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Everything posted by brommy

  1. Perhaps the UK should have continuous referendums until one side is backed unanimously. This appears to be as little as 62% in some circles.
  2. I'd be interested in others opinions of those who are disabled because of their weight. Do they count as disabled or lazy? During numerous trips to the U.S., I have witnessed lots of morbidly obese people sat in electric scooters whilst they scoffed hundreds of calories snack food. I remember queuing behind a man who appeared to be in his late thirties, both in age and in stone. He sat in his electric scooter and ate two large tubes of Pringles in less than 10 minutes. It was before 9am. I remember my mind swaying between pity, disgust and finally shame that I was thinking either emotion. I suppose one shouldn't judge until one knows the exact circumstances of each individual case but surely there's a chance that some individuals have self inflicted physical disability. Should that be then seen as a mental disability? Is extreme laziness a mental disability?
  3. I dislike much of what I know about Farage but I will admit that taking the VillaTalk referendum poll in to account, VillaTalk may not be the most balanced place to ask the above question.
  4. It is possible that a Remain result would have lead to even more racist attacks. It appears the referendum itself could be blamed, but we shouldn't allow a very small minority of mindless idiots to dictate to democracy.
  5. Does the EU single market not trade outside itself?
  6. I thought the UK's referendum result displayed a willing to leave the single market. Isn't that what a 'Leave the EU' success would mean? As for access to trade with the 'single market', why would any market refuse customers?
  7. The EU's own intransigence could be their own downfall.
  8. I won't buy one until I know it exists and I like it.
  9. I know it's an old photo but jeez, what a individual*. * moderated personal insult.
  10. The teachers always go back a day or two before the kids.
  11. It is possible to see why significant numbers of those in the more successful economies would not necessarily want to dilute their economies to create 'an even playing field' amongst a large number of countries with a great variation in living standards.
  12. Doesn't a single labour market disadvantage those countries with weaker economies to the extent that they lose skills and productive population? Doesn't a single labour market also risk alienating the local population of the more successful economies?
  13. Why is it essential? Why can't each country decide what their current labour requirements are?
  14. Has the EU ever explained exactly why the free movement of labour is so essential to membership of their club?
  15. I didn't know every country that trades with the EU has to accept 'free movement'.
  16. I fully expect the economies of the UK and the current EU countries to suffer in the short and medium terms. Even before a referendum was first talked of, I expected the EU to struggle in the medium to long term so the UK may be better off long term. Incidentally, the vast majority of the 'leave' voters I spoke to before yesterday were fully prepared to accept the likely short and medium term problems but were optimistic of the UK's ability to recover and prosper in the long term. Short term pain for long term gain.
  17. Incredibly early days (the outlook should be to years and decades, not just for today), but after the initial panic, I think the markets have taken the result reasonably well. Consider that the stock and currency markets had already 'priced in' an expected remain result and were considered to be temporarily slightly high. Before yesterday, there was talk of 'profit taking' after a remain result which would have resulted in a drop in share and pound value, albeit smaller than with an exit result. As it stands the FSTE 100 has recovered to a 2.3% fall whilst the pound appears to be affect more at around 8% lower. I expect the pound to continue to struggle for some time but it may recover a little against a weakening Euro. Either way the figures to date don't yet appear to be in the 'sky falling down' category. Time will tell.
  18. After reading a BBC article that the pound could fall on either result (a remain result was expected to see the pound sold in profit taking after it was seen as artificially high), I bought Euros yesterday. I'm glad I did as it was a significant amount. I hope voters of both sides aren't too surprised by the sudden movements on the markets. They historically panic in the event of change before settling down again. In light of this impending change, I am fully expecting economically relative chaos in the very short term, difficulties in the medium term and a situation in the long term that is slightly better than if the UK had stayed in the EU, although how the latter is judged will be difficult.
  19. Scotland will need the oil price to rise significantly before it could afford to go it alone.
  20. Is that true of all countries that are not in the EU? We may be the first countries to leave the EU but won't be the only countries to be outside of the EU. There are even countries that have chosen not to join at all. Are all those countries inhabited by those who don't like foreigners, don't want to work with others and feel superior to the rest of the world?
  21. The vast majority of leavers I have spoken to acknowledge there will be short to medium term damage to the economy - significantly in the short term (markets dislike change), less significantly in the medium term. They see it as a price worth paying for their other (much documented) reasons which include an optimism that the economy will benefit in the long term, especially compared to a troubled Eurozone.
  22. All down to the remaining London boroughs to save the remain campaign. EDIT - and the biggest vote of the lot from Birmingham. Latest forecast says it won't be enough.
  23. So Sky are forecasting the London boroughs will exceed previous expectations of already fairly high remain majorities?
  24. Alex Salmond appears to be relishing the prospect of another north of the border referendum.
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