the correct decisions being made by the new coaching team! Great!
  23. He is struggling to influence the game in a positive way currently. Definitely needs time to adjust however and the shambles of a pre-season did not help at all. He still looks off it fitness wise to me and is very often caught on his heels as a result. It will come with good coaching and as his fitness / confidence gets better i feel.
  24. It was a weird game i thought, we definitely allowed them to have posession in some area's as Gerrard has indicated but we are too slow in moving the ball out from the back for my liking, the passes need to be quicker. That was such a big 3 points though so not complaining. We looked so much better when Buedia left the scene. As for the Ref!!! I mean seriously?
  25. I do like the Allez song actually as i feel the words are totally original & unique to us even if the song itself is nicked. We do need some more original songs though. I was listneing to the "few" Wolves chants when they came the other week and their songs are so typical & un-original, sounds like the same songs from decades ago with the old "fight fight wherever you may be" etc etc...#Boring .... All they literally did was copy the songs we sang but replaced the words to suit such as "we've got Mcginn" they sang but with the name of one of their players inserted. It really was quite dull tbh. It's like when we song the Anti-Sha songs, are they really worth singing about? Hardly even rivals in reality. I think we are their only claim to fame in truth, without being "Villa's main rivals" what are they exactly? Where as if you took them away we are still AVFC one of the most successfull clubs in World football (albeit in the main historically of course)
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