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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. and like someone else said... The fact that Dean Smith used to be his manager at Brentford and apparently got the best out of him there, and even he doesn't put Hogan as part of his plans at with us does make you think that maybe Dean has bigger plans for us
  2. Seems a nice enough bloke, just probably not good enough for where we are aiming to be anymore and definitely not worth the price tag that Steve Bruce apparently thought he was worth... Not Scotts fault the club offered a shit-tonne of cash for him and healthy wage packet... He hasn't disrespected the club like Lescott did... Sometimes transfers work out and sometimes they don't...
  3. Was it against Spurs at the end of the 2014/2015 that he clattered one of their players when they were on the break and got sent off which essentially saved the win for us? If I remember the game rightly, I think it was Spurs... and that was the best thing he ever did for this club...
  4. My mate at work is a massive Hibs fan and keeps asking me if they can have McGinn back... I told him "No" and that also I am not his agent so I have no say in the matter... but still "No"
  5. I always rated Lowton... it was his wife who was a misfit (reminds me of Unsworth)
  6. It appears Wayne Hennessey has been given a slap on the wrist for his Nazi salute because "he didn't know what it was"... What a load of tosh! I'm not buying it for one minute that a 32 year old male has no concept of a salute made famous by Hitler and the Third Reich...
  7. I don't want him to go... But if he has to... I definitely don't want him to go to Spurs...
  8. That shot doesnt so much look like a training session than it does two blokes on the rob of a building site...
  9. Aleksander Tonev.... Has scored just one goal in all club competitions for all the clubs he has played for since he left us in 2014
  10. HAHAHAHA! I was just wondering if he was going to find a way of blaming it on his dog
  11. ***BREAKING NEWS*** Real Madrid activate £3.72 release clause for Kazakhstan midfielder, Islambek Kuat, following his Iniesta-like performance against Scotland
  12. Who could blame him for wanting to go and coach at a club he spent over 2 decades (and won pretty much everything you could win) at? Its not like Gareth Barry who jumped ship for a club who (at the time) were nothing but money... JT has worked his arse off for us... If he wants to go, I'd be gutted... But I wouldnt hold it against him for wanting to go back to his spiritual home
  13. To be fair, he kept us in the black... However, in support of your argument, he also refused to pay a meagre amount for a certain Robbie Keane for reasons completely unknown...
  14. yeah, they needed him to fulfill their homegrown quota, and he was available relatively cheap by Man City standards...
  15. Isnt Richards still on our books too? His contract has got to be up soon hasnt it?
  16. Who were the two Chinese mateys that signed for Everton? Li Tie and there was another one wasn't there?
  17. My dad is adamant he is the best foreign player we have had since Luc Nilis... He's alright... Doing much better than he was at the beginning of the season... Still think my dads meds need looking at mind you...
  18. Went to the game yesterday and as my family and I were driving down Electric Avenue, some Villa lads laid Blues kit onto the road and my brother did a wheelspin and ran it over to loud applause... If anyone was there and took a video, I'd love to see it!
  19. Bollocks to Huddersfield and Wagner... I too hope that they take repeated hidings next season!
  20. Doesn't a lot of that first paragraph remind anyone of what happened with Matieu Berson??
  21. Love Big Chris... Really happy for him to be back to scoring and being cheered by fans again after his big move went sour and he got shat on... Would have him back in a heartbeat...
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