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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. I've not trawled through every page and I can't remember if this has been posted before but what an iconic picture of how football was in the past. (wish it had come a bigger than it has but not sure how to do that without losing definition)
  2. this is worth a watch/listen seems the best place to post this as many of us know we are way way behind when it comes to revenue
  3. I'm with you and I wouldn't normally myself. I just had a brain fart moment and thought they were a shoe in and chuck them in. I've given my head a wobble since and i should be ok again now
  4. I think you are right. The vast majority of fans hold there heart tp Villa Park, understandably so. It holds so many fond memories. I, too have attended Villa Park on many many occasions over the years. I've stood on the Holte, the grassy bank of the Witton etc and the ground has come on immensely over the years. Now here comes the but. The North Stand and the Doug Ellis stand are no longer fit for purpose. Narrow walk ways, narrow concourses with totally inadequate facilities. I am surprised there has not been any accidents in these areas. They are both disasters waiting to happen. Villa Park is great yes, but it's like Triggers broom. You can not do too much with the DE stand unless you buy all the houses behind it (good luck with that) so the club are constrained with it. Yet it's a very poor stand for this day and age. For us to progress, we need a new stadium and there's plenty of room in Aston for it to still be there.
  5. and the shit commentator that's desperate for Liverpool to score drums should be banned from football stadiums and people that take them to games should have the drum sticks shoved right up there jacksy
  6. just watching the Dirty Leeds game and they mention the pundits for tomorrows match, Leicester v Ipswich, are Neil Warnock and sprout face Troy fkin Deeney!!! ffs, i mean, what on earth has he done to get himself in a position where he elevated to this sort of level. Jeez, i won't be watching that.
  7. anybody having a punt today? I'm on Dirty Leeds, Sheff Utd, Girona and Juventus £20 4 timer pays £259 at Corals I may as well chuck Bayern (1/11) and Real (2/15) in as well although the odds are ridiculous i just can't see them losing so it bumps the overall odds up takes it to £320
  8. yes, they went through a period of shed loads of ads with that catch phrase. It worked for them at the time and well and truly put Carling on the map so to speak. I picked out that particular one as i think it's the best that they did. Although as you say there were many to choose from.
  9. So, it seems that the wall was originally lined up ok to where the ball was first placed. cheating or being smart? if that was one of our players I’d say smart…….but!!!!!
  10. here we go, they are all piping up on FB and X.....phone in will be a proppa Mowbray love fest......................................................we are back Daz.....................mate
  11. yeah this... christ it was ''what a brilliant goal'' from the commentator yet every man and his dog could see that gap in the wall
  12. shocking positioning of that wall quite comical really
  13. Littler wins his first major tour title beating MVG 8-5
  14. viewing figures for Homes Under the Hammer have never been so high
  15. wow....what a 170 checkout he has all the talent to win everything there is to win
  16. Luke Littler has done a nine darter in the 2nd leg against Nathan Aspinall in the Bahrain Darts Masters. He went on to win it 6-3 He's now up against Gerwyn Price in the semi final It's live on ITV 4 now for anyone interested
  17. what a great thread this was one of my favourites
  18. interesting what Plymouth are saying
  19. Here's a fun multiple choice competition A - Yes B - Yes, or C - Yes Answers on a postcard to UEFA & FIFA, Saudi Football Federation and every other football league in the world.
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