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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. If he can get Small Heath and Hull both promoted twice on poxy budgets, I have faith he can do the same with us. Its been a big transitional season with almost an entirely new squad purchased in both windows - We have a lot of dross still kicking about and almost an entire first team of players who might still be useful out on loan. Its worth giving the guy a shot at next season, he is a veteran in this league. He was putting out fires to start with, made some of the changes he wanted to make and the work continues from there... To kick him out now and get another manager in who could do a Di Matteo would be, in my opinion, a kneejerk reaction
  2. I hope Huddersfield lose in the playoff finals on penalties...
  3. To be fair though, a blue & white scarf is a prerequisite to being a complete word removed
  4. The troglodytes from St Andrews are calling Tony Xia a 'grass' and a 'snitch' for reporting Paul Robinsons attack on Chester... Apparently assaulting someone because you are an utter mong is completely fine with these people...
  5. They might get jammy and win... Just like they did in 2011... And then it'll take bloody ages for them to shut up about it... Nuclear fallout would dissipate before Blosers stop gloating about that lucky-as-**** cup win...
  6. But to do it so eloquently... It brought a tear to my eye
  7. I nominate you for Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom... That line was a work of art!
  8. I prefer being at least 1 division above them... I think that display of superiority is better for the city... Lets them know their place... Like the inferior organisms that they are..
  9. Neither do I... But I also never want to see a Small Heath fan smile... So you take the rough with the smooth... If them going down is the only positive thing to come out of this season and we have to roll over to Blackburn to get it, then I will take it...
  10. Ludicrous.... He was doing fine... The Scum fans were just expecting miracles overnight... Feel sorry for him that he felt so much hostility that he had to resign... Managers just don't get enough time these days...
  11. I hope they don't win the league... Genuinely dislike how about 10 years ago we were so similar and now we are so far apart... I'd rather Chelsea won it again - just to keep the status quo... This whole business about having different teams winning the league has lost its appeal after seeing Leicester do it the year we got relegated...
  12. He would be once he got there and started scoring mind you... He would rip that league a new arsehole!
  13. Judging by their name - im inclined to believe they make either adhesives or chew toys for dogs...
  14. Most of my mums side of the family are Blues... Thought it was hysterical to be the first people on the phone to take the piss when they first got promoted and we couldnt get a result against them for a few seasons... Then suddenly its not quite so funny when they get relegated and I am on the phone giving them shit back... Then they decided to go mug my brother off by going to Majorca/Alicante/somewhere in Spain instead of his wedding - so I dont speak to any of them anymore... The fact that they are Bluenoses means nothing; they're just tossers...
  15. One of my best mates and his old man are Cov fans. Lovely people who I have some to-and-fro football banter with that hasnt involved any malice, spite or urine/spit/foreign objects being aimed at me. So im sad for them that such a shitty thing is happening to a football club that they love and have loved for many years. Just a shame people like them are very much in the minority when it comes to supporting certain football teams
  16. The way he cheated to put Ghana out of the World Cup and then celebrated about it... He is a grade A piece of shit!
  17. Dont know how I feel about the result really... I grew up in Southampton and have plenty of Saints pals so kind of see them as my second team... However, in saying that, Saints fans were cheering on Arsenal in the FA cup final a couple of seasons ago, so I feel that its kind of deserved that they lose this one..
  18. Oh God.... THAT side... The days of Graham Taylors second reign wasnt it?
  19. Still hoping they go down.... Put 20 quid on at the start of the season at 20/1 for their relegation... I'll pinch myself if it comes through
  20. This is true... You also have to give credit to Man City for **** shit up and fleecing us of our decent players when they could have afforded anyone in the world that they wanted... but the easiest route was to destabilise us first... Arseholes... Lerner and Man City... Thats why we are where we are now
  21. He is the best manager we have had in a long, long time mate - and i'd give a bollock to be able to enjoy watching the Villa again... Sick of whats happened to our club in the past 6 years... Its all Randy Lerners fault... I'll never forgive that man
  22. Why? Because Sherwood gave us top 6 finishes, brought players in to make them play as a team and got them into the England squad? No, he didn't... He fluked getting us to an FA cup final (which we took a hiding in) then got found out... At least we had something to cheer about under MON
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