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Everything posted by brommy

  1. It's the club's way of letting us know the account is genuine.
  2. On the positive side, you have lots of holidays to look forward to, especially if you are already using more than the leave you have been given as I assume you have at least the minimum 20 days. If you don't have leave left, your choices seem to be to ask for a couple of hours off to be made up flexi style, or ask for a couple of hours unpaid leave. Most decent employers should be able to accommodate a couple of hours for something as important as house hunting, especially as it's something that is typically restricted to day business hours, as you've found out.
  3. Straight from RDM's recent Google history!
  4. Can you take a half day of annual leave and book a few viewings to pick the best one? Seems worth it for such an important decision.
  5. I worded it wrongly. I meant he didn't see it as an issue. He certainly saw his own deceit, which, as you wrote, was definitely worse!
  6. Whilst being newly engaged to another woman and not seeing the deceit or the aunt banging as any kind of issue, from memory.
  7. Cheers! Love it when it falls on a Friday or a Saturday - gives me an excuse to make a weekend out of it! Time for a SSS, then off out-out.
  8. I think you'll find the definition of being a real Muslim can vary, even amongst Muslims. They've even been known to argue about it.
  9. It's now four minutes in to the day of my birthday. Mom baked me a cake this afternoon. I had a cheap but fun and enjoyable meal out with my wife, kids and their partners tonight. Parents visiting for lunch tomorrow then drinks and a Thai meal out with friends on my birthday night. A full English for Sunday brunch and some more time with my wife and kids. Hardly a week in Vegas but I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.
  10. So was the context of the tweet that 3 or 4 would be told their future lay elsewhere? I suspect it was that Tony thought 3 or 4 players would be moving on soon. We all know that life throws curve balls all the time so I wouldn't take any of Tony's tweets in a "but you said" regard, but I do appreciate the information in a best intentions regard.
  11. I agree, although in fairness, the same could apply to quite a few posts in the EU thread! Let's wait and see.
  12. 6 days on, so hopefully your sons card has arrived. My wife's card arrived 10 days after my son's and my cards. An adult with the same surname so no logic for the different arrival times. I suppose provided it arrives a week before the first home game there's no need for concern.
  13. Without decent results, I think the amount of paper tickets sold will be massively down on the Premier League seasons so even with 20k season cards, and a couple of thousand away fans, I wouldn't be surprised to see crowds as low as 26k. I'm hoping for good results and a positive vibe at Villa Park (when was the last time we had that?!), that could regularly see crowds of 30k+.
  14. Guzan was a decent keeper but we all know his confidence is shot at Villa so I think it's best for all that he moves on. I don't know if he'll ever get his mojo back at another club but I really don't think he'll get it back at Villa.
  15. Transfer dealings aren't as simple as many people think. For all we know, Gana wouldn't have signed if there wasn't a relegation release clause. Perhaps we offered a £9m release, Gana's agent insisted on £5m and we negotiated £7m. Without all the facts it seems unnecessary to brand anyone as jokers.
  16. Is this was is known as a 'Scouser'?
  17. Micah is a winner and a born leader so he deserves to be playing at one of the top clubs, like Sunderland.
  18. It's known as 'tethering'. The pull of 'tethering' is strong enough to force aircraft to keep circling the airport, just like a dog tied to a post. The solution is to very gradually close together the two screens of the DS. A sudden disconnection of 'tethering' can result in a slingshot effect causing the aircraft to be launched into space. We live in worrying times. When I flew back from Paphos last week, I got footage on my phone showing the aircraft was actually being piloted by Pikachu.
  19. If their owner was British and really should have recognised Saville from the photo, then it would be embarrassing for them, not for me. As Tony isn't expected to recognise infamous British sex predators, it's not embarrassing, it's just a poor taste practical joke.
  20. Our owner didn't though. Did Tony wish someone's uncle happy birthday and not realise the photo was of Saville, or did he actually wish happy birthday to a dead sexual predator? There's a big difference! Chinese culture is one of the few areas that Saville hasn't touched (!), so why should Tony be expected to know who Saville was or what he looked like? Even if you think Tony should have someone filtering his social media, why were you embarrassed? Only two people should be embarrassed by it. One of them is dead and the other has closed his Twitter account.
  21. Unfortunately for us and Rudy there will be a few semi-decent defenders in the Championship and they'll most likely be playing for the clubs we need to compete with for promotion. It is still difficult to ignore Rudy's recent successful record in the Championship but I hope RDM will know when to use him and the occasions when a change in attack is needed.
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