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Everything posted by brommy

  1. General, after some of the difficult Villa issues you have dealt with recently, you may be glad of this less challenging matter! My son has had a season ticket for the last 4 seasons but Saturday 25th August will be the first time Villa have had a home match on his actual birthday. He will be 10. My wife and I have been season ticket holders for 15 and 20 years respectively and we are looking forward to his proud event and hopefully 3 points for Villa. I would like to arrange something special to mark the event for him and I know there are matchday packages available at a cost. The problem with this is that I have just spent £1150 on our season tickets and new kit for the season. Hopefully something like an announcement at half time wouldn't cost much. Can you please point me in the direction of someone who could organise something for us?
  2. Not wishing to respond in place of the General, but, might this be down to the numerous postal strikes that have affected the whole country at various times? If so, whilst it is unfortunate, it may be out of Villa's immediate control.
  3. It wasn't an idea for Villa Park! It was a mis-interpretation of 'logo on the stands'. This was a reference to the stands roof lines, not the seats.
  4. There is a new thread entitled Merged Away fans in home seats I expect you will find further information on whether your practice is okay in the other thread (legally it is wrong, I suspect over 90% of Villa fans would say it is morally wrong as well). The mods tell us to save this thread for questions/comments for the General.
  5. NeilS, as the General has said, Villa are trying very hard not to allow non Villa fans in the home seats at Villa Park. Many games at Villa Park will be sell-outs (including Chelsea), so bringing your wife would deprive a Villa fan from seeing the game. I would politely suggest that your wife watches the game with her fellow supporters in the section of seats specifically designated for away fans. If this option is not available then please don't bring your wife at all, like I said, its not fair on other Villa fans trying to get home seats. can we move this discussion now please to the thread for discussion of away fans in "home" seats. blandy
  6. Has any progress been made on MON's contract? I have fears when news of Wenger giving Arsenal ultimatums about leaving arise as to whether MON might leave. He is an outstanding manager and will therefore be in great demand, except by the FA who are a bunch of idiots. To answer for the General - MON's contract is on a rolling basis and as such get automatically renewed ever year until either party says - that's enough. So on Aug 4th (or whenever it was) MON will have another 1 year contract. I think that he has always had this kind of deal throughout his management career. I believe MON's 'rolling contract' works differently to this, in that there is always 1 year left to the end of MON's contract. At the end of each day an extra day is automatically added. This way, notice of 1 year would need to be given should either party wish to end the contract. In practice MON or Villa would need to pay the value of the contract to end it immediately (you can't force someone to work somewhere they don't want to or are no longer welcome at). I don't see an issue with this. If MON had a 3 year contract for say £6M and he left Villa say 1 year into the 3 years, he would pay Villa £4M in compensation. Using these example figures, this is 'only' £2M more compensation than a 1 year constantly rolling contract. In my opinion, this kind of money wouldn't be anywhere near enough to compensate Villa for his loss anyway. Also, MON could let a 3 year contract run out to nothing, at least his rolling contract always has 1 year left. MON's contract also shows a great deal of trust between Randy and MON. General, could you clarify this matter, please?
  7. General, GerryHitchens is right that the correct shade of claret is absolutely vital on 99% of all things Villa, especially kit (and other imagewear) and the crest and stadium decor. This free DVD came with a box and 'brand book' which, in my opinion, are spot on with the shade of claret. My DVD spent less than 5 seconds out of its sleeve before it disappeared into my DVD player in eager anticipation. After watching it for a few more times, it will be quickly placed back into its protective (claret) sleeve for safe keeping until I need my next Villa 'pick me up'. The DVD could be lime green for all I care! General, thank you and the rest of Randy's team for this excellent production. GerryHitchens, I guess we will have to disagree as to exactly how minor this point is.
  8. The General has previously stated that cameras will be welcome, take as many pictures as you like. 8)
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